Why is everyone so fake?

"I just wanna be cool like the rest of my friends. I wanna get the latest jay's and stun on the people I consider "fakes." Frontin on a lot of aspects about myself get's people to like me because they're fake as well. I just want to fit in and not be alone all by myself. I've never met anyone who is genuine and comfortable with themselves, so people will tell me to be fake under subliminal messages. I just want to be cool and accepted by my peers, even it means putting up a facade to cover up my real self."

We're blinded by material wealth. So much that we forget who we truly are. Let me put up a facade, buy stuff I don't need that I probably don't like just to be accepted by the "in" crowd.
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

Originally Posted by NORTHMIAMIBOI

Originally Posted by DJ Rashy

Some people feel very lonely when they genuine are themselves. The pain of feeling lonely is enough for a human to want to conform to a general group in hopes to just destroy that loneliness. It takes a certain strength and guidance to understand what it means to persevere and genuinely be who you are, listening to your inside voice, and using your intuition. I do not think such things are taught in middle or high school education.

The media makes money off of telling what you should good to buy/what should you wear/how you act. A lot of mainstream songs are about partying and sex. As so that affects a common young person's mindset to tend to pursue those things that the media says they must experience/do in their life.

and other random stuff

i concur

well said..
Great Post DjRashy. When I get to thinking about stuff like that, like how much of my daily life has been bombarded with instructions on behavior and presentation, I find solace in the fact that I was born naked with no toys. That's pretty much how I'll go too. Unless they bury me in my favorite outfit. Whatever it may be at the time lol
I agree with OP for real.

This $%%* is at an all-time high. I kind of think that the internet/facebook/twitter is the cause. Before the myspace days, people weren't exposed as much as they are now. Everybody wants to be a celebrity. Everyone wants to out-do the next person by the means of fashion, clubbing, pictures, etc. The level of inferiority based on image has been risen.

I was at a party/function here in Cleveland about a month ago, and I was in the cut out of everybodys way; and my dude next to me was chopping it with this chick about their tattoos they both had. Going back & fourth explaining their tats or whatever and she looked over at me and asked "where your tats at??" - I told here I ain't have none and she hit me with the "C'mon dude it's 2011, either you ink'd up or you stink'd up" I look at that chick and started cracking up
 I aint even know what that meant - I told that girl when you about 40 years old, not a damb will be given about them tats you got. I put her on blast and she was mad but the moral of that story is; some people will judge you based on image. I mean tats are cool or whatever but if you walking around thinking those tats hold the validity of respect, you only as deep as that ink you got on you.

I used to never blame hip-hop/rap ever for anything dumb that our culture was accused of, but I might be starting to now.

Let's think what these rappers preach about, not that it's anything new but it's at an all time high - money, fashion, clubs, @#$$$%*, being cool, sex, poppin bottles, jewlery, guns. I dare you to throw any song on from Lil Wayne, Drake, Rick Ross, Wale, Big Sean or anyone else these young cats consider cool and I guarantee you that you'll hear at least 6 of the 9 things I listed, said twice or more.

All these young kids are brainwashed. They want to be what these rappers are. Everybody wants to be a celebrity, and the cheapest way of doing that is pumping up your image, than showing it off on facebook.

It's sad. I can go on with this because I'm erked from it too, but I'll stop.
what does it really mean to be fake? to be a poser? who's gonna stand up and say "im fake and i dont care"?
I think the answer is somewhat simple.
Many people nowadays are of no substance. They're just shells. They hold no concrete opinions. They don't have any worthwhile hobbies or interests. They have no meaningful goals apart from striking it rich and famous ( how many actually even have the potential let alone accomplish it?). They're lost and they know it. 

Many American's entire life consists of what TV show they watch each day of the week, the next frivolous (discretionary) purchase they will make, being current on the celebrity gossip, etc.  Make a serious thread on NT and see how many responses you get. Then create a "girl problem" or "breast/booty appreciation" and compare. Yes, this is a sneaker forum with a young demographic but the thirst for knowledge and to grow as an individual isn't even there. Most just don't care. How are they any better than my dog? In all reality, my dog has more thirst for knowledge and growth potential than them. All he lacks is the ability.

What do you expect of these people? They're Play-doh to be molded by advertising and pop culture. 
I read a few months ago that there was a study done on the "twitter/facebook" generation...
Said its a dependance on assurance from others

Its the truth.. Basically what every one has been saying

People need mentions and rewteets

And on Instagram girls need likes on their pictures of themselves 
Call me lame, but I don't roll in circles or cliques or mess with anyone trying to shine on facebook or star on twitter.

I noticed this *#%# about 3 or 4 years ago when I used to be involved in the local hip hop scene. I wasn't a rapper but dudes I kicked it with were and they went from rapping about the lives they lived (when we first met) to rapping about fantasies. Along with the fantasies came an adjustment in the way they presented themselves and with that came a change in who we all were surrounded by until it just started to spiral out of control. I won't go into detail, but I'll say that I got reminded of what's important and what's not.

People are "faking it til they make it" with no solid plan or skills to execute a solid plan. Somewhere in their dreams of being young, rich and famous they forget that they were playing a part to get everyone to believe in them and start believing the crap they tried to sell everyone else on. Worse yet, in order to pick up the %*##*% who gravitate toward this foolishness other dudes will start to act like the fakers for their slice of attention and all of a sudden, you have a herd of idiots all playing the same part.

Dudes forgot what real work is and what it means to be a man. I don't mean a man as in the opposite of a woman, but a man as in the opposite of a boy.

