would you let your significant other go to the movies alone with the opposite sex

The way I see it, if your girl is gonna step out on you you blocking her going to the movie is just delaying the inevitable. She gonna step out regardless if that's her character

I totally disagree with this sentiment.

The whole "well, she is going to do her so Mo need in stopping it"

That just doesn't make semse to me... Especially of you're over 25 y/o.

Believe it or not... Chicks like structure...

Some dudes are OD with it... But women appreciate a good checkin'

Sounds sexist... But its real life...
Got no problem with it because I don't want her telling me what to do. I need to hang out with other chicks to miss my girl :lol:

Oddly enough I feel more uncomfortable when she goes somewhere alone with this one chick :smh:
The way I see it, if your girl is gonna step out on you you blocking her going to the movie is just delaying the inevitable. She gonna step out regardless if that's her character
I totally disagree with this sentiment.

The whole "well, she is going to do her so Mo need in stopping it"

That just doesn't make semse to me... Especially of you're over 25 y/o.

Believe it or not... Chicks like structure...

Some dudes are OD with it... But women appreciate a good checkin'

Sounds sexist... But its real life...
It makes sense to me. If a person isn't loyal, putting restrictions on them isn't going to change that. 
Well...it finally happened to me.
She went to hang out after work with a friend (a dude I also know btw) as a late birthday thing.  They having dinner and a movie.
I did some research among the grapevines so they apparently haven't messed around in the past.
Anyway I've mentally prepared to take the L though I know it will hurt should an L occur.
It's bothering me cuz she has NOT explicitly told him we're together though she insists "he saw us together during the summer" as if that was enough...
My mind is spinnin guys...I don't know whether to blow up on her when she calls or hold it in until I see her Saturday..

Damb... Hate it had to be you.

Listen to brolic scholar.

You live and learn, young fella...

You'll be aight though..

Cry it out... Go have some superficial sex... Fap... And focus on your goals

It wasn't the movie that sucked.....


She went to his place and watched a movie...apparently she didn't finish it cuz it sucked but now its like everything has a negative end result...she got me ****** up.

Imma interrogate her on saturday.  If something happened go stay by my friends cuz thats 50% of the reason I'm going anyway.
You the homie, now before you start to "conjure" things up in your head, one of two things could have transpired:
He Hit It First
She really did go home...
In my scumbag days, I played the "unassuming" friend/side *****. One night a girl called me crying, talking that woopity-woop, blazay-blah. She came over and watched "Napoleon Dynamite"[emoji]128516[/emoji] and things happened. Nobody of any gender goes to someone's house after 11-1am with the intent on watching a full movie.
But to backdoor, she could really be loyal and not feeling this cat like she says and nothing genuinely happened. Not every dude out there has scumbag tendencies or the "alpha" fiber in them to be Mr. Steal Your Girl. But what you have to understand is that you can't let this eat you up or define you. Speak your mind and always go off of your gut. You are too young and intellegent to worry about females. Real G'S have all taken losses but it made us stronger. What you have to do is continue to build your empire, get your house in order and make yourself the man you want to be. Leave that drama and stress over females where it should be. Whatever the outcome, this is a lesson in learning to trust yourself, listening to your gut and knowing when to walk away. If your girl is not shouting from the rooftops"this is my man" or if she can't see why this could be perceived as disrespect, you need to step back and re-evalute the situation.
Take your time, gather your thoughts, speak coherent and calm and say what's on your mind. Either you are going to believe her and let the dark come to light or you are going to diddy bop, enjoy your youth and build your legacy.
I can only give you words through the Internet, but you have to live your life and experience the joys and pains of a woman.
It sucks but it makes you better..
Both duly noted.

I actually cut short our skype chat tonight to hang with my dudes back from college (i'm local atm).

It was a good time and I got to clear my head.

I figure I just keep it in the back of my head until I see her on Saturday.

I'm definitely gonna fall back though. It's clear that I'm taking the responsibility of LDR more seriously than she is.
:smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:

She went to his place and watched a movie...apparently she didn't finish it cuz it sucked but now its like everything has a negative end result...she got me ****** up.

Imma interrogate her on saturday.  If something happened go stay by my friends cuz thats 50% of the reason I'm going anyway.

Drop the relationship, fam

To tell you the truth...(and this is coming from my HEART 100%)...my blood was BOILING when I was reading your situation man. Whenever I read things like this, I put myself in the person (your) shoes, and I can honestly tell you that I got UPSET.

A girl that is actually down for you would not do that at all, fam...at all. Like that **** is unacceptable on so many levels. And just off the strength that you feel uncomfortable about if is enough proof for you to leave. Leave before your feelings get too deep into the relationship and something worse happens. No man is gonna invite a girl over to watch a movie and not try nothing..."we didn't finish the whole movie" that's a load of bull **** (to me at least)
Well as a update. Did not get back with my ex wife. Still friends with one of my best friends since I can remember. Still never smashed, and never will. But I stand behind my statement, I don't see a problem with a person going to the movies with a opposite gender if in a relationship. Especially when you have a already long lasting friendship. I can see why my ex have trust issues, I know my friend is bad, but still should trust me enough to know I won't do anything. I'm just saying.
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Well as a update. Did not get back with my ex wife. Still friends with one of my best friends since I can remember. Still never smashed, and never will. But I stand behind my statement, I don't see a problem with a person going to the movies with a opposite gender if in a relationship. Especially when you have a already long lasting friendship. I can see why my ex have trust issues, I know my friend is bad, but still should trust me enough to know I won't do anything. I'm just saying.
I'm with you dude
Well as a update. Did not get back with my ex wife. Still friends with one of my best friends since I can remember. Still never smashed, and never will. But I stand behind my statement, I don't see a problem with a person going to the movies with a opposite gender if in a relationship. Especially when you have a already long lasting friendship. I can see why my ex have trust issues, I know my friend is bad, but still should trust me enough to know I won't do anything. I'm just saying.
Be honest with us fam. You ain't try it, not once? You aint eem think about it? You a stronger man than me. I would've done ruined that friendship trying to GTD.
Take a trip with her so you know it's real. If nothing happens then y'all really are friends.
I wouldn’t mind. I’m not the “I wouldn’t LET my gf do such and such” type. One time early in our relationship, I objected to her going to the movies with one of her male friends. It wasn’t based on me not trusting her or anything. We just hadn’t been to the movies or on a date in a while at that particular time, so I said it would be a little messed up that she could find time for this dude before me.

we talked about it and she agreed. If we disagreed, we’d still talk about it, and if she wanted to go, I wouldn’t throw a fit, I’d just be emo about it I guess?

that was a LONG time ago though. Now I really wouldn’t care at all. We both do whatever we want, whenever. We’re too grown for feelings.
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