WOW Momz Vol.Shut the hell up

Taking L's from all corners, first Mom then Niketalk
Your in for a rough day
Originally Posted by Wreckinkickz

So then she threatens with kickin me out then I hit her back with im calling immigration then shes liek DO IT THEN I CAN LEAVE HERE N DISAPEAR THEN IM LIKS " Y SO SRS"

You sound like you're 12 OP
grow up.
And asking your mom "what da hell is wrong with you?" ...I would be dead...she shoulda drop kicked your %%%.
and then I'm like, and she was like. and I was like totally honestly seriously.
you are a tool.. you are a waste of oxygen. respect your mother you piece of doodoo. I'm guessing you don't have a father or any other real male rolemodels so please do the world a favor and get a visectamy so we don't have any more worthless humans on the planet like yourself
Originally Posted by Wreckinkickz

So here I am chillin in my room and im playin my early mornin tracks. Ive been playin the music for 4 hours and even said yo 20 mins ago to this broad and so here she comes hittin the door and being annoying so im like "da hell is wrong with you" shes like TURN IT DOWN im like um? Srsly? shes like ITS TOO LOUD then I go out side my room and you cannot hear it at all with the door shut.

So then she comes @ me with some BS calling me a son of a #!#$ in spanish when that literally means that Im the son of a !#$!@ and since i only have one mother I think shes dissin her self.

So then she threatens with kickin me out then I hit her back with im calling immigration then shes liek DO IT THEN I CAN LEAVE HERE N DISAPEAR THEN IM LIKS " Y SO SRS" THEN SHE GOES ON N ON ABOUT HOW IM a piece of @#!# and goes on n on Dissin the kid.....


I can't believe you would say that
Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

Originally Posted by akajaedeuce


Dude is 20 years old

Poster boy for Pro-choice.

Dude is rocking the chola eyebrows

Im 20 still live with moms but OP you sound mad lame and disrespectful. I would never do something like that.... not at my age and situation. If you ain'tmoving out yet at least HAVE SOME CLASS
i would have got my #*% kicked saying something like that to my mom.... over music? its not that serious.
Originally Posted by copped

you sound like a 15 year old brat....seriously %%$! and respect your mom...when she passes away you gunna remember little things like this and kill yourself over it...

think about that thought next time you run over to NT to vent over some dumb %$%! like music over yours moms in order to gain some sort of sympathy

reflect on your life
this guy here is right
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