Will science eventually replace religion?

No, of course all those that love to bash religion would love to think so.
The only reason people believe is because they have poor reasons for wanting so.

I said it.

Now, we can go through WHY people believe, but surely when the burden of proof is examined it all comes back to "I want to believe" rather than "I can prove what I'm saying" or that its true, real or valid. 

At the end of the day, if you believe this stuff but do a poor job of presenting it, then you have yourself to blame when no one believes you. Its not even worth discussing how absurd the individual claims for religion are in the first place.

I simply am not convinced (but am open to being convinced) by the claims theists make. 
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"Science" also created the MRI. 

You know there is an impending shortage of helium because its creation during atomic weapon production has slowed down and access to their underground sources as a by product of natural gas discovery is slowing down due to them being finite. 

Oh but wait...the same helium is CRUCIAL to MRI's even turning on. 

Science isn't concerned with morality. There isn't something "good" or "bad" about science. The same techniques that allow laser guided weapons allow you to use geotagging on instagram. Its merely concerned with the accumulation of knowledge for further and greater aims. 

ok bill nye
"Science" also created the MRI. 

You know there is an impending shortage of helium because its creation during atomic weapon production has slowed down and access to their underground sources as a by product of natural gas discovery is slowing down due to them being finite. 

Oh but wait...the same helium is CRUCIAL to MRI's even turning on. 

Science isn't concerned with morality. There isn't something "good" or "bad" about science. The same techniques that allow laser guided weapons allow you to use geotagging on instagram. Its merely concerned with the accumulation of knowledge for further and greater aims. 
ok bill nye
Your excuse: Well scientists make super accurate bullets

My response is that their advances in materials science enable you to have better quality electronics. 
I wasn't science majors to replace business/law majors in politics.
Many European leaders like the German PM and many Asian leaders have degrees in STEM fields...

but theres a reason why we still need scientists...in science. 

Listen around 1:45

It wouldn't hurt...we have a lot of idiots..and I mean people who are STUPID in charge of congressional committees on science. 

There are dudes on there who don't even understand evolution or climate change. 

...I mean...come on 
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ok i will start
science created the atomic bomb

ok i will follow up

science created the atom bomb, medicine, cures for cancer, sight for the blind, ability to hear to the deaf, [list more here]

science may have created the atom bomb but that is not to say they condoned its use.

Albert Einstein is quoted with the following after Roosevelt approved the Manhattan Project due to Einstein's letter: "I made one great mistake in my life—when I signed the letter to President Roosevelt recommending that atom bombs be made; but there was some justification—the danger that the Germans would make them."

The motivation behind this Project was to compete with Nazi research for their advancement in atomic bombs. Einstein advocated for a pacifist world, but he knew that German researchers were creating lethal weapons for the wrong people.

The use of the atomic bomb of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not initiated by scientists but as a retaliatory strike followed through by US governing powers.

The destruction created by science and research has almost always been in the hands of military and governing powers.


Now let's look to religions. The massive amounts of deaths span for centuries over beliefs and pride that one's santa claus is more real than another's easter bunny. There are numerous massacres and fruitless wars to provide support for this, but I would like to address the crusades. These Crusades lasted from 1100 to 1600. That is 500 years of ongoing battles over what? Assertion of who is right over their beliefs more than their neighbor? Hundreds of thousands were killed as women and children were also motivated to fight for the just cause. Pope Urban II told these recruits that if they took back Jerusalem from the Muslims they would receive remission of their sins or even heaven after death (there's controversy over this, but regardless, it's ridiculous).

People complain nowadays about fighting wars for our government, our freedom and peace for others. Imagine slaughtering your own neighbors because your priest told you that you might go to heaven (a place that may not exist).

Religion proves great for literature, history, and philosophy but logic will always supplant belief.


The issue with religion is that it always has to be right. There is no middle ground, there is no room to allow for different lines of thinking. It doesn't change and adapt with the times. A prime example of this is the Vatican and its views on contraceptions. Muslims stoning women in the streets in 2012. [List more]

Religion forces one-dimensional thinking. This leads to close-minded bigots headstrong on how much more realistic their deities are and how they are never wrong.


The beauty of science is that it advocates critical thinking. It forces you to question the theories and thought processes of your peers as well as yourself. Theories are awesome because it allows you to be wrong. Nothing is ever set in stone and all statements can be challenged at any time. The best thing is that many scientists enjoy having their assertions challenged as it provides greater perspective, research, and information in their field. Peer review is not perfect, but it's a beautiful tool in the realms of research.

