Why do people say the holocaust never happened?

I never heard that it didn't happened, but I have heard that it's was exaggerated death toll number wise.
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

Originally Posted by moneymike88

i honestly think 6 million is an exaggerated number...thats just my opinion though

Pray tell, why exactly do you think it is exaggerated?  Is this opinion founded on any semblance of truth, or is it baseless?
Let me answer your question with a question.

Do those who claim 6 million base that on any semblance on truth? Or is it baseless?
like other ppl are stating, whether or not the holocaust actually happen is NOT debatable. BUT the exact number of murders is. how come there is no recognition or NATIVE/INDIGENOUS americans ? how come there is no recognition of the COUNTLESS africans who were born into slavery. who were forced onto cramped boats to make a uncertain voyage across the atlantic ocean ? also, the conquering/colonization of most pacific islands which are hardly EVEN acknowledged. that is what i use for a 'hinge' point. the fact that 9/11 was truly a inside job, it makes you step back and look at things much closer. the fact that 9/11 was an inside job really opened my mind to the so called 'IMPOSSIBLE' because this government was founded by some very selfish, clever men who WE know almost NOTHING ABOUT. i will read this tonight and make more unbiased and educated responses.
Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

Originally Posted by moneymike88

i honestly think 6 million is an exaggerated number...thats just my opinion though

Pray tell, why exactly do you think it is exaggerated?  Is this opinion founded on any semblance of truth, or is it baseless?
Let me answer your question with a question.

Do those who claim 6 million base that on any semblance on truth? Or is it baseless?
Even though you skirted my question, the lack of an adequate response was answer enough.
As for your question, of course they do.  The estimates of roughly 6 million were introduced during the Nuremburg Trials, based on statistcal evidence and documentation.
I believe it did happen, but I wouldn't believe everything I've read about it.

With that said, I'm glad there are people that believe that it didn't happen. We need people to think outside of what the norm is. Especially in a society that's so swayed by the media which is more or less controlled by the Zionists, it's no wonder we walk on eggshells whenever a discussion about Jews or the Holocaust comes up. Why does the media stomp on black people and no one ever recognizes the native americans when both communities have seen a comparable amount of atrocity in their respective histories?

I'm just saying, take a step back and think about why you believe certain things and what is really fact to you. To me, a fact is NOT something that you read, whether it be from wikipedia or encyclopedia, somebody wrote it meaning somebody could have fudged it up.
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

Originally Posted by moneymike88

i honestly think 6 million is an exaggerated number...thats just my opinion though

Pray tell, why exactly do you think it is exaggerated?  Is this opinion founded on any semblance of truth, or is it baseless?
Let me answer your question with a question.

Do those who claim 6 million base that on any semblance on truth? Or is it baseless?
Even though you skirted my question, the lack of an adequate response was answer enough.
As for your question, of course they do.  The estimates of roughly 6 million were introduced during the Nuremburg Trials, based on statistcal evidence and documentation.

Yep, of all the things the Nazis were good at keeping records would be near the top. They documented almost everything they did during WW2 - and those records can be checked to see the numbers of people who went through those camps.

It was a serious number of people.
There's a lot of things I want to say in this thread, but it's too late and I'm not about to start arguments with certain idiots in this thread. But, the holocaust is real, the facts are true based on multiple documents kept by multiple parties, video evidence and first hand records. It's not a disputable subject. Conspiracy videos on Youtube are some of the most misleading, misinformed things on the internet.
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

I would like to know more on who or what group actually helped Hitler achieve power in the first place.
I think the story goes that Germany was destroyed after WW1 so the people just wanted to believe in someone and unfortunately that someone was Hitler and his party.
I do not doubt the terrible things that went out throughout WWII in concentration camps throughout Europe. I have seen enough photos, read enough books, and heard enough eyewitness interviews and firsthand accounts to prove to me that these things did happen. You can't deny the thousands of Allied soldiers who walked through these camps and saw with their own eyes the atrocities being committed. As well as the Jewish prisoners who survived these camps alongside the Nazi soldiers who ran them.

