Why is there so much disgusting obesity in this country?

when i was fat(ter) I would eat until I was full and borderline nauseous. Now I try to eat until im no longer hungry. Just put the plate down. You can get a doggy bag and have some more if you truly are hungry later. I also struggled with this because being from a 3rd world country we never throw away food so you have to clean your plate regardless of the ridiculous portions restaurants serve now.
Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Being fat is a symptom of other problems.
That used to be the case.   With very morbid obese people,  there is usually some kind of underlying emotional problem such as molestation, parent dying or being murdered, divorce, parents on drugs, being placed in foster care etc,  but nowadays,  kids are just fat very early in life, because they eat crap and don't do anything, and the parents are the ones at fault.  Unfortunately, many parents suck at being parents and don't know how to tell their kids no.
To the dude at the beginning that posted there is no link to obesity and medical problems, i am sure he had to be joking,
For the first time in our history as a country, we are going to see a whole generation die out before their parents
  I see obese kids on the regular with the following problems, and these are kids as young as six years old.
1. high cholesterol
2. high triglycerides
3. fatty liver
4.insulin resistance
5. type 2 diabetes---the youngest child i have seen with this was morbidly obese and 6 years old.

I have made parents cry, or even get mad at me, because i will straight tell them that they are are going to outlive their children, and there is no one else to blame but themselves.  You can't tell your kids " i told you not to drink soda, its only for me". or "i told you not to smoke," and be a smoker.  As a parent, you are supposed to lead by example, but now in this selfish self centered society, people just don't care.   End of rant.

On another note, you wouldn't believe how many kids i see with stomach pain from gastritis due to eating too much  taptio, hot cheetos or  taquis.   Some parents say"see i told you to stop eating those"  but these same parents are the ones buying them that crap.   Since i am about fixing the root of the problem, not covering it up, i tell them no medicine for you, quit eating that stuff, if your stomach still hurts in two weeks, come back and then we'll talk about medication..  Ok i think i'm done for now.
Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Being fat is a symptom of other problems.
That used to be the case.   With very morbid obese people,  there is usually some kind of underlying emotional problem such as molestation, parent dying or being murdered, divorce, parents on drugs, being placed in foster care etc,  but nowadays,  kids are just fat very early in life, because they eat crap and don't do anything, and the parents are the ones at fault.  Unfortunately, many parents suck at being parents and don't know how to tell their kids no.
To the dude at the beginning that posted there is no link to obesity and medical problems, i am sure he had to be joking,
For the first time in our history as a country, we are going to see a whole generation die out before their parents
  I see obese kids on the regular with the following problems, and these are kids as young as six years old.
1. high cholesterol
2. high triglycerides
3. fatty liver
4.insulin resistance
5. type 2 diabetes---the youngest child i have seen with this was morbidly obese and 6 years old.

I have made parents cry, or even get mad at me, because i will straight tell them that they are are going to outlive their children, and there is no one else to blame but themselves.  You can't tell your kids " i told you not to drink soda, its only for me". or "i told you not to smoke," and be a smoker.  As a parent, you are supposed to lead by example, but now in this selfish self centered society, people just don't care.   End of rant.

On another note, you wouldn't believe how many kids i see with stomach pain from gastritis due to eating too much  taptio, hot cheetos or  taquis.   Some parents say"see i told you to stop eating those"  but these same parents are the ones buying them that crap.   Since i am about fixing the root of the problem, not covering it up, i tell them no medicine for you, quit eating that stuff, if your stomach still hurts in two weeks, come back and then we'll talk about medication..  Ok i think i'm done for now.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by sonofsam

its "disgusting" because society has brain washed you to believe that skinny is beautiful and fat is ugly...


These are extremes , y'all dudes can't effectively argue for %+%%. Just being in Jamaica I agree though, im basically in shape but everyone there told me I was fat, they all cut up off 0 exercise maybe the occasional soccer match and they all eat like a mother. Gotta be something in the food/ water.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by sonofsam

its "disgusting" because society has brain washed you to believe that skinny is beautiful and fat is ugly...