Science advocates questioning and critical thinking while religion throws you to rot in a tower for asserting that the world is round.
Are you asking if one day ppl will treat science the same way they do religion on a global scale? GOD I hope not.

Science has already had a few set backs by those with an agenda but I don't want religious minded approaching science the same way they do religion. I'd prefer they die out than that happen.

If you're asking if religion will be completely done away with and more ppl will be educated about what science has discovered, what it is, and the purpose of it I'd hope so.

The way I see it religion and science are not even in the same category. It's really not an option between the two because one is just nonsensical. This aint like choosing what particular religion you subscribe to it's literally the difference between what's real and what's made up.
I like this comment.

Partly because people don't get it. Science doesn't challenge religion.

Science has NO STANCE on religion. Its merely evidence vs the lack of evidence.

Its like saying science is against rainbow colored unicorns. Theres no evidence for it...so until there is, its as plausible as the Hawks winning the championship, but until you can prove it then its merely speculation. 

Faith is a pretty poor argument for anything you ever do.

You don't use that faith when you get to a stop sign do you? 

Do you go off of a high school kid's stats before you draft him or do you just go off of "faith?" 

The cognitive dissonance required to be religious implies that you're just willing to suspend your innate and ALREADY finely tuned experience with finding evidence for an argument you really want to be true. 

None of you use faith in the real world to make any decisions...but when it comes to religion, you all abandon the very thing that allow you to decide how you should have dressed for the weather this morning. 
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ok i will start
science created the atomic bomb
ok i will follow up

science created the atom bomb, medicine, cures for cancer, sight for the blind, ability to hear to the deaf,
  • science may have created the atom bomb but that is not to say they condoned its use.

    Albert Einstein is quoted with the following after Roosevelt approved the Manhattan Project due to Einstein's letter: "I made one great mistake in my life—when I signed the letter to President Roosevelt recommending that atom bombs be made; but there was some justification—the danger that the Germans would make them."

    The motivation behind this Project was to compete with Nazi research for their advancement in atomic bombs. Einstein advocated for a pacifist world, but he knew that German researchers were creating lethal weapons for the wrong people.

    The use of the atomic bomb of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not initiated by scientists but as a retaliatory strike followed through by US governing powers.

    The destruction created by science and research has almost always been in the hands of military and governing powers.


    Now let's look to religions. The massive amounts of deaths span for centuries over beliefs and pride that one's santa claus is more real than another's easter bunny. There are numerous massacres and fruitless wars to provide support for this, but I would like to address the crusades. These Crusades lasted from 1100 to 1600. That is 500 years of ongoing battles over what? Assertion of who is right over their beliefs more than their neighbor? Hundreds of thousands were killed as women and children were also motivated to fight for the just cause. Pope Urban II told these recruits that if they took back Jerusalem from the Muslims they would receive remission of their sins or even heaven after death (there's controversy over this, but regardless, it's ridiculous).

    People complain nowadays about fighting wars for our government, our freedom and peace for others. Imagine slaughtering your own neighbors because your priest told you that you might go to heaven (a place that may not exist).

    Religion proves great for literature, history, and philosophy but logic will always supplant belief.


    The issue with religion is that it always has to be right. There is no middle ground, there is no room to allow for different lines of thinking. It doesn't change and adapt with the times. A prime example of this is the Vatican and its views on contraceptions. Muslims stoning women in the streets in 2012.
  • Religion forces one-dimensional thinking. This leads to close-minded bigots headstrong on how much more realistic their deities are and how they are never wrong.


    The beauty of science is that it advocates critical thinking. It forces you to question the theories and thought processes of your peers as well as yourself. Theories are awesome because it allows you to be wrong. Nothing is ever set in stone and all statements can be challenged at any time. The best thing is that many scientists enjoy having their assertions challenged as it provides greater perspective, research, and information in their field. Peer review is not perfect, but it's a beautiful tool in the realms of research.

    Science advocates questioning and critical thinking while religion throws you to rot in a tower for asserting that the world is round.
Yeah...Alfred Nobel created TNT...the same component of which is used to help fight heart attacks.

Pick your poison. 
I always find it ironic for people praying for their dying grandmother as her life support and medication was a product of science and research.

I would love to see a case study of religious cancer patients that refuse modern medicine because they think their rosemary, bible, and their God would care enough to save them.

Stop paying your tithes and invest in a research firm you believe in. At least then, your money will be helping to advance the world as opposed to it being used to buy the KY Jelly your preacher uses on your son.

side note: i can't believe religious institutions actually hide and ignore this fact. this applies to boy scouts, as well.
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I always find it ironic for people praying for their dying grandmother as her life support and medication was a product of science and research.

