WOW! Man I'm so shook right now I'm shaking... Update: I'm alive!

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4803 03/09/09 22:32:18 03/09/09 22:32:18 11/23/07

guy is still M.I.A.
im friends with him on aim....hes been idle since he last posted.....his away says...."tell my mom i love her"
i hear people in the house when IM ALONE...
i figure if somethings there it better do somthing quick..
nothing yet...
Originally Posted by ericberry14

fam. just go out there with the .40 cal on you. there wont be no problems when you strapped

A .40 won't do @#$% to a ghost. You better call the Ghost Hunters!!
Oh god, when I was about to read this..I thought something happened to you or a family member such as someone breaking into your house or you being attacked orsomething. It was just about a ghost boogieman in the bushes. Sorry, can't help you there.
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