Why do black people and white people do this on FB? Vol. HueyP your thoughts?

People take pictures of themselves holding up fish because it's a hobby and the size of the fish is important to said hobby.

Same as someone holding up a trophy for basketball or football or any other competition.
I thought you were gunna post: why do brothas always have profile pics of themselves taking a shirtless self portrait (in the mirror) exposing their"chiseled" physiques? That's almost as common as the middle names.
Whats wrong with holding fish pics?
all my fb pics are of me holding trophy fish i've caught
The middle name @$*% is trashy...unless it's your actual middle name. I don't think "SwaggerOnAHundredTrillion" is a real middle name
Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

black people aren't the only ones changing their middle name
100% of the people on MY list with changed middle names are black. And 100% of thefish pictures, are white

Troy StackinDatBreadBurrrr Curry
-The Juice
its not that ALL black people does that..its more like the only people do that happens to be black...we gotta admit sometimes that our race/nationality do dumbthings sometimes...its just the truth
Originally Posted by trey ohh five

at people trying to turn this into a race thread.
then what is it if it isn't?

Good thing all us black people elected HueyP emperor so he can verbalize the thoughts of every last one of us on our behalf.
And he doesn't know any white people who pose with fish. He just wanted to say something about black people and figured it would be better received if heincluded a shot at white people too
guilty as charged of the black ppl crime
(I changed my middle name butI didn't kno it wuz bcuz I wus blak n therfor destined to do so
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