Women 30+ living with roommates/parents

May 27, 2004
Is it me or do women normalize living with their parents/roommates after the age of 30?
Men are looked at as not having their lives together if they choose to have a roommate or live at home with their parents after a certain age but women will tell you that they do and not bat a lash and find nothing wrong with it.

Even in my own experience I've encountered women that live at home with their parents and they're 35+ with kids and don't see anything wrong with it or mention wanting to get their own place. I get it can be expensive but how is this ok for women but not men?
Maybe they had a house and a husband before it didn’t work out like 90% of relationships and she can’t run a home alone while also providing for her family
Under 25 I can understand, over 30 you need to have a degree that led to a career. Or at least at management level of whatever you've been doing since you left high school (if you didn't go to college). This goes for both genders. Should not be 30+, with a roommate/parents, still making capacino's at Starbucks.

Edit: This is assuming you aren't going through some type of unfortunate events
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do what you got to do to survive. unless, you're just bumming it and taking advantage of living at home, i don't see it a problem if you are out there working and pitching in
Life is tough. I can't really find fault with anyone of either gender still living with parents or roomates. A lot of people are struggling in 2018.

This is the answer I would've given.

Women want a man to live alone so they don't have to worry about competition.

That's a blank canvas for them to paint.

And they will spend the night so much and slowlyls try to take over. Leaving little markings of their territory.

This is the answer I expected.
Under 25 I can understand, over 30 you need to have a degree that led to a career. Or at least at management level of whatever you've been doing since you left high school (if you didn't go to college). This goes for both genders. Should not be 30+, with a roommate/parents, still making capacino's at Starbucks.

Edit: This is assuming you aren't going through some type of unfortunate events
yeah thats a pretty broad rule bruh coming from a very small point of view
people don't need to go to college just cause they are at the age people think they should go to college
most people i know can't afford college till they get older
also i know a lot of women who are not born in this country and living with your parents till you get married for a girl is pretty common.

Life isn't that black and white.
Under 25 I can understand, over 30 you need to have a degree that led to a career. Or at least at management level of whatever you've been doing since you left high school (if you didn't go to college). This goes for both genders. Should not be 30+, with a roommate/parents, still making capacino's at Starbucks.

Edit: This is assuming you aren't going through some type of unfortunate events


It's that simple, huh?
I've seen women have more than stable jobs go through a bad breakup or whatever the case may be but are more than able to provide for themselves, they just don't want to because their think their worth is defined by having a man and its sad actually.

Another issue is women living at home/roommates requiring men that court them to have their own place, job, car, etc and don't have much of anything going for them.
Damn, I must be a bust then
26yo living at home
But my fam owns the entire building we live in -- 5 min from NYC
Under 25 I can understand, over 30 you need to have a degree that led to a career. Or at least at management level of whatever you've been doing since you left high school (if you didn't go to college). This goes for both genders. Should not be 30+, with a roommate/parents, still making capacino's at Starbucks.

Edit: This is assuming you aren't going through some type of unfortunate events

:lol: at that edit statement like that's a rare occurrence

I didn't know if you get frowned upon for having a roommate over 30+

It ain't a good day unless you learn some new rule on here:lol:
Got a cousin in Mexico who is in his 40s and a doctor. Still lives with his parents. I wonder where he smashes tho?
Is it me or do women normalize living with their parents/roommates after the age of 30?
Men are looked at as not having their lives together if they choose to have a roommate or live at home with their parents after a certain age but women will tell you that they do and not bat a lash and find nothing wrong with it.

Even in my own experience I've encountered women that live at home with their parents and they're 35+ with kids and don't see anything wrong with it or mention wanting to get their own place. I get it can be expensive but how is this ok for women but not men?

Interesting post. I will also add that the expectations of these women are quite lofty too.
Depends on the city too.

I have quite a few friends (who have their careers settled) who live with their parents still. Very normal in NYC though everyone eventually wants their own place.
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