Why did they go to such great lengths to try and destroy the black man?

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

So the death toll of slavery would eclipse that of the Holocaust?

By FAR....The massacre in the Belgian Congo by King Leopold 90 years ago, eclipses ormatches the death toll of the Holocaust....but no one seems to care of speak about that.

And that was just in one African nation....in a versy short space of time

The number of Arrowaks and Caribs killed in the Caribbean in 3 months by Columbus and his crew....matches or the eclipses that of the Holocaust.

Thats not to excuse or downplay the Holocaust but the suffering of peoples of color seem to be insignificant in our society. Look at Iraq and Palestine. How isthat justifiable?

We will stand up on behalf of Georgia and Kosovo but Darfur has to fend for themselves...while they are slaughtered by devils with real terrorist links.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

So the death toll of slavery would eclipse that of the Holocaust?
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]But you must take in account of many centuries to less than a decade. [/color]
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

Originally Posted by iceman7920

why can't we have a mexican history month and a hawaiian history month and a chinese history month and a white history month..........
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]There shouldn't be a month for a race period. The most acknowledgment you do see in febuary is BET, ut we all know BET basically goes againest the teachings of those they preach. However all these +#$@@## textbooks of absolutely $$!#!$!! need to get rewritten and put into rainbow type view. The white christians are shown throughout US history and little of everything else[/color]
The thing people fail to realize is that even the things about (White) American history in these textbooks is extremely sugarcoated and rushed. Weneed better teachers, books, and year round school from grades K-12 to REALLY have any grasp of the whole truth. Many people in America are unable to attain acollege education where they delve deeper in to a number of topics.
i love threads like this....nt isnt the first sneaker forum ive been a member of...and almost every time the true feelings of people come out...ive seen peoplewho i considered "cool" regardless of their color...show their true colors simply because they cling so tightly to ignorance.

i teach AP US History to 65 tenth graders in Newark, NJ. I love my students...every one of them. I push them to work hard, regardless of their ability becausei truly believe that they are capable of greatness.

I have not relegated African American history to the month of February, it is essential to our young brothers and sisters that they know that Americanhistory....WORLD HISTORY for that matter, includes their ancestors.

With that being said, it is also essential to realize that history is a STORY told from ONE PERSON'S point of view...and if you read a book or two, theother side of the story is always there.

Americans who come from a low socio-economic status arent exposed to plethora of knowledge that is available simply because they dont live in cities orneighborhoods that can "afford" access to said knowledge/education. Tax brackets dictate where funding goes and to whom, based all on householdincome. This is why Plessy v Ferguson resonates to this day...all education is SEPARATE and UNEQUAL.

It begins in kindergarten when students are introduced to basic skills...reading comprehension, number recognition, etc. If a child isnt exposed to classicalmusic, number theory, reading comprehension skills, decoding strategies, etc, they will not know they should seek these aspects of formal education.

Add on to this the fact that 95 percent of urban students dont have a teacher who looks, sounds, dresses, or even walks like them, you have bred a system thatwill easily subdue the minds of students and turn them off to the power of knowledge and SELF EDUCATION.

Until more teachers of color step up, many of my brothers and sisters will perpetuate cycles of self hate, self pity, and economic disaster...the slave codesof the mid 1600s werent set up for no reason...as a result of the Stono County rebellion in South Carolina, plantation owners felt a need to tighten theirgirps on the MINDS AND SOULS of their "property." Want to shake the shackles of history and create a better tomorrow for your children and the worldmoreover? Read a book or two and pass on that knowledge.
Originally Posted by 5VERSE5

i love threads like this....nt isnt the first sneaker forum ive been a member of...and almost every time the true feelings of people come out...ive seen people who i considered "cool" regardless of their color...show their true colors simply because they cling so tightly to ignorance.

i teach AP US History to 65 tenth graders in Newark, NJ. I love my students...every one of them. I push them to work hard, regardless of their ability because i truly believe that they are capable of greatness.

I have not relegated African American history to the month of February, it is essential to our young brothers and sisters that they know that American history....WORLD HISTORY for that matter, includes their ancestors.

With that being said, it is also essential to realize that history is a STORY told from ONE PERSON'S point of view...and if you read a book or two, the other side of the story is always there.

