Would you Tip?

I'm surprised by the amount of you that don't tip but maybe it's just that you're being so vocal about it.

To the non-tippers, are you young, cheap or just broke? All of the above?

I feel like if I'm too lazy to make or pick up food, I understand that even with a delivery charge, it's understood that even though it's not mandatory, it's appreciated to give a tip for someone to do something I wasn't willing to. Even if it's something that comes out to $13.50 and you give them $15, is that $3.50 total that significant to you?

I'm not mad, I've never worked in delivery or food service but I also accept that there are certain additional costs that come along with services provided to me. I'm not rich but I'm not young, cheap or broke.
I'm surprised by the amount of you that don't tip but maybe it's just that you're being so vocal about it.

To the non-tippers, are you young, cheap or just broke? All of the above?

I feel like if I'm too lazy to make or pick up food, I understand that even with a delivery charge, it's understood that even though it's not mandatory, it's appreciated to give a tip for someone to do something I wasn't willing to. Even if it's something that comes out to $13.50 and you give them $15, is that $3.50 total that significant to you?

I'm not mad, I've never worked in delivery or food service but I also accept that there are certain additional costs that come along with services provided to me. I'm not rich but I'm not young, cheap or broke.
most of the time the driver only gets half the delivery charge, if any at all

and they usually don't get it for 2 weeks on their paycheck. they use like a half a tank per night. smh.
Delivery at many places to me has become not worth it anymore. Too expensive.

That said I always tip.
Delivery at many places to me has become not worth it anymore. Too expensive.

That said I always tip.
Will they only do something if you be a **** and not tip them and even if you're courteous and not tip them will they do something to it cause I've been cool with all the ppl that delivered my pizzas and I could only recall tipping about 2.
Will they only do something if you be a **** and not tip them and even if you're courteous and not tip them will they do something to it cause I've been cool with all the ppl that delivered my pizzas and I could only recall tipping about 2.
Ordered a pizza on Sunday, $35.
I give the driver $36, they take out the pizzas and wings, missing 1.
Had to return to Pizza Hut to get my pizza they forgot.
I only tipped a dollar, so what, they forgot my pizza
Ordered a pizza on Sunday, $35.
I give the driver $36, they take out the pizzas and wings, missing 1.
Had to return to Pizza Hut to get my pizza they forgot.
I only tipped a dollar, so what, they forgot my pizza
Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

I'm surprised by the amount of you that don't tip but maybe it's just that you're being so vocal about it.

To the non-tippers, are you young, cheap or just broke? All of the above?

I feel like if I'm too lazy to make or pick up food, I understand that even with a delivery charge, it's understood that even though it's not mandatory, it's appreciated to give a tip for someone to do something I wasn't willing to. Even if it's something that comes out to $13.50 and you give them $15, is that $3.50 total that significant to you?

I'm not mad, I've never worked in delivery or food service but I also accept that there are certain additional costs that come along with services provided to me. I'm not rich but I'm not young, cheap or broke.

1st off you're bad at math, 2nd they already add like $3 for delivery so if i order a $10 pizza its $13 which i think is too high for one meal of low quality. 3rd, im cheap as hell

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

I'm surprised by the amount of you that don't tip but maybe it's just that you're being so vocal about it.

To the non-tippers, are you young, cheap or just broke? All of the above?

I feel like if I'm too lazy to make or pick up food, I understand that even with a delivery charge, it's understood that even though it's not mandatory, it's appreciated to give a tip for someone to do something I wasn't willing to. Even if it's something that comes out to $13.50 and you give them $15, is that $3.50 total that significant to you?

I'm not mad, I've never worked in delivery or food service but I also accept that there are certain additional costs that come along with services provided to me. I'm not rich but I'm not young, cheap or broke.

1st off you're bad at math, 2nd they already add like $3 for delivery so if i order a $10 pizza its $13 which i think is too high for one meal of low quality. 3rd, im cheap as hell

I dont order pizza much so I cant really relate to that. Usually Ill round up though. 17 or 18 bucks =20.

I have a specific chinese spot which is the only one I go to, and I always tip well there. Amazing food, one chef who is always working, and the food is done in literally less than 10 minutes. Love that place. My favorite sushi spot is the same deal, I always tip well. Never really had any problems with service at either of those places, or any other places I frequent actually. One thing I learned from working is that employees definitely do remember frequent customers. Who tips/doesnt tip and who is rude/polite is all remembered. Ill always make an effort to be polite and what not. And whenever an employee hooks me up, Ill usually compensate for it in my tip.
I dont order pizza much so I cant really relate to that. Usually Ill round up though. 17 or 18 bucks =20.

I have a specific chinese spot which is the only one I go to, and I always tip well there. Amazing food, one chef who is always working, and the food is done in literally less than 10 minutes. Love that place. My favorite sushi spot is the same deal, I always tip well. Never really had any problems with service at either of those places, or any other places I frequent actually. One thing I learned from working is that employees definitely do remember frequent customers. Who tips/doesnt tip and who is rude/polite is all remembered. Ill always make an effort to be polite and what not. And whenever an employee hooks me up, Ill usually compensate for it in my tip.
Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

I'm surprised by the amount of you that don't tip but maybe it's just that you're being so vocal about it.

To the non-tippers, are you young, cheap or just broke? All of the above?

