Will science eventually replace religion?


same lames talking about the same things... with some 10% propaganda to support their stupid premise :stoneface:
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futuremd probably gets one of those spider sense tingling moments when these threads pop up.

this dude needs to chill out. go speak in front of a subway station or something
But you refuse to address any of the other posters though...nor do you assess why YOU are even in this thread.

You're a Physicians Assistant, right?

Are you not a proponent of evidenced based medicine? Or do you just go off of random assertions?

Science doesn't go off of one book written 2000 years ago and assume its inerrancy. It sometimes gets things wrong and changes them. Thank Zeus for the wisdom to do even that. I guess the process of peer-review and revision is now a weakness?

Oh and you don't get to escape with the "whether they believe it or not" and refuse to actually prove that assertion. We're not playing that game today. You say something and back it up, or you say nothing at all. You're better than that.

Don't get your panties in a bunch. I was saying that Science is its own religion because people like yourself, have a set of beliefs in comparison with religion. It doesn't have anything to do Scientific Method. You are an atheist, you have a set of beliefs, your beliefs are Science based. Some people believe that G-d created everything (I don't and Judaism historically doesn't either), they have a set of beliefs that are religious based. You argue Science just as loudly as Rick Santorum argues the world was created in 7 days.

For Copernicus and Galileo and even Pascal, religion did not answer the questions in the realms of their discovery. Pressure wasn't some mystical force to pascal. Geocentrism orbit wasn't the hand of god in Galileo's eyes.

I didn't say that religion answered their questions. Are their findings diminished because they were religious?
Please stop.
This is just off topic free posting with intent to derail the thread. If you don't have anything to actually contribute to the thread topic don't post.
This. If you have a problem with people expressing their opinions in an open forum, maybe message boards aren't for you.
Man still has lots to learn in terms of science, so it'll be a while till that happens.
Thing is...at what point will this happen?

I only ask because theists keep moving the goalposts. Evidence doesn't combat "faith" when you've got people who basically refuse arguments on the mere premise of what they don't want to accept as, for all intents and purposes, things that are proven to be true.

I'd say we've learned enough. How many more diseases do we have to cure? How much farther do we have to see in the universe? How many more species do we have to discover? How many religious philosophical arguments will we poke holes in? 
Billions of planets out there and God sent his only son to wash away our sins. Enjoy your eternal existence in hell heathens.

You're a Physicians Assistant, right?

Are you not a proponent of evidenced based medicine? Or do you just go off of random assertions?

Science doesn't go off of one book written 2000 years ago and assume its inerrancy. It sometimes gets things wrong and changes them. Thank Zeus for the wisdom to do even that. I guess the process of peer-review and revision is now a weakness?

Oh and you don't get to escape with the "whether they believe it or not" and refuse to actually prove that assertion. We're not playing that game today. You say something and back it up, or you say nothing at all. You're better than that.

Don't get your panties in a bunch. I was saying that Science is its own religion because people like yourself, have a set of beliefs in comparison with religion. It doesn't have anything to do Scientific Method. You are an atheist, you have a set of beliefs, your beliefs are Science based. Some people believe that G-d created everything (I don't and Judaism historically doesn't either), they have a set of beliefs that are religious based. You argue Science just as loudly as Rick Santorum argues the world was created in 7 days.
I don't know HOW you did it, but you managed to make even less sense. 

Science isn't a religion. It DOES NOT ASSERT anything.

Atheism is not a belief system. It DOES NOT ASSERT anything. It is the response to a claim; namely "do you believe in god(s)?" If the answer is no, then you're an atheist. I'm an agnostic-atheist. I don't know if there is a god, but I do not believe the claims that there are. I'm open to seeing evidence.

I can be a conservative, homophobic, racist AND be an atheist. Each term is mutually exclusive. 

I assert merely that which can be proven. 

Science doesn't assert anything beyond what it can prove with evidence. Thats what the scientific method is.
Their findings have nothing to do with their religion.

