Why is Cam Newton hated so much?


Not a problem, and no editorial was written.

And don't even get me started on Joseph Fauria.
The Warriors and Curry do not celebrate after every made 3. When they do celebrate it fits into the game. When Cam does it, it seems so forced. As if he's trying to push his brand or something.

It's actually a form regurgitation. Cam is a Hell of a football player, but he just needs to chill with the dancing. I'm saying, he keeps this up and his fall will be mightier than his rise.
dude Dabs and points first down after he runs for a first down. You're acting like he runs for a first down on every play.
The Warriors and Curry do not celebrate after every made 3. When they do celebrate it fits into the game. When Cam does it, it seems so forced. As if he's trying to push his brand or something.

It's actually a form regurgitation. Cam is a Hell of a football player, but he just needs to chill with the dancing. I'm saying, he keeps this up and his fall will be mightier than his rise.


You sound so foolish man. "It fits into the game" but then when cam does it "its forced"

Man what :lol:

He's going to fall from the top because he celebrates? :rofl: aight man.
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You sound so foolish man. "It fits into the game" but then when cam does it "its forced"

Man what :lol:

I'm comparing the frequency of which the Warriors celebrate after making a made three to Cam celebrating after a first down. I watch both fairly frequently, and it seems like Cam does it far too often. Warrior do celebrate, but not to the extent of Cam. It's fun to see guys celebrate, but it's become kind of old watch Cam do it so often.
It get it. It's a personal thing. Can't knock you for you own opinion on dude.

I just don't see why he deserves the hate for having fun on the field and winning but I understand why.
[h1]  Retired linebacker Brian Urlacher hates Cam Newton's touchdown celebrations[/h1]
For retired linebacker Brian Urlacher, touchdown celebrations still leave a bad taste in his mouth.

Even when he’s just watching them on television. Which means he’s not a fan of Cam Newton’s celebrations.

“I played defense so I don’t like when guys celebrate with dances and stuff. You know who I like the way he celebrates is Peyton. He kind of gives the guy a handshake and goes back to the sidelines. I think that’s a great celebration right there,” he said. “You don’t see him dancing. You don’t see him doing all of that stuff. Even when he gets a first down he doesn’t do anything.”

[h1]  Is race a factor in the criticism of Cam Newton?[/h1]
It’s a question that has been lurking throughout much of the season, hiding between the lines of the attention-seeking letters to the editor and even goofier petitions to ban him from certain NFL cities, petitions which some in the media even more goofily have dignified by writing and talking about them: Is Cam Newton’s race a factor in the criticism he receives?

Answering that question requires first acknowledging that Newton is criticized on a statistically-significant basis. Many think he isn’t, and that much of the debate comes from the reaction to criticism that simply doesn’t exist — but for the attention-seeking letters to the editor and even goofier petitions to ban him from certain NFL cities, petitions which some in the media even more goofily dignify by writing and talking about them.

[h1]  Cam Newton isn't afforded the freedom to fail like so many white quarterbacks who came before him[/h1]
"I'm an African-American quarterback that may scare a lot of people because they haven't seen nothing that they can compare me to." - Cam Newton

Cam Newton addressed the racial elephant in the room  on Wednesday. Good for him. And good for us. We need to name it until it stops.

Cam was defending himself against reactions to his celebrations specifically that cap an NFL career of racial double-standards. In the next 10 days we will debate about all the hate and blatant racism (Warren's Moon's words) that Cam has received since he stepped into this league. We will rehash the scouting report hit jobs, the hits on Cam's intelligence, and criticism of his dabs and dances  that are more over-the-top than the beloved Lambeau Leap. And we should.

[h1]  'Disappointed' Carolina residents pen letters disapproving of Cam Newton being an unwed father[/h1]
Here’s the first letter, courtesy of The Charlotte Observer:
“So the man whom we celebrate, and with good reason, has produced a son. Congratulations would be in order if he had been man enough to marry the mother of his child and make a home.  This happy occasion is blighted when Cam, whose own parents were married, skips the very basis of being a good parent.

I am just very sorry and very disappointed.”
And here’s the second:
“It is amazing that the birth of Cam Newton’s son by his girlfriend is a front-page story. The U.S. is seeing a rise in unmarried births and for the media to flash this as the greatest happening for Cam Newton is contrary to today’s family principles.

Cam is a role model to many of our young males, both white and black. The least that he and his longtime girlfriend could have done is to get married prior to giving birth to show his followers that not only is he a superstar, but also a person with high morals.”
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Because he's the antithesis of Peyton Manning.

He's like a modern-day Ali, but just not on a social scale.


