Why is everyone so fake?

I think in some settings I think you have to tone things down a bit, or act accordingly, like in a professional or serious setting.  Not sure if that would make me "fake," but in every other setting I'm pretty much the same person depending on my mood
.  I can't speak on everyone, but just from the people I know it seems like women want money and fame whereas guys want women and money.  Of course there's always exceptions, but that's just my opinion.  I know dudes that are a complete 180 of what they were in high school, and it's so obvious they do it only for girls that it's comical.  Then you have the girls that think they can sing like Alicia Keys or look like Kim Kardashian, so they're always on that "have you seen my new pictures" or "listen to my new song," which is actually a cover
.  Don't even get me started on facebook, I barely use mine because I have no interest in reading some dumb, irrelevant things that people post.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

A lot of truth be spoken in here. I'm reading everything and I'm glad some people see the same things I do out here..

..it's a fake world we live in.

word and truth hurts most people aswell..
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

I agree with OP for real.

This $%%* is at an all-time high. I kind of think that the internet/facebook/twitter is the cause. Before the myspace days, people weren't exposed as much as they are now. Everybody wants to be a celebrity. Everyone wants to out-do the next person by the means of fashion, clubbing, pictures, etc. The level of inferiority based on image has been risen.

I was at a party/function here in Cleveland about a month ago, and I was in the cut out of everybodys way; and my dude next to me was chopping it with this chick about their tattoos they both had. Going back & fourth explaining their tats or whatever and she looked over at me and asked "where your tats at??" - I told here I ain't have none and she hit me with the "C'mon dude it's 2011, either you ink'd up or you stink'd up" I look at that chick and started cracking up
 I aint even know what that meant - I told that girl when you about 40 years old, not a damb will be given about them tats you got. I put her on blast and she was mad but the moral of that story is; some people will judge you based on image. I mean tats are cool or whatever but if you walking around thinking those tats hold the validity of respect, you only as deep as that ink you got on you.

I used to never blame hip-hop/rap ever for anything dumb that our culture was accused of, but I might be starting to now.

Let's think what these rappers preach about, not that it's anything new but it's at an all time high - money, fashion, clubs, @#$$$%*, being cool, sex, poppin bottles, jewlery, guns. I dare you to throw any song on from Lil Wayne, Drake, Rick Ross, Wale, Big Sean or anyone else these young cats consider cool and I guarantee you that you'll hear at least 6 of the 9 things I listed, said twice or more.

All these young kids are brainwashed. They want to be what these rappers are. Everybody wants to be a celebrity, and the cheapest way of doing that is pumping up your image, than showing it off on facebook.

It's sad. I can go on with this because I'm erked from it too, but I'll stop.

Man if this isn't the truth, Heck I'd say most people.

that's society for you.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Generation X where are you? Are you just a mindless spineless generation of clones molded in the image of mass media and artificial trends?
I like that question op because I wonder the same thing.
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