These are extremes , y'all dudes can't effectively argue for %+%%. Just being in Jamaica I agree though, im basically in shape but everyone there told me I was fat, they all cut up off 0 exercise maybe the occasional soccer match and they all eat like a mother. Gotta be something in the food/ water.
^^^ its called an active lifestyle, i doubt that those people that are all "cut up" are sedentary.  they are probably walking here and there, riding bikes, moving around, not sitting drinking soda and eating chips all day playing PS3.
^^^ its called an active lifestyle, i doubt that those people that are all "cut up" are sedentary.  they are probably walking here and there, riding bikes, moving around, not sitting drinking soda and eating chips all day playing PS3.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

they say they tax bottled water so it's not such an appealing choice at fast food restaurants and you're more inclined by buy soda.

so the legislation isn't helping.

thats because bottled water is a scam and unless youre from southern california or the south, its worse quality than your tap. several states have tried to tax sugary foods and sodas but all of the fatasses got up in arms about it.

besides, it aint up to the government to make sure your thunderchunky %*$ doesnt get chunkier.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

they say they tax bottled water so it's not such an appealing choice at fast food restaurants and you're more inclined by buy soda.

so the legislation isn't helping.

thats because bottled water is a scam and unless youre from southern california or the south, its worse quality than your tap. several states have tried to tax sugary foods and sodas but all of the fatasses got up in arms about it.

besides, it aint up to the government to make sure your thunderchunky %*$ doesnt get chunkier.
How can anyone on this board post something negative about an addictive behavior. The only reason we're all on this board is because we wait in lines for $200 shoes and own tens if not hundreds of pairs. How is that a healthy lifestyle? But on to the topic at hand. Being fat is having a food addiction and being addicted to the worst foods. It's a habit that a lot of people have grown up with and it's hard to break bad habits. You grow up in a household where it's readily accessible and you get used to it so you just keep it going later in life. You don't think about it when you're young because when you're young you're way more active wanting to play with your friends and your body is meant to burn up food faster. When you get older your body slows down your metabolism and you still eat the same with a lot less activity because now you have to work a lot more and when you get home the last thing you want to do is exercise all your free time away and you gain the weight. Trying to change a habit is hard and a bad habit even harder. How about we attack smoking or drinking or weed or other things like that. Everyone has a bad habit that someone thinks is disgusting. So trust me everyone in here is disgusting to someone else if they really found out about your habits. The problem is just that being fat is out there for everyone to see so it's easy to be disgusted by that person.

I agree we all need to have healthier education and healthier choices in this country but that will never happen because do you think a franchise owner of a McDonalds wants to see his customer base dwindle because they're finally getting healthy. It's always going to exist because people want money and they'll do whatever it takes to sell a product and profit from it. And since food is something we need the most in life because it's what keeps us alive, figuring out a way to sell the most of it to gain the most money is what will continue to happen. And since making food with cheaper chemicals and having them be processed so they will last longer on the shelf is the best way to increase your profits they aren't going anywhere any time soon.
How can anyone on this board post something negative about an addictive behavior. The only reason we're all on this board is because we wait in lines for $200 shoes and own tens if not hundreds of pairs. How is that a healthy lifestyle? But on to the topic at hand. Being fat is having a food addiction and being addicted to the worst foods. It's a habit that a lot of people have grown up with and it's hard to break bad habits. You grow up in a household where it's readily accessible and you get used to it so you just keep it going later in life. You don't think about it when you're young because when you're young you're way more active wanting to play with your friends and your body is meant to burn up food faster. When you get older your body slows down your metabolism and you still eat the same with a lot less activity because now you have to work a lot more and when you get home the last thing you want to do is exercise all your free time away and you gain the weight. Trying to change a habit is hard and a bad habit even harder. How about we attack smoking or drinking or weed or other things like that. Everyone has a bad habit that someone thinks is disgusting. So trust me everyone in here is disgusting to someone else if they really found out about your habits. The problem is just that being fat is out there for everyone to see so it's easy to be disgusted by that person.

