Wisdom teeth out Vol. What to eat?

Had mine pulled in while in Japan. I remember the pain was unbearable. Percocet was my friend.
^^ nothing special. the main thing is just to not have food remaining in em (you'll know when a few hours later you feel a sharp pain in a specific corner of your mouth). just brush your teeth with care after every meal, rinse with cold water, & use a MILD mouthwash. do NOT use Listerine, it's pretty much the equivalent of cutting yourself and pouring gasoline in the wound
Lol I had no pain when I went first day I had 2 smoothies then the next day I had some wendys 
Soup and soft foods. Clean your sockets after you eat or drink. TRUST ME

I got all 4 of mine out too so I feel for you. But like everyone said, soft foods. I ate a lot of Chef Boyardee and Chunky Soups and ice cream.

and yeah, after you eat, I'd gargle with warm salt water (or they have mouth wash specifically made to cut down on bacteria in your mouth if you're healing from mouth surgery).
I had a ton of soft foods for two weeks post-op (because my jaw was extremely sore and it was hard for me to chew), such as jello, porridge, oatmeal, soups, smoothies, etc.
i have no pain, but im just concerned about keeping the hole clean (pause) and the blood clot. how do you even know if you have food stuck? i dont want to rinse with too much force or brush near that area.

im tired of mashed potatoes and soup. i had a boost to go with the meal, but that drink gets tiring too. thinking about some mac and cheese
Jamba Juice / Robek's ... don't use a straw!

I got all 4 of mine surgically removed... all were impacted... i was out a couple days and actually started a new job 4 days after the procedure.
Can't stress this enough.  The suction will pull your stitches.
Had all 4 removed in the same visit about 2 years ago. I was bleeding like crazy the first day and went to NT for some help. I don't remember what I ate but I remember I couldn't eat steak at the restaurant we went to, probably had some mashed potatoes. I was scared to smoke too - I thought it was gonna 'cause it to be infected, etc. Don't know if it does though. Got some Vicodin but didn't take them until the third day after the procedure, - it had no effect (I just wanted to get high). Noticed like 2 weeks later, 90% of the bottle was gone, still don't know who took/stole them 'till this day. 
I had 4 impacted and couldn't eat forever...got desperate and went with the blended big mac. Don't try it. KFC mashed potatoes, jello, and soup.
i had a bunch of food get stuck in the holes in my gums. make sure you rinse your mouth out with water every 30 mins or so. add salt to the water too
I'm getting mine taken out in an hour. Not looking forward to it at all
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Soup and soft foods. Clean your sockets after you eat or drink. TRUST ME
This man knows. Had mine taken out a month ago.. Rinse with salt water after every meal. Helps clean it out.. The salt helps clean the wound and also kills bacteria that can build up and give u bad breath
I'm getting all four done on Tuesday. Nervous as heck!!!

I had my tonsils out back in October and I'm not sure which one will be worse.

I'm getting all four done on Tuesday. Nervous as heck!!!

I had my tonsils out back in October and I'm not sure which one will be worse.


When I got mine out I had all 4 taken out. It's really not that bad man, just take care of it. :smile:
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My bottom left wisdom tooth was bothering me a week ago; very swollen. Pain went away and hasn't bothered me since. I hope it was just an infection and I won't have to get it removed
My bottom left wisdom tooth was bothering me a week ago; very swollen. Pain went away and hasn't bothered me since. I hope it was just an infection and I won't have to get it removed

Literally in the same boat.
Hurts to swallow and very painful.
Only my left side.
Doctor just gave me anesthesia and knocked me out. Next thing I knew I woke up and was all done. No stitches or anything. Feel super sleepy right now though. About to drink some avocado milkshake and pass out.
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