There's a lot of grown +@# kids walking around trying to be cool and putting on shows for people just to keep their "image" going out there. It's all bull *#%# . I won't even start on the women in that same scene trying to be known for nothing but looking halfway decent and taking the same pics every other bird does and putting it on her facebook thinking she's doing it. Sad +@# hopping from one **** to the next types, fronting in the club with two kids at home, still living with their mommas.

It's just a mess out there. I bet it's 10 times worse since I was around it...
A lot of truth be spoken in here. I'm reading everything and I'm glad some people see the same things I do out here..

..it's a fake world we live in.
Brolic my sentiments exactly, I'm just baffled by how many people are so fragile. I was ALWAYS a leader whatever school I went to or circles I ran in. I never gave a damn about what other people did because I was raised to believe that I could do it better my own way. I feel that we have to raise our children and children's children to be leaders on a whole new level. As a species we are headed into very critical times and thinking outside the box is the only way we will survive.
This is the reason I deleted my twitter. Couldn't stand the foolishness I was seeing. The only reason I still have FB is to see my little cousins grow up cuz everyone stays halfway across the country
...its a trend in society...usually a false sense of security so people can be accepted by their peers/colleagues/etc...

...thinking that they might not be accepted...neglecting the fact that society can accept the true image of his/herself...

...do you and keep it movin...
Cause like others have said, everyone wants to be "somebody". No one wants to be a "nobody". Well, very few people at least.

Most people are social beings and require the support and acceptance of others in order to feel secure. That's exactly why no one says anything when someone is getting their $%# kicked, or why people agree with the loudest guy in the room, basically submissive behavior just because like everyone in here said, they want to be accepted.

When people try and act different, most of the time they still want to be accepted. The "acting different" is just a facade. They don't actually want to deviate from the status quo, they just want to take it to the next level. Wearing the latest shoes, rocking the flyest clothes, having the latest tech, having their "own style", basically they want to stand out but still fit in.

On top of that, damn near everyone in the world (or America at least) uses materialism to determine self worth. Combine that with the absolute desire to have high self-worth, and you have everyone trying to use status symbols and wealth to project themselves. The biggest problem is, is that almost everyone CAN'T afford to live like this. And in reality, no one should. Wealthy people don't use materials to define their lifestyle, their lifestyle defines the materials they own. There's a big difference there. It's a middle-class thing to do, to try and pretend like you belong in the upper class. The problem is that most people can see right through the show they put on and if they thought about it for a minute they'd realize they aren't fooling anyone.

That's pretty much all there is to it. People want to be things they just aren't. They want to be attractive, wealthy, tough, confident, mainly the 1st two. That's why you see people taking out stupid loans to finance their third cars, working night shifts to pay the mortgage on their expensive home, and you got women going OD on the makeup and beauty products, then trying to fool themselves into thinking they're actually attractive by A. Hanging out with attractive women to belong there, B. Hanging out with ugly women to look better by contrast, C. Posting all kinds of pics on the internet so their friends can gas them up or D. All of the above.

Once again, everyone wants to "somebody". Very few people are going to want to be "nobody". And the twisted mindset is when one tries so hard to be somebody that they aren't even themselves anymore.
I'm clumsy, sarcastic, goofy and awkward. I couldn't fake not being those things if someone paid me.

I do wonder about this too though.
The world is full of sheep and followers...and the fake it until you make it mentality runs deep.  Perception is reality, therefore if people front hard enough...people actually believe it.  Sad truth.
Originally Posted by KayJayR

I read a few months ago that there was a study done on the "twitter/facebook" generation...
Said its a dependence on assurance from others

Its the truth.. Basically what every one has been saying

People need mentions and retweets

And on Instagram girls need likes on their pictures of themselves 
I honestly believe this goes for a LARGE number of Twitter users 

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Why is jadakiss as hard as it gets?

started noticing this yrs ago. like i kinda left the hip hop scene because it had to many dumb ppl talking bout stupid crap. fake ppl,biters,wannabes,ignorant ppl, etc etc too much man. n I wanted to get tats before but now Im sooo against it. i dun giva a F anymore if a girl says she only gets with men with tats +$$@. fake ppl just disgust me cuz I can spot em a mile away. nowadays i try to be as 100% real as i can. let da chips fall where they may
Basically...fake is the new real.  Keeping it real gets you know where in life...a few other real folks might respect you, but the pain and situations from keeping it real do not fade.
The only way to combat the fake is to be real.
and not "Real" like "Keeping it real" where you tell people off, and ridicule them for their flaws.
Just being yourself, it's the only way to do it, no matter how many people do or don't do the same.
Because it's much easier to just follow the herd down the path of least resistance than it is to take risks and create your own path.

I've only seen this get worse and worse over time.
Originally Posted by DJ Rashy

Some people feel very lonely when they genuine are themselves. The pain of feeling lonely is enough for a human to want to conform to a general group in hopes to just destroy that loneliness. It takes a certain strength and guidance to understand what it means to persevere and genuinely be who you are, listening to your inside voice, and using your intuition. 

and other random stuff
This is probably the most important statement in this whole thread (at least to me), no offense to others who already pitched in their two cents. It's the story of nearly anyone's life who has felt this way at one point or another... hell I admit it's still a part of my story and I still struggle with it (had a talk earlier with a friend about these things). But all I can do (like anyone else living in this world) is to move forward and appreciate those who accept me for who I am (without any of the facades).
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