Wiz and Amber Rose are getting married

I dont believe she leaked them herself and lets be honest a lot ppl send out nude pics...she said somebody was using her computer and got them. Kanye made her switch from the team she was on. Shes changed.
Is it a good look wifing a stripper turned video girl turned socialite? No. But if that's what Wiz wants to do, then that's on him.
Edit: temporarily banned for posting image with slurs. Repeat offender. - hm
I'll never understand how dudes become so emotional over what the next man does.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

KSteezy this is the problem:

I don't care that you have an opinion...and I don't care what your opinion is...

But you're telling me that I can't hold a woman's past against her?

Excuse me...?

I can and WILL do that when I see fit. If its someone I'm going to "marry" or even be associated with, stuff like that matters. I'm not asking for an angel or even a virgin, but I am asking for someone who has shown themselves to be a respectable human being. Maybe Wiz and Amber are great for each other...but their decision doesn't impact my OPINION of the entire affair.

Its hard to hear anything you're saying of value when your cape is flapping super loud in the wind defending strippers and ex-prostitutes. But hey, thats your OPINION, just don't forget that it is not an objective fact.

That being said, taking shots against your wife is somewhat of a unprovoked low-blow...

But are YOU marrying her??...Answer is NO, case closed...save the high expectations, wants and needs for the woman you end up with.Btw thanx for understanding that is unessesary and uncalled for to insult my own wife to prove a point, appreciate that.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by sillyputty

KSteezy this is the problem:

I don't care that you have an opinion...and I don't care what your opinion is...

But you're telling me that I can't hold a woman's past against her?

Excuse me...?

I can and WILL do that when I see fit. If its someone I'm going to "marry" or even be associated with, stuff like that matters. I'm not asking for an angel or even a virgin, but I am asking for someone who has shown themselves to be a respectable human being. Maybe Wiz and Amber are great for each other...but their decision doesn't impact my OPINION of the entire affair.

Its hard to hear anything you're saying of value when your cape is flapping super loud in the wind defending strippers and ex-prostitutes. But hey, thats your OPINION, just don't forget that it is not an objective fact.

That being said, taking shots against your wife is somewhat of a unprovoked low-blow...

But are YOU marrying her??...Answer is NO, case closed...save the high expectations, wants and needs for the woman you end up with.Btw thanx for understanding that is unessesary and uncalled for to insult my own wife to prove a point, appreciate that.
KSteezy. You're not getting it.
I CAN criticize their marriage...without you feeling the need to call other dudes "emotionally deranged" or whatever term you used...

I can be a man and STILL not like the idea of wifing up glorified sex workers. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by sillyputty

KSteezy this is the problem:

I don't care that you have an opinion...and I don't care what your opinion is...

But you're telling me that I can't hold a woman's past against her?

Excuse me...?

I can and WILL do that when I see fit. If its someone I'm going to "marry" or even be associated with, stuff like that matters. I'm not asking for an angel or even a virgin, but I am asking for someone who has shown themselves to be a respectable human being. Maybe Wiz and Amber are great for each other...but their decision doesn't impact my OPINION of the entire affair.

Its hard to hear anything you're saying of value when your cape is flapping super loud in the wind defending strippers and ex-prostitutes. But hey, thats your OPINION, just don't forget that it is not an objective fact.

That being said, taking shots against your wife is somewhat of a unprovoked low-blow...

What if she(your potential girl) was reformed?
What if that person has grown and learned from there past decisions. 

I remember I said bey was crazy cause she married and ex drug dealer, but I realize  people can change. 

A lot of people have bad influences growing up, auntie striped, dad sold drugs.

When you are young you sometimes imitate your surroundings 

But I  believe  if amber loses everything now, Im pretty sure she would see nothing wrong with going back to be a stripper.

Amber was leaking nude photos last november though...She changed though? 
I mean look, people CAN change, but I will be the judge of that as its MY life. 

For the first time I applaud that last part of your post, is YOUR life and you should be the judge of that...with that being said, don't you think Thata the same treatment Wiz should get?...that's all I'm saying bro.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

 Its hard to hear anything you're saying of value when your cape is flapping super loud in the wind defending strippers and ex-prostitutes. But hey, thats your OPINION, just don't forget that it is not an objective fact.
This killed me, no disrespect to KSteezy
Originally Posted by Antidope

Originally Posted by sillyputty

 Its hard to hear anything you're saying of value when your cape is flapping super loud in the wind defending strippers and ex-prostitutes. But hey, thats your OPINION, just don't forget that it is not an objective fact.
This killed me, no disrespect to KSteezy

I missed that I chuckled.
It must be nice to be able to sit on your suburban perch and judge other people.