I feel like if I'm too lazy to make or pick up food, I understand that even with a delivery charge, it's understood that even though it's not mandatory, it's appreciated to give a tip for someone to do something I wasn't willing to. Even if it's something that comes out to $13.50 and you give them $15, is that $3.50 total that significant to you?

I'm not mad, I've never worked in delivery or food service but I also accept that there are certain additional costs that come along with services provided to me. I'm not rich but I'm not young, cheap or broke.

1st off you're bad at math, 2nd they already add like $3 for delivery so if i order a $10 pizza its $13 which i think is too high for one meal of low quality. 3rd, im cheap as hell

I think hes including 2 for the delivery which would make sense...

Arenas, whats the chinese spot?
Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

I'm surprised by the amount of you that don't tip but maybe it's just that you're being so vocal about it.

To the non-tippers, are you young, cheap or just broke? All of the above?

I feel like if I'm too lazy to make or pick up food, I understand that even with a delivery charge, it's understood that even though it's not mandatory, it's appreciated to give a tip for someone to do something I wasn't willing to. Even if it's something that comes out to $13.50 and you give them $15, is that $3.50 total that significant to you?

I'm not mad, I've never worked in delivery or food service but I also accept that there are certain additional costs that come along with services provided to me. I'm not rich but I'm not young, cheap or broke.

1st off you're bad at math, 2nd they already add like $3 for delivery so if i order a $10 pizza its $13 which i think is too high for one meal of low quality. 3rd, im cheap as hell

I think hes including 2 for the delivery which would make sense...

Arenas, whats the chinese spot?
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

I'm surprised by the amount of you that don't tip but maybe it's just that you're being so vocal about it.

To the non-tippers, are you young, cheap or just broke? All of the above?

I feel like if I'm too lazy to make or pick up food, I understand that even with a delivery charge, it's understood that even though it's not mandatory, it's appreciated to give a tip for someone to do something I wasn't willing to. Even if it's something that comes out to $13.50 and you give them $15, is that $3.50 total that significant to you?

I'm not mad, I've never worked in delivery or food service but I also accept that there are certain additional costs that come along with services provided to me. I'm not rich but I'm not young, cheap or broke.

1st off you're bad at math, 2nd they already add like $3 for delivery so if i order a $10 pizza its $13 which i think is too high for one meal of low quality. 3rd, im cheap as hell

I think hes including 2 for the delivery which would make sense...

Arenas, whats the chinese spot?
Its called Gourmet Gourmet. Its on flagler. THE BEST chinese place down here. And dont even touch that Chef Tian Express @*#+ they have menus for in the dorms, that place is trash.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

I'm surprised by the amount of you that don't tip but maybe it's just that you're being so vocal about it.

To the non-tippers, are you young, cheap or just broke? All of the above?

I feel like if I'm too lazy to make or pick up food, I understand that even with a delivery charge, it's understood that even though it's not mandatory, it's appreciated to give a tip for someone to do something I wasn't willing to. Even if it's something that comes out to $13.50 and you give them $15, is that $3.50 total that significant to you?

I'm not mad, I've never worked in delivery or food service but I also accept that there are certain additional costs that come along with services provided to me. I'm not rich but I'm not young, cheap or broke.

1st off you're bad at math, 2nd they already add like $3 for delivery so if i order a $10 pizza its $13 which i think is too high for one meal of low quality. 3rd, im cheap as hell

I think hes including 2 for the delivery which would make sense...

Arenas, whats the chinese spot?
Its called Gourmet Gourmet. Its on flagler. THE BEST chinese place down here. And dont even touch that Chef Tian Express @*#+ they have menus for in the dorms, that place is trash.
I think that most places that charge delivery fees give a percent of those fees to the driver. As a person that's worked for a place that has a delivery fee and one that doesn't, it stinks not getting tipped. That being said, I got 100% of the delivery charge, so even if I didn't get a tip I'd still get the delivery fee which is better than nothing.
I think that most places that charge delivery fees give a percent of those fees to the driver. As a person that's worked for a place that has a delivery fee and one that doesn't, it stinks not getting tipped. That being said, I got 100% of the delivery charge, so even if I didn't get a tip I'd still get the delivery fee which is better than nothing.
Originally Posted by jdizzle75

Pretty sure that delivery charge helps the company pay for the gas that the drivers use.

When I did deliver, I used my own car and paid for my own gas and we did have a delivery charge.  I got the delivery charge when I took a delivery but the "company" NEVER paid for my gas directly.
Originally Posted by jdizzle75

Pretty sure that delivery charge helps the company pay for the gas that the drivers use.

When I did deliver, I used my own car and paid for my own gas and we did have a delivery charge.  I got the delivery charge when I took a delivery but the "company" NEVER paid for my gas directly.
This thread comes up once every few months. How do you order a pizza and forget you have to tip?

Get your lazy ##+ up and pick it up yourself then. Stop wasting peoples time because your too lazy.

Oh yeah and !%@% the hippies that say the system is wack. If the owner is laughing to the bank who's the fool that's giving him the business to begin with?
This thread comes up once every few months. How do you order a pizza and forget you have to tip?

Get your lazy ##+ up and pick it up yourself then. Stop wasting peoples time because your too lazy.

Oh yeah and !%@% the hippies that say the system is wack. If the owner is laughing to the bank who's the fool that's giving him the business to begin with?
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