I agree we all need to have healthier education and healthier choices in this country but that will never happen because do you think a franchise owner of a McDonalds wants to see his customer base dwindle because they're finally getting healthy. It's always going to exist because people want money and they'll do whatever it takes to sell a product and profit from it. And since food is something we need the most in life because it's what keeps us alive, figuring out a way to sell the most of it to gain the most money is what will continue to happen. And since making food with cheaper chemicals and having them be processed so they will last longer on the shelf is the best way to increase your profits they aren't going anywhere any time soon.
Originally Posted by jc619er

How can anyone on this board post something negative about an addictive behavior. The only reason we're all on this board is because we wait in lines for $200 shoes and own tens if not hundreds of pairs. How is that a healthy lifestyle? But on to the topic at hand. Being fat is having a food addiction and being addicted to the worst foods. It's a habit that a lot of people have grown up with and it's hard to break bad habits. You grow up in a household where it's readily accessible and you get used to it so you just keep it going later in life. You don't think about it when you're young because when you're young you're way more active wanting to play with your friends and your body is meant to burn up food faster. When you get older your body slows down your metabolism and you still eat the same with a lot less activity because now you have to work a lot more and when you get home the last thing you want to do is exercise all your free time away and you gain the weight. Trying to change a habit is hard and a bad habit even harder. How about we attack smoking or drinking or weed or other things like that. Everyone has a bad habit that someone thinks is disgusting. So trust me everyone in here is disgusting to someone else if they really found out about your habits. The problem is just that being fat is out there for everyone to see so it's easy to be disgusted by that person.

I agree we all need to have healthier education and healthier choices in this country but that will never happen because do you think a franchise owner of a McDonalds wants to see his customer base dwindle because they're finally getting healthy. It's always going to exist because people want money and they'll do whatever it takes to sell a product and profit from it. And since food is something we need the most in life because it's what keeps us alive, figuring out a way to sell the most of it to gain the most money is what will continue to happen. And since making food with cheaper chemicals and having them be processed so they will last longer on the shelf is the best way to increase your profits they aren't going anywhere any time soon.
Does buying sneakers up my chances of heart attack?  Lower my life expectancy?
Originally Posted by jc619er

How can anyone on this board post something negative about an addictive behavior. The only reason we're all on this board is because we wait in lines for $200 shoes and own tens if not hundreds of pairs. How is that a healthy lifestyle? But on to the topic at hand. Being fat is having a food addiction and being addicted to the worst foods. It's a habit that a lot of people have grown up with and it's hard to break bad habits. You grow up in a household where it's readily accessible and you get used to it so you just keep it going later in life. You don't think about it when you're young because when you're young you're way more active wanting to play with your friends and your body is meant to burn up food faster. When you get older your body slows down your metabolism and you still eat the same with a lot less activity because now you have to work a lot more and when you get home the last thing you want to do is exercise all your free time away and you gain the weight. Trying to change a habit is hard and a bad habit even harder. How about we attack smoking or drinking or weed or other things like that. Everyone has a bad habit that someone thinks is disgusting. So trust me everyone in here is disgusting to someone else if they really found out about your habits. The problem is just that being fat is out there for everyone to see so it's easy to be disgusted by that person.

I agree we all need to have healthier education and healthier choices in this country but that will never happen because do you think a franchise owner of a McDonalds wants to see his customer base dwindle because they're finally getting healthy. It's always going to exist because people want money and they'll do whatever it takes to sell a product and profit from it. And since food is something we need the most in life because it's what keeps us alive, figuring out a way to sell the most of it to gain the most money is what will continue to happen. And since making food with cheaper chemicals and having them be processed so they will last longer on the shelf is the best way to increase your profits they aren't going anywhere any time soon.
Does buying sneakers up my chances of heart attack?  Lower my life expectancy?
i thought i was the only one that would notice how obese people are. as years go by, people seem to get bigger and bigger
i thought i was the only one that would notice how obese people are. as years go by, people seem to get bigger and bigger
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by DR DAMON

Childhood obesity is totally out of control

I am a pediatrician, and i see this on a daily basis. I see kids that weigh double what they should, and this is before they are even 10 years old. bottom line is, kids eat a bunch of crap, drink soda and juice and koolaid like it was going out style, and they don't exercise, just watch tv, play videogames etc. Hardly anyone drinks water anymore or even goes outside. I have even had parents tell my "well i don't eat vegetables, so why should they?" WTH? Many parents nowadays have no clue about eating healthy foods, conversely, there are parents that do have an idea about eating healthy, but their kids don't want to, and they don't wan't to hear them complain, so they just give in to what they want. I am stuck at work this morning, and now I am about to go see a teenage girl who is 5'3 and 190 pounds.

There are very few medical conditions that will make you obese, and i can assure you, they are few and far between. People in the US are fat because they eat crap, don't drink water, and don't exercise.

