Would you be mad? Vol "That's Racist!!"

I know I would be shocked to see that. They had to know what was goin on cus would they have put on an orgy scene on the screen? The liqs prolly had you extra emo tho, but I respect the actions you took (minus the tears). I just prolly wouldn't mess wit that spot no mo.
You're in a club sippin' on drinks and worried about the cartoons on the wall. I bet you were the only person who complained, too. Then you cried about it. Grow a pair, dude.
at first OP was like...

then he saw the cartoon..

oh man :lol:
This is so stupid.

In his own mind there was a sinister looking dude with a swastika carved into his forehead cranking an old-timey projector, staring him down.

In reality it sounds like one of the many drinking establishments where you'll see kitschy/bizarre movies playing on the screens. 

Must be nice to think the world revolves around you. .
You talked to them and they took it down but you still went outside and cried about it. U need thicker skin
OP went outside the bar and started crying like View media item 270718 But seriously though OP you should calm down. You already let them know that you meant business when you stepped to them and made them stop projecting the video. Ain't no need to be crying and trying to file lawsuits. If you still feel like you need to do something then the most you should do is call the better business bureau.
You're in a club sippin' on drinks and worried about the cartoons on the wall. I bet you were the only person who complained, too. Then you cried about it. Grow a pair, dude.

You are stupid.

This is so stupid.

In his own mind there was a sinister looking dude with a swastika carved into his forehead cranking an old-timey projector, staring him down.

In reality it sounds like one of the many drinking establishments where you'll see kitschy/bizarre movies playing on the screens. 

Must be nice to think the world revolves around you. .

You too.
Just got home from a night out with wifey and a couple of friends. We went to a local bar and got a table. You know how some bars/clubs will just have random videos or cartoons projected onto a wall? Well this place had that going on and then allot a sudden I look up and the cartoon is some maaaad old black and white joint with these sambo characters eating watermelon and throwing cotton at each other. I immediately got up and found one of the wait staff and asked them why they were playing racist cartoons. She said she would ask and talked to the manager. The manager ran up to the DJ booth and made him take it off. I went over to the booth and she came down and apologized but she said she had no idea why that was up there. That they get random videos and cartoons to play on the projector and she was very apologetic. I told her that I wasn't blaming her, but that it was extremely racist and offensive. I went outside and straight up broke into tears with the mix of anger and frustration. Mind you I was a good 6-7 drinks in and a little bent but for some reason all that anger got me mad emotional. I just needed to walk it off. My wide came outside and was talking to me but she was sitting facing away from the wall and never saw the cartoon. I tried to explain it to her but we were both kinda bent and I don't think she got it. I went back in eventually and just told our friends that we were leaving but I'm still in shock. I'm not gonna file a lawsuit but I almost feel like it would be justified and I feel like going back tomorrow to talk to the bar's owner or manager to try to make sense of why them or their DJ thought that would be OK to put on blast? I just can't make sense of it but maybe it's the liquor talking.

You cried about this ?

Not trying to be rude, but I honestly think you have a disorder, some sort of emotional problem.

You can be bothered but your method of action is kind of extreme.
I can understand the breaking down part man, I get that it was just the alcohol. Don't let these other dudes get to you.

Often I find that people are too sensitive and find the dumbest things racist/offensive, but this definitely is. I'd be offended too OP. (I'm white)

Mad hungover right now and I was like "did I post something on NT last night or was that a dream?"

I'm laughing and SMH at myself at the same time. I'm glad I made them take it down but I have no idea why I went outside and had a breakdown. Also don't know what lawsuit I was talking about. I think someone should take my phone away once i hit a certain point.

I do appreciate those of you who understood the offense and said something supportive. Now I gotta make sure I was texting anybody last night.
So they took it down immediately and were extremely apologetic. Im not seeing what the problem is.
But tears. Real life tears bro? Like were they streaming down your face, or were you so upset your eyes just watered a bit. If you were in fact sobbing outside the bar you have the absolute worse post to avy ratio in the history of mankind.

Also not sure what scenario would leave you with a winning lawsuit, unless there was a whites only sign on the front door.
Your story shouldve ended after the part about the dj being apologetic, they even revealed that it's a random thing that they don't have control over, I'm guessing it's like pandora. Going outside and crying was a little od. Even mentioning lawsuit is ludicrous. It would be different if they refused. You're acting like they told you to go out back and pick some cotton.
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