
Oct 13, 2008
I love this show but the why does he need a team of 5 doctors? At some point when he was recruiting for a new team, dude had like 40 doctors with him trying toget on the team. This is far-fetched on so many levels.

What kinda hospital pays 7 doctors to treat 1 patient at a time? Why is Dr. Forman indentured to him? Forman wants to do his own thing and do research andclinical trials but Dr. House won't let him. Dude was like "you have a team of 5 doctors and no more than 1 patient at a time, you don't needme". If Dr. House is such a genius why does he need a team of physicians to pitch him ideas and differential diagnoses. Doctors work in teams/collaborateall the time but no hospital will pay 5 doctors to treat 1 patient at a time. I would understand if they were residents and just trying to learn and gainhands-on experience but these are board-certified physicians.
Originally Posted by mdresident

i thought it was just a fictional show, not a documentary on real doctors!
, i liked the exclamation mark at the end
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

House basically solves all the problems by himself at the end of the show... the other characters are just for drama
LOL basically, there are all there to search people's homes for toxins/drugs and run tests for him while he sits on his ***.

I'm sry there are aspects of every show's loss of touch with reality that bothers me. No hospital will pay for this.
Physician "teams" usually consist of residents, 3th and 4th year medstudents and 1 or 2max senior physicians. The senior physician can have the residents do procedures/diagnostic tests like endoscopies instead house has 5 realdoctors doing his dirty work for him.
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

I have a question, since you are apparently in med school you should know...

do doctors seriously search people's houses for "clues"? or is House just some General Hospital/CSI hybrid
1. I am not in med school yet.....I find out if i get in in 2 weeks or so

2. No no they don't search people's houses for evidence. What are the chances of every single patient you get being a liar? I'm watchingtoday's episode and this broad just lied about her parents being dead and her getting raped, and she was very believable. I don't think doctorsare/should be that distrustful by nature
Tonights episode had a nice lil twist at the end..but ehh I've seen better eps. Btw, this show is actually pretty accurate...the cases are just very rare,but the stories actually stem from somewhere (after googling). Its kind of like macgyver...like theoretically it is possible for him to do the outrageousstuff...but in reality...its totally diff..
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

He needs a black guy to be cool, a woman to smash, a British guy to get more women and the Indian dude is there for theLulz
The black guy plays a bigger role than u think, I think the dynamic of him and House's relationship is one of the most interesting aspects ofthe show. The British guy is no longer in the team. Why is the indian dude there for the lolz?
A better question is how do these patients pay for the health care, i have never seen them ask for medical insurance
Originally Posted by mdresident

Tonights episode had a nice lil twist at the end..but ehh I've seen better eps. Btw, this show is actually pretty accurate...the cases are just very rare, but the stories actually stem from somewhere (after googling). Its kind of like macgyver...like theoretically it is possible for him to do the outrageous stuff...but in reality...its totally diff..
The show is medically accurate but the chances of all that happening pathologically is rare. All disease has the potential to affect multipleorgan systems at once, manifesting itself in various psychotic and somatic symptoms. Doctors do this all the time but I don't think it gets thiscomplicated this often. For example there are many pathologies that could lead to a bloody stool (cancer, autoimmune disorders etc)....you just have to ruleout the differentials by performing tests.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

He needs a black guy to be cool, a woman to smash, a British guy to get more women and the Indian dude is there for theLulz

13 =

Kutner =
I havent read anything in here except the title but... he needs a team of doctors because he is a specialty doctor, that's why they never really know whatswrong with the patients and have to talk about it for so long. He is the kind of doctor that gets the hospital publicity from writing papers on newlydiscovered symptoms and diseases and stuff. And that publicity brings the hospital more money.. voila..
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by mdresident

Tonights episode had a nice lil twist at the end..but ehh I've seen better eps. Btw, this show is actually pretty accurate...the cases are just very rare, but the stories actually stem from somewhere (after googling). Its kind of like macgyver...like theoretically it is possible for him to do the outrageous stuff...but in reality...its totally diff..
The show is medically accurate but the chances of all that happening pathologically is rare. All disease has the potential to affect multiple organ systems at once, manifesting itself in various psychotic and somatic symptoms. Doctors do this all the time but I don't think it gets this complicated this often. For example there are many pathologies that could lead to a bloody stool (cancer, autoimmune disorders etc)....you just have to rule out the differentials by performing tests.

Right, that's basically what I was getting at (except for the fact I don't know crap about medicine) like theoretically its possible..but the chancesof that stuff actually happening is slim to none. Which is why the show is what it is. If the stories dealt with nothing but everyday illnesses, itwouldn't be such a suspensful show...you know? These wild circumstances are the basis of the show.
show is far from real...word to my aunt who is in the medical field.

i love the show still though.
at anybody who thinks House is anything like real medicine.

First of all, the most un-realistic thing about the show isn't the 5 doctors for 1 patient deal. They are likely a "Diagnostic Dilemma" team whospecializes in cases that nobody else can figure out, which do exist. That's why some of the patients seek out House.

The most un-realistic thing are the skills that each of the members of House have. They are doing echocardiograms, catherizations, colonoscopies, surgeries,running CT/MRI scanners, doing biopsies, interventional radiology studies, etc. In order for one person to do these things, they would have to do like 2-3residencies and like 3-4 fellowships, which would be like 30 years of training after medical school.

Well, that and House always consults with a heme-onc doctor on every case he has, no matter what the main issue is.
Originally Posted by Hodog16

at anybody who thinks House is anything like real medicine.

First of all, the most un-realistic thing about the show isn't the 5 doctors for 1 patient deal. They are likely a "Diagnostic Dilemma" team who specializes in cases that nobody else can figure out, which do exist. That's why some of the patients seek out House.

The most un-realistic thing are the skills that each of the members of House have. They are doing echocardiograms, catherizations, colonoscopies, surgeries, running CT/MRI scanners, doing biopsies, interventional radiology studies, etc. In order for one person to do these things, they would have to do like 2-3 residencies and like 3-4 fellowships, which would be like 30 years of training after medical school.

Well, that and House always consults with a heme-onc doctor on every case he has, no matter what the main issue is.

LOL technically all doctors are somewhat trained to tackle any medical problems because in the 3rd and 4th yrs of medical school, students gain exposure tovarious medical specialties during their clerkship years......basic diagnostic tests and procedures such as echo, endoscopies, basic surgery (suturing), basicradiologic interpretation is expected of all doctors at a basic level.

Pathologists, which is what House is are doctors who study the course/cause of disease. They are trained to have a very broad knowledge of medical sciences.The other doctors on his team are experts in different fields (The british guy is a surgeon, Forman is a neurology specialist...etc.). I guess it makes all thesense to create a team with a variety of specialists to gain different view points from experts in their fields. But yes I somewhat agree with you. Mostdoctors, specialists in particular, do not have that broad a knowledge of medicine.
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