The exact details and numbers of the Holocaust are debatable, but I don't believe they are far off.

As for if it happened at all, for me there is without question nothing to debate.
Originally Posted by GTEK

I will say this...
while I do believe that genocide was partaken within Germany during the years of 1933-1945,
I also believe there may be some untold truths lying under the general story.
As in the reason for the "extermination" and the event's proposed beneficiary for the NSDAP or any other
assumed organizations.

Best believe much more then just extermination went on in those ghettos/camps.

Were also talking about practice and experimentation....
but for what cause and at what cost?

I haven't quite figured everything out yet, but to me the Holocaust seemed to be one big project...
Unit 731 on much grander stage, for a much grander cause.

Think we all need to re-read this post. Because it strikes up a very valid idea. I read this thread, and I dont want to fully get into it because I just woke up and I don't feel like typing a Holocaust paper for the dummies on NT. But I will address GTEK, I agree with you 100% homie. This whole thing goes beyond just killing Jews. I mean think about it, if they wanted all the Jews dead they would have done it easily and quickly. But for some reason they didn't kill all of them they saved them and put them in camps. Some were sent off to die and some were kept. There has to be a reason for not killing every Jew in sight.

to the people denying that this existed.

-The Juice
OJ ^^

I do agree that this probably does go deeper than "just killing Jews" but about your comment on why they didn't just kill them all on sight. Many of them were kept alive as slave labor. They were used to do hard labor for the Nazis. When they became to weak to carry on THEN they were "exterminated". The disabled and weak were separated and killed before even getting to most of the concentration camps.
i dont understand either why ppl think it never happened. There's even people that think the earth is flat. People always gotta question & contest.
You guys are twisting the entire argument around... either you just don't know what you're talking about or your analytical skills are off..

No one is denying the massacre of innocent Jews during WW2... But what many people are denying/not accepting is the way it was presented to the public and written in history books... which is the Holocaust... TWO DIFFERENT THINGS!!!!!!

Yes, innocent Jews were killed, but was it really because "Hitler was crazy/hated Jews"

Or was there a hidden agenda?

And there is evidence for the latter.....

AGAIN THAT DOES NOT MEAN JEWS WERE NOT KILLED!!!!!! Its the WHY????? and the aftermath of the killings that raises many questions.

Like someone already mentioned, if they really wanted to wipe Jews off the planet, they could have.. but then there would be nobody to claim Palestinian land and call it Israel. Do some of you that are bashing others in this thread even know how and why the modern State Israel was founded? And do you know how important that location is?

Again, I'm not a historian with a PHD... there is a lot I don't know, and who knows.. I might read something even more convincing tomorrow, but what I will not do is read two paragraphs in my high school history book and base everything I claim to know off of that. Whoever has power/money writes history...

Watch the documentary in my first post.. trust me it's a really good history lesson.
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

Originally Posted by moneymike88

i honestly think 6 million is an exaggerated number...thats just my opinion though

Pray tell, why exactly do you think it is exaggerated?  Is this opinion founded on any semblance of truth, or is it baseless?
Let me answer your question with a question.

Do those who claim 6 million base that on any semblance on truth? Or is it baseless?
Even though you skirted my question, the lack of an adequate response was answer enough.
As for your question, of course they do.  The estimates of roughly 6 million were introduced during the Nuremburg Trials, based on statistcal evidence and documentation.
Methods of killing were reported by the Soviets and changed a number of times. Gas chambers were called steam chambers before being rendered as unfeasible. What statistical evidence?
Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Originally Posted by Jerome in the House

Hey I think it did happened but why is the idea of it being fake so far fetched?

because some of the concentration camps still stand and you can go there. Many a photo, diary, documentary, museum, and movie exist on the topic. And why would somebody make something like that up to begin with?


They made up the trip to the moon why not this?

