Women and Arguing sports...

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Those ones that only watch the finals/super bowl/world series/etc... and get on facebook to express how much they hate one team over another without any reasoning.. Yeah... I hate em too.

Theeeee absolute worst.
Chicks update their status like every 3 minutes about the game.
That is not how men watch sports.

I swear I think these girls believe they get cool points because they "watch" sports.

It gets unbearable during the SuperBowl. Broads spent the whole winter complaining about their boyfriends watching football then the superbowl comes along and suddenly they are "Super excited about the game".

Originally Posted by aaronpayumo

get a man cave

weren't you the one complaining and %+$* about men having a man cave?

Those ones thatonly watch the finals/super bowl/world series/etc... and get onfacebook to express how much they hate one team over another withoutany reasoning.. Yeah... I hate em too.

Originally Posted by blazinRook

has got to be the most annoying thing to encounter...EVER!

Originally Posted by General Johnson

What's worse OP?

Your homie's wife coming over with him to watch the games and acting like she has a stick up her #$# the whole time. And dude getting all PC on the topics we usually discuss and talk +!** about because his wife was there and she can't handle it...

About ruined my day yesterday.

How about a girl who just has her favorite player because he's "cute" and looks cute in her little jersey, cheers em on and and boos the opponents while remaining mum the rest of the time?
Those are my favorite sports "fans" as far as girls are concerned

Chicks who "know" sports are not only annoying, but kinda turn off. That is unless they fall into the category I mentioned
Originally Posted by blazinRook

has got to be the most annoying thing to encounter...EVER!

Originally Posted by General Johnson

What's worse OP?

Your homie's wife coming over with him to watch the games and acting like she has a stick up her #$# the whole time. And dude getting all PC on the topics we usually discuss and talk +!** about because his wife was there and she can't handle it...

About ruined my day yesterday.

How about a girl who just has her favorite player because he's "cute" and looks cute in her little jersey, cheers em on and and boos the opponents while remaining mum the rest of the time?
Those are my favorite sports "fans" as far as girls are concerned

Chicks who "know" sports are not only annoying, but kinda turn off. That is unless they fall into the category I mentioned
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Those ones that only watch the finals/super bowl/world series/etc... and get on facebook to express how much they hate one team over another without any reasoning.. Yeah... I hate em too. try & fool everyone to think they are the least bit knowledgeable in the arena of sports.
Yeah.. those are the worst.

CincoSeisDos wrote:
Chicks who "know" sports are not only annoying, but kinda turn off.   
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Those ones that only watch the finals/super bowl/world series/etc... and get on facebook to express how much they hate one team over another without any reasoning.. Yeah... I hate em too. try & fool everyone to think they are the least bit knowledgeable in the arena of sports.
Yeah.. those are the worst.

CincoSeisDos wrote:
Chicks who "know" sports are not only annoying, but kinda turn off.   
Originally Posted by General Johnson

What's worse OP?

Your homie's wife coming over with him to watch the games and acting like she has a stick up her #$# the whole time. And dude getting all PC on the topics we usually discuss and talk +!** about because his wife was there and she can't handle it...

About ruined my day yesterday.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

What's worse OP?

Your homie's wife coming over with him to watch the games and acting like she has a stick up her #$# the whole time. And dude getting all PC on the topics we usually discuss and talk +!** about because his wife was there and she can't handle it...

About ruined my day yesterday.
man Im middle of the road , when me and my wife got together she knew nothing about football but i taught her so we can watch together , but now we get into HEATED debates about our teams she a diehard steelers fan and im a cowboy fan. What i guess sucks the most is when she hits me with the truth especially breaking down why and how we lost got me looking all mad. But its the blessing/curse thing you know.
man Im middle of the road , when me and my wife got together she knew nothing about football but i taught her so we can watch together , but now we get into HEATED debates about our teams she a diehard steelers fan and im a cowboy fan. What i guess sucks the most is when she hits me with the truth especially breaking down why and how we lost got me looking all mad. But its the blessing/curse thing you know.
All the girls I know act like they love some sport and cheer for random teams because they think a player on the team is hot. Then when you actually try to have a legit discussion, they know absolutely nothing and get all heated about it and use riveting arguments such as "He sucks. Just sayin."

These are the broads that you will see during the NBA Finals or the Super Bowl who all of a sudden are huge Laker (or whichever team is playing) fans and have "hated the Celtics my whole life!" Sure you have.

These are always the chicks that come out on Facebook during March Madness and have a new favorite team that they've loved their whole life every single round because their last favorite team was eliminated.
All the girls I know act like they love some sport and cheer for random teams because they think a player on the team is hot. Then when you actually try to have a legit discussion, they know absolutely nothing and get all heated about it and use riveting arguments such as "He sucks. Just sayin."

These are the broads that you will see during the NBA Finals or the Super Bowl who all of a sudden are huge Laker (or whichever team is playing) fans and have "hated the Celtics my whole life!" Sure you have.

These are always the chicks that come out on Facebook during March Madness and have a new favorite team that they've loved their whole life every single round because their last favorite team was eliminated.
Originally Posted by THE QBZ

man Im middle of the road , when me and my wife got together she knew nothing about football but i taught her so we can watch together , but now we get into HEATED debates about our teams she a diehard steelers fan and im a cowboy fan. What i guess sucks the most is when she hits me with the truth especially breaking down why and how we lost got me looking all mad. But its the blessing/curse thing you know.
thats where you went wrong my friend.

my wife knows that sports is a dominating part of my life so she makes every effort to sit down and learn about it which I greatly appreciate.  Its still a work in progress, but she is definitely 100x more knowlegable than before, to the point where she can ask more pointed pseudo-intelligent questions.

we don't get into heated discussions because I'll be damned if she adopts a team to root for that differs from my rooting interest.  The only somewhat exception is with the Lakers (I'm a Clips fan through and through).  As a somewhat new sports fan, I am not ready to subject her to the hardship of being part of Clipper Nation just yet.

If she became a Raider fan I would probably have to file for divorce... seriously.

Originally Posted by THE QBZ

man Im middle of the road , when me and my wife got together she knew nothing about football but i taught her so we can watch together , but now we get into HEATED debates about our teams she a diehard steelers fan and im a cowboy fan. What i guess sucks the most is when she hits me with the truth especially breaking down why and how we lost got me looking all mad. But its the blessing/curse thing you know.
thats where you went wrong my friend.

my wife knows that sports is a dominating part of my life so she makes every effort to sit down and learn about it which I greatly appreciate.  Its still a work in progress, but she is definitely 100x more knowlegable than before, to the point where she can ask more pointed pseudo-intelligent questions.

we don't get into heated discussions because I'll be damned if she adopts a team to root for that differs from my rooting interest.  The only somewhat exception is with the Lakers (I'm a Clips fan through and through).  As a somewhat new sports fan, I am not ready to subject her to the hardship of being part of Clipper Nation just yet.

If she became a Raider fan I would probably have to file for divorce... seriously.

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