Americans who come from a low socio-economic status arent exposed to plethora of knowledge that is available simply because they dont live in cities or neighborhoods that can "afford" access to said knowledge/education. Tax brackets dictate where funding goes and to whom, based all on household income. This is why Plessy v Ferguson resonates to this day...all education is SEPARATE and UNEQUAL.

It begins in kindergarten when students are introduced to basic skills...reading comprehension, number recognition, etc. If a child isnt exposed to classical music, number theory, reading comprehension skills, decoding strategies, etc, they will not know they should seek these aspects of formal education.

Add on to this the fact that 95 percent of urban students dont have a teacher who looks, sounds, dresses, or even walks like them, you have bred a system that will easily subdue the minds of students and turn them off to the power of knowledge and SELF EDUCATION.

Until more teachers of color step up, many of my brothers and sisters will perpetuate cycles of self hate, self pity, and economic disaster...the slave codes of the mid 1600s werent set up for no reason...as a result of the Stono County rebellion in South Carolina, plantation owners felt a need to tighten their girps on the MINDS AND SOULS of their "property." Want to shake the shackles of history and create a better tomorrow for your children and the world moreover? Read a book or two and pass on that knowledge.
* insert The Rock hand clap gif

I've read at least 8-10 books on the slave trade, and numbers range anywhere from 1.5M to 30M. There are a number of ways in which slaves died, most eitherin port, en route, and as "new slaves". Out of all these estimates 4-8M is the most realistic. Only about 1M deaths were really documented, butthroughout history who has ever properly documented deaths anyway. The only reason the 1M documented deaths even exists is because they were businesstransactions. Regardless of the toll the middle passage took on blacks, the Eastern slave trade took a toll at least 2-3 times that.

I will agree with you that slavery become more prominent during the Greek period, but you can't deny that it didn't exist prior to that. We can quibbleabout what constitutes a slave ( and look, I will agree with you that its much better to be able to earn your freedom than to be enslaved with no way out, butyou've gotta agree, that with the short lifespans people had, especially under the conditions of a slave, you spend most if not your whole life paying offthe debt) but its a fact that Egyptians did have slaves from Mesopotamia even before the Greek period.

As far as the whole European war thing, can you give me examples of empires with capabilities of the Europeans (or even greater capabilities) that did not goto war, that lived peacefully? There are some moderately well developed nations that did go to war on a small scale, but never did the whole conquer the worldthing, because they were isolated. If you really want to get down into it, the Chinese most likely had the first guns and explosives since they invented gunpowder and fireworks. Also, I think the Europeans were unique in that there were so many small countries close together who all spoke different languages,which lead to conflicts.

As far as what you say I'm employing...I mean look, point blank, neither your or I were there to witness events, and neither were the people who'sbooks we read to know what we know. I think history in itself is revisionist, in that people are always looking at something differently.

One of the reasons I jumped in this was because like I said before, the whole "white man", "black man" thing gets thrown around often, whenit really doesn't apply to most people in modern society. I mean most white people in Europe were farmers or serfs or something, what did they have to dowith slavery? I'm cool with it being a "Rich Spanish/Portuguese/English white man" thing, but you gotta admit, the rich have been brainwashingthe poor since the beginning of time all for their own purpose of money and power. So any negative perceptions of blacks in todays world are really just a byproduct of that. Most people back then were poor and uneducated, and the rich used various institutions of government and religion to keep them under control.

Like honestly when it comes to this, me and you are on the same side at the end of the day, but theres only so much me or you as individuals can do to furtherthe interests of whats right, and I came in here to say that when you start grouping people by skin color to unit them, it gets dangerous, thats all ( I meanlook what Hitler did with it). And honestly at the end of the day I can say that I know what it feels like to have your kin systematically oppressed orsubjected to genocide, read about how many 10s of millions Stalin and communism killed. So in closing, like I said before, the only thing we can all do isbetter ourself and rise to the top...
Well since people wanted to bring the holocaust and deaths unrelated to the slave trade into it...

Systematic deaths of the Slavic people (most of Eastern Europe) add up to 60-80M over the period of maybe 50 years, thanks to Stalin and communism (more likeZionism)

Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke



Not sure if serious

But, this thread has been a good read. I'm learning a lot, some of which I knew of, some I didn't. These threads always keep me interested.
I wish I had something to add to the conversation.
i love threads like this....nt isnt the first sneaker forum ive been a member of...and almost every time the true feelings of people come out...ive seen people who i considered "cool" regardless of their color...show their true colors simply because they cling so tightly to ignorance.

i teach AP US History to 65 tenth graders in Newark, NJ. I love my students...every one of them. I push them to work hard, regardless of their ability because i truly believe that they are capable of greatness.