Spoiler [+]
Of course it happened. (the holocaust
Originally Posted by Ryda421

like other ppl are stating, whether or not the holocaust actually happen is NOT debatable. BUT the exact number of murders is. how come there is no recognition or NATIVE/INDIGENOUS americans ? how come there is no recognition of the COUNTLESS africans who were born into slavery. who were forced onto cramped boats to make a uncertain voyage across the atlantic ocean ? also, the conquering/colonization of most pacific islands which are hardly EVEN acknowledged. that is what i use for a 'hinge' point. the fact that 9/11 was truly a inside job, it makes you step back and look at things much closer. the fact that 9/11 was an inside job really opened my mind to the so called 'IMPOSSIBLE' because this government was founded by some very selfish, clever men who WE know almost NOTHING ABOUT. i will read this tonight and make more unbiased and educated responses.

I see something more important with this statement than any of the ones.

In 1945, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander, anticipated that someday an attempt would be made to re-characterize the Nazi crimes as propaganda and took steps against it:
[table][tr][td]“[/td][td]The same day[sup][26][/sup] I saw my first horror camp. It was near the town of Gotha. I have never been able to describe my emotional reactions when I first came face to face with indisputable evidence of Nazi brutality and ruthless disregard of every shred of decency. Up to that time I had known about it only generally or through secondary sources. I am certain however, that I have never at any time experienced an equal sense of shock.

I visited every nook and cranny of the camp because I felt it my duty to be in a position from then on to testify at first hand about these things in case there ever grew up at home the belief or assumption that "the stories of Nazi brutality were just propaganda". Some members of the visiting party were unable to go through with the ordeal. I not only did so but as soon as I returned to Patton's headquarters that evening I sent communications to both Washington and London, urging the two governments to send instantly to Germany a random group of newspaper editors and representative groups from the national legislatures. I felt that the evidence should be immediately placed before the American and the British publics in a fashion that would leave no room for cynical doubt.[sup][27][/sup]
Originally Posted by weGOTthis

You guys are twisting the entire argument around... either you just don't know what you're talking about or your analytical skills are off..

No one is denying the massacre of innocent Jews during WW2... But what many people are denying/not accepting is the way it was presented to the public and written in history books... which is the Holocaust... TWO DIFFERENT THINGS!!!!!!

Yes, innocent Jews were killed, but was it really because "Hitler was crazy/hated Jews"

Or was there a hidden agenda?

And there is evidence for the latter.....

AGAIN THAT DOES NOT MEAN JEWS WERE NOT KILLED!!!!!! Its the WHY????? and the aftermath of the killings that raises many questions.

Like someone already mentioned, if they really wanted to wipe Jews off the planet, they could have.. but then there would be nobody to claim Palestinian land and call it Israel. Do some of you that are bashing others in this thread even know how and why the modern State Israel was founded? And do you know how important that location is?

Again, I'm not a historian with a PHD... there is a lot I don't know, and who knows.. I might read something even more convincing tomorrow, but what I will not do is read two paragraphs in my high school history book and base everything I claim to know off of that. Whoever has power/money writes history...

Watch the documentary in my first post.. trust me it's a really good history lesson.

Many scholars believe it wasn't.

David Irving was a historian who was placed in jail for arguing differently.  He wanted to see if any primary sources could link Hitler to the Holocaust, and couldn't.  He never denied the Holocaust never happened, just that the final death toll needs to be re-examined and that Hitler wasn't really as involved as many people want to believe.

In fact if you think about it, running these death camps takes away a lot of manpower from the Germans.

Their initial plan was to strip the jews of their wealth, and send them to an island somewhere.  That didn't come to fruition.  So they decided to deport them to neighboring European countries.  Nobody would take an entire population stripped of all of their wealth.  So the "Final Solution" was really a last resort. 

But when you put it that way, it makes the Germans seem less evil.  People don't want that, they like seeing things as polarized as possible.
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

I would like to know more on who or what group actually helped Hitler achieve power in the first place.

international bankers and industrialists. pure profit on their end

http://www.reformed-theol...ll_street/chapter_07.htm <--- very quick read scan thru you'll get the point.

these type threads always will come down to the number of people who have died. but the actual event that took place is not to be denied. now why it took place (who helped create/didnt stop it, funded it, etc) are great questions.

edit: so a specific number makes it a holocaust? its the magnitude of the event that happened, is the point.

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