My 2cents.
Preach, I don't think people realize the extent of the problem. People are getting fatter, and getting fatter earlier than ever before. What makes you fat is very simple, I would know before I blew up the last 3 months. Sedentary lifestyle (people literally have no reason to go outside anymore because of all the technology and entertainment at our fingertips) + eating like crap (snacking, sugary drinks, fast food).

Yup. If they could put exercise in a pill, it would be the number one selling drug in America.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by DR DAMON

Childhood obesity is totally out of control

I am a pediatrician, and i see this on a daily basis. I see kids that weigh double what they should, and this is before they are even 10 years old. bottom line is, kids eat a bunch of crap, drink soda and juice and koolaid like it was going out style, and they don't exercise, just watch tv, play videogames etc. Hardly anyone drinks water anymore or even goes outside. I have even had parents tell my "well i don't eat vegetables, so why should they?" WTH? Many parents nowadays have no clue about eating healthy foods, conversely, there are parents that do have an idea about eating healthy, but their kids don't want to, and they don't wan't to hear them complain, so they just give in to what they want. I am stuck at work this morning, and now I am about to go see a teenage girl who is 5'3 and 190 pounds.

There are very few medical conditions that will make you obese, and i can assure you, they are few and far between. People in the US are fat because they eat crap, don't drink water, and don't exercise.

My 2cents.
Preach, I don't think people realize the extent of the problem. People are getting fatter, and getting fatter earlier than ever before. What makes you fat is very simple, I would know before I blew up the last 3 months. Sedentary lifestyle (people literally have no reason to go outside anymore because of all the technology and entertainment at our fingertips) + eating like crap (snacking, sugary drinks, fast food).

Yup. If they could put exercise in a pill, it would be the number one selling drug in America.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by jc619er

How can anyone on this board post something negative about an addictive behavior. The only reason we're all on this board is because we wait in lines for $200 shoes and own tens if not hundreds of pairs. How is that a healthy lifestyle? But on to the topic at hand. Being fat is having a food addiction and being addicted to the worst foods. It's a habit that a lot of people have grown up with and it's hard to break bad habits. You grow up in a household where it's readily accessible and you get used to it so you just keep it going later in life. You don't think about it when you're young because when you're young you're way more active wanting to play with your friends and your body is meant to burn up food faster. When you get older your body slows down your metabolism and you still eat the same with a lot less activity because now you have to work a lot more and when you get home the last thing you want to do is exercise all your free time away and you gain the weight. Trying to change a habit is hard and a bad habit even harder. How about we attack smoking or drinking or weed or other things like that. Everyone has a bad habit that someone thinks is disgusting. So trust me everyone in here is disgusting to someone else if they really found out about your habits. The problem is just that being fat is out there for everyone to see so it's easy to be disgusted by that person.

I agree we all need to have healthier education and healthier choices in this country but that will never happen because do you think a franchise owner of a McDonalds wants to see his customer base dwindle because they're finally getting healthy. It's always going to exist because people want money and they'll do whatever it takes to sell a product and profit from it. And since food is something we need the most in life because it's what keeps us alive, figuring out a way to sell the most of it to gain the most money is what will continue to happen. And since making food with cheaper chemicals and having them be processed so they will last longer on the shelf is the best way to increase your profits they aren't going anywhere any time soon.
Does buying sneakers up my chances of heart attack?  Lower my life expectancy?
In the wrong neighborhood it could.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by jc619er

How can anyone on this board post something negative about an addictive behavior. The only reason we're all on this board is because we wait in lines for $200 shoes and own tens if not hundreds of pairs. How is that a healthy lifestyle? But on to the topic at hand. Being fat is having a food addiction and being addicted to the worst foods. It's a habit that a lot of people have grown up with and it's hard to break bad habits. You grow up in a household where it's readily accessible and you get used to it so you just keep it going later in life. You don't think about it when you're young because when you're young you're way more active wanting to play with your friends and your body is meant to burn up food faster. When you get older your body slows down your metabolism and you still eat the same with a lot less activity because now you have to work a lot more and when you get home the last thing you want to do is exercise all your free time away and you gain the weight. Trying to change a habit is hard and a bad habit even harder. How about we attack smoking or drinking or weed or other things like that. Everyone has a bad habit that someone thinks is disgusting. So trust me everyone in here is disgusting to someone else if they really found out about your habits. The problem is just that being fat is out there for everyone to see so it's easy to be disgusted by that person.