Amber stripped. I've known strippers. I don't judge people based on their occupations. Think about how close minded that is.

I judge the person based on my interactions with the person. Which I'm guessing NONE of you have had with Amber.

It's incredibly narrow minded to judge someone based on what they do with absolutely no knowledge of the full scope of circumstances that got that person there.

And if you're going to judge women on sending out nude photos, you might as well write off half the female population. Because chicks are doing this like MAD.

Teyana Taylor takes nudes photos that leak. But is saving herself for marriage. So which element of that do you judge? Maybe you think like a rational adult and don't judge either.

I was lucky enough to have a great mother who raised me well and kept me (fairly) in line. My wife had great parents and is an amazing human being. So this don't effect me NONE.

But if you're a young lady, maybe born to drug addicted parents, maybe abandoned by those parents at a young age, who turns to dancing to get some decent paper together to pay for an apartment, a car etc. while you figure out what your next move is, does what you do for a living alone define who you are as a person?

It's incredible how y'all can think you know so much, yet be incredibly naive. All you see is the surface. You don't even look deeper. Classic indication of youthful ignorance.

Life and people in general are far more complicated than the little boxes you try to put both in.

And one thing I will echo, is there's a lot of "dudes" in here on some catty *@%%, talking like hateful females. *@%%'s disgusting, B.
Originally Posted by illphillip

It must be nice to be able to sit on your suburban perch and judge other people.

Amber stripped. I've known strippers. I don't judge people based on their occupations. Think about how close minded that is.

I judge the person based on my interactions with the person. Which I'm guessing NONE of you have had with Amber.

It's incredibly narrow minded to judge someone based on what they do with absolutely no knowledge of the full scope of circumstances that got that person there.

And if you're going to judge women on sending out nude photos, you might as well write off half the female population. Because chicks are doing this like MAD

Teyana Taylor takes nudes photos that leak. But is saving herself for marriage. So which element of that do you judge? Maybe you think like a rational adult and don't judge either.

I was lucky enough to have a great mother who raised me well and kept me (fairly) in line. My wife had great parents and is an amazing human being. So this don't effect me NONE.

But if you're a young lady, maybe born to drug addicted parents, maybe abandoned by those parents at a young age, who turns to dancing to get some decent paper together to pay for an apartment, a car etc. while you figure out what your next move is, does what you do for a living alone define who you are as a person?

It's incredible how y'all can think you know so much, yet be incredibly naive. All you see is the surface. You don't even look deeper. Classic indication of youthful ignorance.

Life and people in general are far more complicated than the little boxes you try to put both in.

And one thing I will echo, is there's a lot of "dudes" in here on some catty *@%%, talking like hateful females. *@%%'s disgusting, B.

 I sort of agree but just cause everyone is doing it, doesn't make it a good look or acceptable.
Teyana Taylor  is a lair!!
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by illphillip

 I sort of agree but just cause everyone is doing it, doesn't make it a good look or acceptable.
Teyana Taylor  is a lair!!
Yo, I agree wholeheartedly. It is not a good look or acceptable. If I have a daughter, she may never leave the house.

But I know professional, educated women shooting out nudes like it's nothing.

Literally women you would look at as "wife material" doing SCANDALOUS +$%$.

You never know what a woman has in her past. I went to a GREAT college. I dated mad girls and did all types of WILD +$%$ with those girls.

All smart girls. The ones I still know are lawyers, doctors etc. Married. And their husbands have NO IDEA.

I have "dated" (probably not the right term, but whatever. We hung out for a bit) strippers who have been less promiscuous than some of those girls I knew in college.

My point is, it's always ignorant to judge a book by the cover. You can use it as a gauge, but it's always smarter to dig deeper and at least create an INFORMED opinion.
Originally Posted by illphillip

It must be nice to be able to sit on your suburban perch and judge other people.

Amber stripped. I've known strippers. I don't judge people based on their occupations. Think about how close minded that is.