I have not relegated African American history to the month of February, it is essential to our young brothers and sisters that they know that American history....WORLD HISTORY for that matter, includes their ancestors.

With that being said, it is also essential to realize that history is a STORY told from ONE PERSON'S point of view...and if you read a book or two, the other side of the story is always there.

Americans who come from a low socio-economic status arent exposed to plethora of knowledge that is available simply because they dont live in cities or neighborhoods that can "afford" access to said knowledge/education. Tax brackets dictate where funding goes and to whom, based all on household income. This is why Plessy v Ferguson resonates to this day...all education is SEPARATE and UNEQUAL.

It begins in kindergarten when students are introduced to basic skills...reading comprehension, number recognition, etc. If a child isnt exposed to classical music, number theory, reading comprehension skills, decoding strategies, etc, they will not know they should seek these aspects of formal education.

Add on to this the fact that 95 percent of urban students dont have a teacher who looks, sounds, dresses, or even walks like them, you have bred a system that will easily subdue the minds of students and turn them off to the power of knowledge and SELF EDUCATION.

Until more teachers of color step up, many of my brothers and sisters will perpetuate cycles of self hate, self pity, and economic disaster...the slave codes of the mid 1600s werent set up for no reason...as a result of the Stono County rebellion in South Carolina, plantation owners felt a need to tighten their girps on the MINDS AND SOULS of their "property." Want to shake the shackles of history and create a better tomorrow for your children and the world moreover? Read a book or two and pass on that knowledge.

Honestly this is the best post in here because not only is it constructive, the man is doing something serious to break the cycle. Bravo, sir! I believe teachers are the most important and least appreciated (respect+$ wise) people in the USA.
Ya'll just act like these war capabilities just fell into the Europeans laps'. They were CONSTANTLY at war. It is ironic that they are now uniting toform one country but these people used to despise each other. This is relevant because they imported this divisive concept of countries and owning land as wellas getting involved in everyones business. Asian empires had great warriors as well, however they for the most part just wanted to do their own thing.

Every black person holds stock in Africa. If Africa does well every black persons standing on this earth will benefit. The fact that the continent is inshambles has an affect on us all. With all the resources Africa has it is counterintuitive that it is currently in such bad shape.
Originally Posted by MARTIN AND CO


I've read at least 8-10 books on the slave trade, and numbers range anywhere from 1.5M to 30M. There are a number of ways in which slaves died, most either in port, en route, and as "new slaves". Out of all these estimates 4-8M is the most realistic. Only about 1M deaths were really documented, but throughout history who has ever properly documented deaths anyway. The only reason the 1M documented deaths even exists is because they were business transactions. Regardless of the toll the middle passage took on blacks, the Eastern slave trade took a toll at least 2-3 times that.

I will agree with you that slavery become more prominent during the Greek period, but you can't deny that it didn't exist prior to that. We can quibble about what constitutes a slave ( and look, I will agree with you that its much better to be able to earn your freedom than to be enslaved with no way out, but you've gotta agree, that with the short lifespans people had, especially under the conditions of a slave, you spend most if not your whole life paying off the debt) but its a fact that Egyptians did have slaves from Mesopotamia even before the Greek period.

As far as the whole European war thing, can you give me examples of empires with capabilities of the Europeans (or even greater capabilities) that did not go to war, that lived peacefully? There are some moderately well developed nations that did go to war on a small scale, but never did the whole conquer the world thing, because they were isolated. If you really want to get down into it, the Chinese most likely had the first guns and explosives since they invented gun powder and fireworks. Also, I think the Europeans were unique in that there were so many small countries close together who all spoke different languages, which lead to conflicts.

As far as what you say I'm employing...I mean look, point blank, neither your or I were there to witness events, and neither were the people who's books we read to know what we know. I think history in itself is revisionist, in that people are always looking at something differently.