I agree we all need to have healthier education and healthier choices in this country but that will never happen because do you think a franchise owner of a McDonalds wants to see his customer base dwindle because they're finally getting healthy. It's always going to exist because people want money and they'll do whatever it takes to sell a product and profit from it. And since food is something we need the most in life because it's what keeps us alive, figuring out a way to sell the most of it to gain the most money is what will continue to happen. And since making food with cheaper chemicals and having them be processed so they will last longer on the shelf is the best way to increase your profits they aren't going anywhere any time soon.
Does buying sneakers up my chances of heart attack?  Lower my life expectancy?
In the wrong neighborhood it could.
Originally Posted by jc619er

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by jc619er

How can anyone on this board post something negative about an addictive behavior. The only reason we're all on this board is because we wait in lines for $200 shoes and own tens if not hundreds of pairs. How is that a healthy lifestyle? But on to the topic at hand. Being fat is having a food addiction and being addicted to the worst foods. It's a habit that a lot of people have grown up with and it's hard to break bad habits. You grow up in a household where it's readily accessible and you get used to it so you just keep it going later in life. You don't think about it when you're young because when you're young you're way more active wanting to play with your friends and your body is meant to burn up food faster. When you get older your body slows down your metabolism and you still eat the same with a lot less activity because now you have to work a lot more and when you get home the last thing you want to do is exercise all your free time away and you gain the weight. Trying to change a habit is hard and a bad habit even harder. How about we attack smoking or drinking or weed or other things like that. Everyone has a bad habit that someone thinks is disgusting. So trust me everyone in here is disgusting to someone else if they really found out about your habits. The problem is just that being fat is out there for everyone to see so it's easy to be disgusted by that person.

I agree we all need to have healthier education and healthier choices in this country but that will never happen because do you think a franchise owner of a McDonalds wants to see his customer base dwindle because they're finally getting healthy. It's always going to exist because people want money and they'll do whatever it takes to sell a product and profit from it. And since food is something we need the most in life because it's what keeps us alive, figuring out a way to sell the most of it to gain the most money is what will continue to happen. And since making food with cheaper chemicals and having them be processed so they will last longer on the shelf is the best way to increase your profits they aren't going anywhere any time soon.
Does buying sneakers up my chances of heart attack?  Lower my life expectancy?
In the wrong neighborhood it could.
We talking OG Concord releases or OG Penny Foam 1s???
Originally Posted by jc619er

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by jc619er

How can anyone on this board post something negative about an addictive behavior. The only reason we're all on this board is because we wait in lines for $200 shoes and own tens if not hundreds of pairs. How is that a healthy lifestyle? But on to the topic at hand. Being fat is having a food addiction and being addicted to the worst foods. It's a habit that a lot of people have grown up with and it's hard to break bad habits. You grow up in a household where it's readily accessible and you get used to it so you just keep it going later in life. You don't think about it when you're young because when you're young you're way more active wanting to play with your friends and your body is meant to burn up food faster. When you get older your body slows down your metabolism and you still eat the same with a lot less activity because now you have to work a lot more and when you get home the last thing you want to do is exercise all your free time away and you gain the weight. Trying to change a habit is hard and a bad habit even harder. How about we attack smoking or drinking or weed or other things like that. Everyone has a bad habit that someone thinks is disgusting. So trust me everyone in here is disgusting to someone else if they really found out about your habits. The problem is just that being fat is out there for everyone to see so it's easy to be disgusted by that person.

I agree we all need to have healthier education and healthier choices in this country but that will never happen because do you think a franchise owner of a McDonalds wants to see his customer base dwindle because they're finally getting healthy. It's always going to exist because people want money and they'll do whatever it takes to sell a product and profit from it. And since food is something we need the most in life because it's what keeps us alive, figuring out a way to sell the most of it to gain the most money is what will continue to happen. And since making food with cheaper chemicals and having them be processed so they will last longer on the shelf is the best way to increase your profits they aren't going anywhere any time soon.
Does buying sneakers up my chances of heart attack?  Lower my life expectancy?
In the wrong neighborhood it could.
We talking OG Concord releases or OG Penny Foam 1s???
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