
Oct 18, 2005
i read while ago that JB was not releasing anymore original retro colorways other than in CDP's...but they have recently obviously gone back on that sincewe have been seeing the recent release of the TB III's and the upcoming space jams and my holy grails the infrared VI next janurary...i'm not at allcomplaining about, it's actually pleasing to me seeing a bunch of my favorites being re-released which means i can finally break out my DS jordans that ihave been saving over the years..but i actually saw this coming which is why i did not fall into the whole CDP marketing scam...JB IMO has and always will be ahorrible company...only out to make a buck....never producing enough to satisfy the loyal consumer..and when they do produce something that we have beenbegging for they make it ridiculously hard for us to aquire or it's always a bunch of crap..never living up to the OG..i have only seen a few releases overthe past few years which i can say that i have been happy with..and even those, i wasn't so satisfied with..i guess i'm just upset that i have thisaddiction to jordans..when i hate the company so much...i wish i was not spending my hard earned money on such a despicable company......SMH at JB
why does it matter? its just a marketing technique...its also just simple economics...supply and demand
Originally Posted by leako

i read while ago that JB was not releasing anymore original retro colorways other than in CDP's...but they have recently obviously gone back on that since we have been seeing the recent release of the TB III's and the upcoming space jams and my holy grails the infrared VI next janurary...i'm not at all complaining about, it's actually pleasing to me seeing a bunch of my favorites being re-released which means i can finally break out my DS jordans that i have been saving over the years..but i actually saw this coming which is why i did not fall into the whole CDP marketing scam...JB IMO has and always will be a horrible company...only out to make a buck....never producing enough to satisfy the loyal consumer..and when they do produce something that we have been begging for they make it ridiculously hard for us to aquire or it's always a bunch of crap..never living up to the OG..i have only seen a few releases over the past few years which i can say that i have been happy with..and even those, i wasn't so satisfied with..i guess i'm just upset that i have this addiction to jordans..when i hate the company so much...i wish i was not spending my hard earned money on such a despicable company......SMH at JB
It's not JB's fault you heard those unconfirmed rumors....
Didnt someone make a post called "the end all be all jordan complaint thread"? or something of that sort? SMH at op
i was just venting my frustrations at JB...i already know it's all a big marketing scam...i'm just disappointed at myself for wasting thousands ofdollars on this addiction when i could be spending it on something worth while, like investing in stocks or real estate...or if i really have to throw my moneyaway on material things..at least something that will keep me entertained like electronics or my whip...
that being said i'm less than a hundred posts away from being able to sell again, and when i do hit that pinnacle moment a large amount of my collectionwill be going up for sale..and FYI ihave some HEAT!!! that will get your mouth watering....keep a look out!!!!
^^Because they can

This is what JB does and what they'll keep doing.
aren't business supposed to make money?

CAPCOM is the best company because they listen to their fans.
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