Newton was an alchemist. Maxwell believed in the aether. Watson is a borderline racist. Nobel created TNT. Haber created gas warfare. etc. 

The claims presented stand INDEPENDENTLY of the person responsible for them. The theory of relativity or the photoelectric effect isn't true because  of Einstein, its true because the claims presented consistently and thoroughly corroborate with the evidence presented. 
But you refuse to address any of the other posters though...nor do you assess why YOU are even in this thread.

seriously? i'm not trying to argue with you. seems like you already have your mind made up. you're too afraid to say, i don't know. you are the type to act like you know everything instead of saying "no, i don't know, enlighten me"

plus arguing over the internet is lame.
And you had your mind made up that I shouldn't comment on this thread.

You didn't even assert that I wasn't aware of something. 

Your only comment was some ridiculous attempt at discrediting me...without actually saying ANYTHING. 
This was your first comment in the thread:


You came in here looking to talk crap but when you get called out of it, then you're all of a sudden "above" the very argument you claim you didn't even initiate.

You're pathetic. 

Three posts in and you haven't even managed to stay on topic. 

Thats a troll, if you ask me. 


in that case, science is already taking over religion in most 1st world countries. it might take more time in less developed countries because they don't have the time/tools to research and come up with their own opinion like we do thanks to the internet. that's why there is chaos going on in muslim countries. a good percentage are illiterate and cling to their religion as the foundation of their existence.
it already did
not yet, but its getting there.
Thing is...at what point will this happen?

I only ask because theists keep moving the goalposts. Evidence doesn't combat "faith" when you've got people who basically refuse arguments on the mere premise of what they don't want to accept as, for all intents and purposes, things that are proven to be true.

I'd say we've learned enough. How many more diseases do we have to cure? How much farther do we have to see in the universe? How many more species do we have to discover? How many religious philosophical arguments will we poke holes in? 

Till the rest of the undeveloped world awakens and becomes educated.
I wouldnt rule out science trumping all homie ever heard of the akashic records it was what some mystiques believed contained the history of humanity aka our dna and this was being talked about in 1910 cats werent even up on that back then b. Now we got folks encoding books into dna and trying to solve what we call junk dna.Im not even one to foolwith that mystique stuff either but I found it interesting.
I wouldnt rule out science trumping all homie ever heard of the akashic records it was what some mystiques believed contained the history of humanity 
History of humanity is not the same as deoxyribonucleic acid, nor the the many proteins and substrate associated with it. 

On one hand, I'm glad most of the public can read one article and feel like they understand biochemistry...but on the other, it pisses me off to no end when people start to bastardize things they really don't understand.

Is it possible there is a lost history of things we don't understand? Absolutely. 

Does that equate to the sort of poetic jaron that these pseudo-scientists always pull out of their rear ends just to make a point.

"DNA" of humanity sounds so much more beautiful than what it ACTUALLY is. Just lost history. 

And mystiques is just code word for magic stuff they believed. 

Don't think i'm coming at you...I'm not. Its just so annoying to address this stuff.

On top of that...its somewhat of a CONTINUOUS slap in the face of modern man to assert that ALL these ancient cultures knew damn near EVERYTHING that we don't. Its possible that the Baghdad battery was used to power some primitive computer...or it wasn't. Or the "Anykithra" (sp?) machine was a primitive form of GPS...yeah yeah...we get it...But I hate thinking how we can't take credit for what WE'VE been able to do. 
aka our dna and this was being talked about in 1910 cats werent even up on that back then b. Now we got folks encoding books into dna and trying to solve what we call junk dna.Im not even one to foolwith that mystique stuff either but I found it interesting.
People aren't "encoding books" into DNA.

Thats more science jargon that gets misused. That doesn't mean what you think it does. 

And Junk DNA, yes was recently shown to have more significance than we thought, but it again doesn't point to the "supernatural" which is a contradictory concept anyways.

Calling something "supernatural" but using natural methods to describe and attempt to interact with it doesn't make any sense ANYWAYS. 
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