WOW! Man I'm so shook right now I'm shaking... Update: I'm alive!

Nov 22, 2007
Ok so I have a dog that stays outside, and about a half hour ago he starts barking like crazy. I go outside to see if it's a couple of cats or somethingfighting... I take a handy dandy flashlight with me to investigate. I venture back behind our yard, we have a open field outside of our yard that sometimescats or possums will go and fight. I head out there and it's quiet, I start to kick around stuff to scare of what ever it is... I slowly start creepingtowards the field and I start hearing like a little kid talking... It's more of a sound like a buzz going "knee-new, knee-new, knee-new". I'mfreaking out, I start flashing the light all over and I'm not seeing anything. I book back to grab my pellet gun to arm myself and return back and it'ssilent... I don't know if it was a kid, ghost, or an alien. I can't think of any other animal that would make that sound and I literaly had my hairstanding off the back of my neck... I'm not going back out there NT... I'm not...
fam. just go out there with the .40 cal on you. there wont be no problems when you strapped
Originally Posted by JordanHead2

is the dog ok?
Yeah, he's ok. I just went out there to check on him again... He seems really shook too. I stayed out there for a few minutes to see if Icould hear anything moving around. Man I can't sleep and I have to be to work early tomorrow

It felt like the scene from Signs... Where at the beginning it's dark and they're chasing a noise outside
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