But that is such a large part of what made Ali. So I don't really see them as comparable

Nah from a historic stand point Ali's social stance makes Ali revered and great, but in the moment when it was happening, Ali was disrespected and hated for his stance on the war. no one in the media publicly supported Ali's stances and most ridiculed and ostracized him to the point where he was damn near flat broke.
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cam gonna win this SB and host SNL and do all these great things. dudes hatin on him for having fun are just weird
this is sports entertainment, guys should allowed to have fun while playing a gm

if he wants to celebrate after every play, let him be. makes the gm fun. dude aint out there disrespecting guys and humping on his opponents
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Peyton Manning is boring :lol:

I don't mind celebrating, but it shouldn't be ALL THE TIME.

I love the Discount Double Check celebration Rodgers does. But he ONLY does it when he himself scores a TD.
The world is so soft. U celebrate they hate u. U want him to stop doing a 3 second dab, stop him. People who's teams he runs over get sensitive cuz their teams get steam rolled over. The Packers been beating my hometown lions for years and I've never said o Aaron Rodgers is a ****, his championship belt celebration is so cocky. If dude was losing, they wouldn't say a word, but when u are winning and having fun they love to hate. Keep on dabbing cam keep on dabbing.
What about Tom Brady? Gronkowski? Those guys demonstratively celebrate all of the time and are labeled as 'fiery'.

Gronk and Brady hardly ever celebrate first downs. Cam Newton on the other hand, does it after EVERY first down.

The kid is a stud, no doubt about it. But he needs to chill with that ish. It just gives people a reason to yap.

You guys are unbelievable man. Just say you're sticking up for him because of his culture and skin color.

Brady and Gronk don't celebrate first downs?! :lol: How much football do you watch, man?

Tom Brady does his "fired up" routine after first downs all the time.
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Some non black people will never understand the points you're trying to make, plain and simple.

This is what it boils down to.

There are just some people commpletely oblivious to undertstanding how deep the rabbit hole goes when discussion these types of topics.

Its one thing to call out the "race card" if we're talking about Tyrone blaming "the man" for his inability to make a living while living in his moms basement at 35.

However, to pretend like race has absolutely no bearing on why Cam Newton is disliked by a significant amount of sports fans is an example of being comepletely oblivious. If you understand the dynamics surrounding "the black quarterback" and history behind that...you cant possibly believe that race isnt on people's minds when discussing cam.
If he wins the SB, dude should be the face of the league. Dude is marketable as hell.

I'm starting to see more of his spots nationally (Greek Yogurt/Gatorade), but there should be much more on the horizon if the Panthers win the SB.


Coincidentally, I just came across this:

Let it go: Why hating the great Cam Newton is a waste of your time

He has been on TV a lot more recently than ever before. Surprised UA hasn't given him a national spot yet.

It just bugs me that he's so ineloquint when he speaks. Have you seen his press conferences? The guy would be all over the place if he was a little more polished. I guess formal speech training can address that issue.

EDIT: I just thought how funny one of those "Don't be like..." DirectTV commercials would be if Cam Newton did one.
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If he wins the SB, dude should be the face of the league. Dude is marketable as hell.

I'm starting to see more of his spots nationally (Greek Yogurt/Gatorade), but there should be much more on the horizon if the Panthers win the SB.


Coincidentally, I just came across this:

Let it go: Why hating the great Cam Newton is a waste of your time

He has been on TV a lot more recently than ever before. Surprised UA hasn't given him a national spot yet.

It just bugs me that he's so ineloquint when he speaks.
Have you seen his press conferences? The guy would be all over the place if he was a little more polished. I guess formal speech training can address that issue.

EDIT: I just thought how funny one of those "Don't be like..." DirectTV commercials would be if Cam Newton did one.


Cmon hank Scorpio. You sound like ur straight out of a yahoo comment section..

First it was the dancing.
Then pointing after first down.
Now its cause he's nopt eloquent enough for you?

What's REALLY on ur mind fam?
"If you’re a black athlete, White Americans will cheer for you; they will attend your games; they will even buy your jersey—just make sure you display endless amounts of humility, meekness, and gratitude. Most white folks want entertainment, but they don’t want the help acting too uppity. That’s why Cam Newton is the kind of black athlete white folks tend to hate." http://www.newblackmaninexile.net/2016/01/black-brilliance-cam-newton-and-future.html?m=1

Cmon hank Scorpio. You sound like ur straight out of a yahoo comment section..

First it was the dancing.
Then pointing after first down.
Now its cause he's nopt eloquent enough for you?

What's REALLY on ur mind fam?
Dude sounds like one of those cats who was critcizing the way Jameis speaks after he won the national title.
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