I judge the person based on my interactions with the person. Which I'm guessing NONE of you have had with Amber.

It's incredibly narrow minded to judge someone based on what they do with absolutely no knowledge of the full scope of circumstances that got that person there.

And if you're going to judge women on sending out nude photos, you might as well write off half the female population. Because chicks are doing this like MAD.

Teyana Taylor takes nudes photos that leak. But is saving herself for marriage. So which element of that do you judge? Maybe you think like a rational adult and don't judge either.

I was lucky enough to have a great mother who raised me well and kept me (fairly) in line. My wife had great parents and is an amazing human being. So this don't effect me NONE.

But if you're a young lady, maybe born to drug addicted parents, maybe abandoned by those parents at a young age, who turns to dancing to get some decent paper together to pay for an apartment, a car etc. while you figure out what your next move is, does what you do for a living alone define who you are as a person?

It's incredible how y'all can think you know so much, yet be incredibly naive. All you see is the surface. You don't even look deeper. Classic indication of youthful ignorance.

Life and people in general are far more complicated than the little boxes you try to put both in.

And one thing I will echo, is there's a lot of "dudes" in here on some catty *@%%, talking like hateful females. *@%%'s disgusting, B.

Son...thats all cool and what not... I've had friends that dated strippers too. I'm sure those girls went a little farther too if I may say so myself...but besides that.

I can judge my partners HOWEVER I want to...and on top of that, I can critique another man's choice. I don't hope to change his mind, but if I feel like its a bad look, i'll say so.

I'm not trying to run her psyche evaluation and figure out what went wrong growing up.

Look at Lawrence Fishburne's daughter...compare her to someone like Kat Stacks. Completely different upbringing, same outcome. Its not my fault or problem

That being said, if I want to say I won't wife a woman who used to sell herself...I CAN SAY THAT...Nothing against her at all. Shes probably a really nice person and does tons of communnity service etc... But my standards aren't your standards and vice versa. 

BTW, i'm not judging a girl sending nude pics...i'm talking about a girl that leaks them for publicity. I've had "great" girls send them to me. It is what it is. We all have different standards. There is a difference there in the point i'm making

That being said, its all MY business of not just knowing about that person...but wanting to spend my LIFE with that person.

I don't judge women who strip as BAD PEOPLE...I just don't want that in MY LIFE.

I don't think kids forced to sell drugs are BAD PEOPLE...but I don't want their activity IN MY LIFE. 

What is so hard to understand about that? 

If Wiz wants to marry a former sex worker and booty model...thats cool. Thats on him. I'm sure Amber is a nice girl...but why should I respect her MORE than that? You still out here leaking nude pics but saying "someone stole them" and you still out here selling that image of yourself. Thats cool. Do you girl. More power to you. I just don't need that in my life.

Ya'll are refusing to separate my opinion of her as a person from that of being selective of who to spend my time with.

Its like saying:  "I'm sure Rush Limbaugh is a great guy to his wife and kids. I'm sure the people in his neighborhood love spending time with him" ... I got nothing against the guy personally one way or the other...I just don't want him in MY life and I don't think associating with him is a good look.
Originally Posted by illphillip

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by illphillip

 I sort of agree but just cause everyone is doing it, doesn't make it a good look or acceptable.
Teyana Taylor  is a lair!!
Yo, I agree wholeheartedly. It is not a good look or acceptable. If I have a daughter, she may never leave the house.

But I know professional, educated women shooting out nudes like it's nothing.

Literally women you would look at as "wife material" doing SCANDALOUS +$%$.

You never know what a woman has in her past. I went to a GREAT college. I dated mad girls and did all types of WILD +$%$ with those girls.

All smart girls. The ones I still know are lawyers, doctors etc. Married. And their husbands have NO IDEA.

I have "dated" (probably not the right term, but whatever. We hung out for a bit) strippers who have been less promiscuous than some of those girls I knew in college.

My point is, it's always ignorant to judge a book by the cover. You can use it as a gauge, but it's always smarter to dig deeper and at least create an INFORMED opinion.
All this right here.
You are right, people do not have their past written on their foreheads.
You have to worry about their actions while you are personally with them.
ksteezy picked up a warning for continually taking things to a personal level. Don't paint people with a broad brush and they aren't likely to come back at you on a personal level. "Disagree with opinions, not people."

I'm killing this thread.
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