I would love to see a case study of religious cancer patients that refuse modern medicine because they think their rosemary, bible, and their God would care enough to save them.

Stop paying your tithes and invest in a research firm you believe in. At least then, your money will be helping to advance the world as opposed to it being used to buy the KY Jelly your preacher uses on your son.

side note: i can't believe religious institutions actually hide and ignore this fact. this applies to boy scouts, as well.
There was a big study that wrapped a few years on intercessory prayer (people praying on your behalf)...and none of it worked. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16569567 (unsurprisingly...but hey this is why we do experiments)

Basically "praying" is no more useful than not praying.

The ONLY thing that prayer does is possibly remind people to actually care about you, but you surely aren't looking for the supernatural to come through...are you?

But yeah...I always find it odd when people get religious while taking medicine and using therapies. How are they sure whats actually working? If nothing else, our understanding is what has helped them to even live THIS long. 

Prayer didn't solve polio. 

Plus, miracles aren't supernatural events. They're statistically rarities...otherwise, to call it a "miracle" implies that you have the possession of all possible outcomes of a situation and this outcome could NOT have occurred. So...theres no such thing as a miracle. Rolling a 7 from a single 6-sided dice? Miracle. 
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I always find it ironic for people praying for their dying grandmother as her life support and medication was a product of science and research.
I would love to see a case study of religious cancer patients that refuse modern medicine because they think their rosemary, bible, and their God would care enough to save them.
Stop paying your tithes and invest in a research firm you believe in. At least then, your money will be helping to advance the world as opposed to it being used to buy the KY Jelly your preacher uses on your son.
side note: i can't believe religious institutions actually hide and ignore this fact. this applies to boy scouts, as well.

yea and doctors want to be doctors because they the unquenchable desire to save people
I always find it ironic for people praying for their dying grandmother as her life support and medication was a product of science and research.
I would love to see a case study of religious cancer patients that refuse modern medicine because they think their rosemary, bible, and their God would care enough to save them.
Stop paying your tithes and invest in a research firm you believe in. At least then, your money will be helping to advance the world as opposed to it being used to buy the KY Jelly your preacher uses on your son.
side note: i can't believe religious institutions actually hide and ignore this fact. this applies to boy scouts, as well.
yea and doctors want to be doctors because they the unquenchable desire to save people
The money isn't bad, but I'd say some doctors are underpaid for the work they do considering how much effort it takes to become one in the first place. 

That being said, if doctors don't do "what they do," then who will? ...You
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yea and doctors want to be doctors because they the unquenchable desire to save people
Look, you've already proven that you have nothing of value to say. Making assumptions isn't making you look any better. If your main desire in life is money, there's ways of acquiring it that are much easier and require a fraction of the schooling/student loans.
There was a big study that wrapped a few years on intercessory prayer (people praying on your behalf)...and none of it worked. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16569567 (unsurprisingly...but hey this is why we do experiments)

Basically "praying" is no more useful than not praying.

The ONLY thing that prayer does is possibly remind people to actually care about you, but you surely aren't looking for the supernatural to come through...are you?

But yeah...I always find it odd when people get religious while taking medicine and using therapies. How are they sure whats actually working? If nothing else, our understanding is what has helped them to even live THIS long. 

Prayer didn't solve polio. 

Plus, miracles aren't supernatural events. They're statistically rarities...otherwise, to call it a "miracle" implies that you have the possession of all possible outcomes of a situation and this outcome could NOT have occurred. So...theres no such thing as a miracle. Rolling a 7 from a single 6-sided dice? Miracle. 

That's an awesome paper. I mean it's pretty much common sense, but it's nice to see it in a paper.

However, I want to say that there's an emotional component that isn't accounted for. This applies to both the individual doing the prayer as well as the one receiving it. These are individuals that pretty much no longer have control over their health or well-being. It gives them something to hope and hold onto when there is nothing else. I can't say that this is the healthiest way to cope, but it gives them some relief.

I'm all in if it helps them relieve the emotional anguish and frustration. However, I'm not sure if I agree with giving them false hope considering those prayers have no effect.

Lastly, to the the bible thumper a few posts above. I am actually pursuing a doctorate because it's a profession I believe in and is fulfilling to me. I have a year off before school starts and my year is pretty much dedicated to volunteering with Special Olympics and Project C.U.R.E. I volunteer (should already imply not getting paid) with this program because I believe in these institutes and I truly think it's awesome. The experience is fulfilling, it's not always about money. So quick to judge, I thought your God taught you better. :smh:
futuremd probably gets one of those spider sense tingling moments when these threads pop up.

this dude needs to chill out. go speak in front of a subway station or something
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