Would you be mad? Vol "That's Racist!!"

Apr 20, 2005
Just got home from a night out with wifey and a couple of friends. We went to a local bar and got a table. You know how some bars/clubs will just have random videos or cartoons projected onto a wall? Well this place had that going on and then allot a sudden I look up and the cartoon is some maaaad old black and white joint with these sambo characters eating watermelon and throwing cotton at each other. I immediately got up and found one of the wait staff and asked them why they were playing racist cartoons. She said she would ask and talked to the manager. The manager ran up to the DJ booth and made him take it off. I went over to the booth and she came down and apologized but she said she had no idea why that was up there. That they get random videos and cartoons to play on the projector and she was very apologetic. I told her that I wasn't blaming her, but that it was extremely racist and offensive. I went outside and straight up broke into tears with the mix of anger and frustration. Mind you I was a good 6-7 drinks in and a little bent but for some reason all that anger got me mad emotional. I just needed to walk it off. My wide came outside and was talking to me but she was sitting facing away from the wall and never saw the cartoon. I tried to explain it to her but we were both kinda bent and I don't think she got it. I went back in eventually and just told our friends that we were leaving but I'm still in shock. I'm not gonna file a lawsuit but I almost feel like it would be justified and I feel like going back tomorrow to talk to the bar's owner or manager to try to make sense of why them or their DJ thought that would be OK to put on blast? I just can't make sense of it but maybe it's the liquor talking.

EDIT: leaving the story up as is for lulz but seeing it all sober now, this should be a lesson to everybody: Do NOT drink and post.
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dude if your a grown man acting like that , oh lawd lmao , wtf is wrong with u b
You type like a 16 year old girl who just got her first iPhone. Don't come in here talking about "grown" 
Yo you had every right to be offended. as a white person i would probably have done the same thing as you minus the tears.
if it still bothers you in the morning then you should put them on blast.
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Jimmies would be slightly rustled, but not to the extent you were

What I'm trying to say is I would of done what you did, minus the tears
yea man, its the liquor.

yea its bad, wrong. You ask them to turn it off...but to literally cry over it?

its the liquor
Ehh. Grow some thicker skin, bruh.

That's the thing. I can't tell you the last time I shed tears and this was on some anger type of ****. I can't explain why it hit me so hard but it just got to me. Maybe it was the liquor but its just not me to get like that. At the same time I still can't make sense if why that **** was playing in the projector. The tears only got me after I stepped outside and I was alone. It was like every racist thing that's ever happened to me in my life just smacked me all at once. Thing is, I'm black and Latino so I've felt all different types of racism all my life. I just deal with it and K.I.M. but maybe a few beers and a little Henny got me caught with my guard down.
i don't blame you man, that alcohol be making me emotional as hell too with the right triggers..

question though..

do you think you would've reacted the same way if you were sober?
i don't blame you man, that alcohol be making me emotional as hell too with the right triggers..

question though..

do you think you would've reacted the same way if you were sober?

I def would have said something. I'm still kinda faded but I know I'm gonna read this post tomorrow and be like "WTF?!" But I know I would have said something either way. My instinct right now is just to go back their tomorrow during daytime hours and have a civilized discussion as to why in God's name they couldn't realize that's some offensive **** to put up in your establishment.
Just got home from a night out with wifey and a couple of friends. We went to a local bar and got a table. You know how some bars/clubs will just have random videos or cartoons projected onto a wall? Well this place had that going on and then allot a sudden I look up and the cartoon is some maaaad old black and white joint with these sambo characters eating watermelon and throwing cotton at each other. I immediately got up and found one of the wait staff and asked them why they were playing racist cartoons. She said she would ask and talked to the manager. The manager ran up to the DJ booth and made him take it off. I went over to the booth and she came down and apologized but she said she had no idea why that was up there. That they get random videos and cartoons to play on the projector and she was very apologetic. I told her that I wasn't blaming her, but that it was extremely racist and offensive. I went outside and straight up broke into tears with the mix of anger and frustration. Mind you I was a good 6-7 drinks in and a little bent but for some reason all that anger got me mad emotional. I just needed to walk it off. My wide came outside and was talking to me but she was sitting facing away from the wall and never saw the cartoon. I tried to explain it to her but we were both kinda bent and I don't think she got it. I went back in eventually and just told our friends that we were leaving but I'm still in shock. I'm not gonna file a lawsuit but I almost feel like it would be justified and I feel like going back tomorrow to talk to the bar's owner or manager to try to make sense of why them or their DJ thought that would be OK to put on blast? I just can't make sense of it but maybe it's the liquor talking.
What ?

Why ?

Sounds like you need to grow up.

And I'm calling ducktales on this. What bar plays Sambo?

I honestly think you just made this thread to stir up trouble.
sounds like it hit a nerve and the liquor didn't help.
I hope you come to terms with whatever got you emotional.

but I assume those DJs just get "stock footage" of random crap on loop.
Just got home from a night out with wifey and a couple of friends. We went to a local bar and got a table. You know how some bars/clubs will just have random videos or cartoons projected onto a wall? Well this place had that going on and then allot a sudden I look up and the cartoon is some maaaad old black and white joint with these sambo characters eating watermelon and throwing cotton at each other. I immediately got up and found one of the wait staff and asked them why they were playing racist cartoons. She said she would ask and talked to the manager. The manager ran up to the DJ booth and made him take it off. I went over to the booth and she came down and apologized but she said she had no idea why that was up there. That they get random videos and cartoons to play on the projector and she was very apologetic. I told her that I wasn't blaming her, but that it was extremely racist and offensive. I went outside and straight up broke into tears with the mix of anger and frustration. Mind you I was a good 6-7 drinks in and a little bent but for some reason all that anger got me mad emotional. I just needed to walk it off. My wide came outside and was talking to me but she was sitting facing away from the wall and never saw the cartoon. I tried to explain it to her but we were both kinda bent and I don't think she got it. I went back in eventually and just told our friends that we were leaving but I'm still in shock. I'm not gonna file a lawsuit but I almost feel like it would be justified and I feel like going back tomorrow to talk to the bar's owner or manager to try to make sense of why them or their DJ thought that would be OK to put on blast? I just can't make sense of it but maybe it's the liquor talking.
What the **** :rofl:

Story should've stopped after they took the cartoon down. You sound like when those sad drunks to be around once the mood changes and somebody says something a tad hurtful. Now I understand racism is serious but it just seems too many feelings got to you at once. There may be some unresolved issues you have with racism and the liquor brought that out. Law suit? Chill man.

You need to think about this when you're sober. Lay off the hooch man.
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You have the right to be mad but you need chill get some sleep and think about it when your sober.
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