One of the reasons I jumped in this was because like I said before, the whole "white man", "black man" thing gets thrown around often, when it really doesn't apply to most people in modern society. I mean most white people in Europe were farmers or serfs or something, what did they have to do with slavery? I'm cool with it being a "Rich Spanish/Portuguese/English white man" thing, but you gotta admit, the rich have been brainwashing the poor since the beginning of time all for their own purpose of money and power. So any negative perceptions of blacks in todays world are really just a by product of that. Most people back then were poor and uneducated, and the rich used various institutions of government and religion to keep them under control.

Like honestly when it comes to this, me and you are on the same side at the end of the day, but theres only so much me or you as individuals can do to further the interests of whats right, and I came in here to say that when you start grouping people by skin color to unit them, it gets dangerous, thats all ( I mean look what Hitler did with it). And honestly at the end of the day I can say that I know what it feels like to have your kin systematically oppressed or subjected to genocide, read about how many 10s of millions Stalin and communism killed. So in closing, like I said before, the only thing we can all do is better ourself and rise to the top...

Roughly 50 million Africans were brought to the New World, with a 35% death rate just during transport. The Number is closer to 20 million than 4 million. Itis nowhere in the range that you are suggesting. 4 million dead as a result of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, is simply inaccurate. Even 15 million dead intransport is a conservative number. And that's just in transport, I'm not counting the lives lost during the numerous wars fought on the continent tofund and enable the slave trade, not counting the millions lost during the "seasoning" of the slaves, not counting the purposely falsified andomitted documents of slave traders, who grossly under accounted for the number of Africans, which were stolen away for additional profits under the table

And know why you keep mentioning the Arab Slave trade as if ti has some sort of asterisk next to it. The Question posed in this thread is not exclusive toEuropeans. The Arab Slave trade was equally vile and brutal and no one is denying or defending that. They are not excused because they were not white. Thatpoint just goes to further exemplify the scars if Africa and shine light on some of its problems today..

You mention that Egyptians used slaves to build their Empire, which is not true. Their empire was built on the back of laborers, artisans, masons andengineers...slaves were the domain of the noble and super-elite. They were kept around for their personal service and treated better than almost anyone else inthe society. So to paint a picture of Egyptians having millions of tortured slaves, toiling endlessly to build their empire...that is not something that ishistorically accurate. Slaves were given jobs as accountants, entertainers as well as laborers and life long slavery was rare. Slaves didn't build thePyramids....carefully picked builders were chosen by the Pharaoh and given and luxurious lifestyle to work on the Pyramids, they were deemed to be friends ofthe Pharaoh and a step down from nobility..

Chinese used gunpowder for fireworks not massacres. What other peoples did "the conquer the world thing" on the same scale as Europeans? From theCrusades, to the Scrabble for Continental Africa, to The extermination of the Indigenous Americans, to The extermination of the Indigenous Australians, to theWorld Wars, to the Trans Atlantic Slave trade, to self-inflicted European genocides and massacres....The history is unmatched.

Thats why when I am speaking of historical points, I use the terms Europeans and Africans. Not Blacks or Whites.

I commend you for your honesty, knowledge and investigation of the truth....but unfortunately, as you know, our world is broken up into groups. And the groupwhich I have been assigned to, simply because of the color of my skin, has been systematically tortured and abused by outsiders through the milena, as a meansof keeping us in place, while transferring and retainging our rightful wealth and power. People of color around the world have been stripped of theirinalienable God given rights and the only way to get them back is through an unflinching recollection of reality and group struggle, We never voluntarilyplaced ourselves into these racial categories, Europeans did....so now this is the construct of the Global human existence. It would be great for the walls ofmulti-racialsism to broken down so that we could all see ourselves as human beings and not seperate, fictional races but until then our group has to retain ourcollective identity and forge through in a world hellbent on raping us.
Originally Posted by 0cks

Every black person holds stock in Africa. If Africa does well every black persons standing on this earth will benefit. The fact that the continent is in shambles has an affect on us all. With all the resources Africa has it is counterintuitive that it is currently in such bad shape.
Ocks...I really didn't know you were up on it like that.

Kudos my brother.

We really need to get back into our Afrocentic mind frame as a group. Continental Africans and the children of the Diaspora. If we could turn West Africa intoour Israel....
No doubt, behind the comics and
's is a real dude. Irish peopleover here still rep their heritage, watch Braveheart religiously and go hard on St. Patty's. To many of us want to forget our past and just limit it towhat we know happened here. We're cutting ourselves short...
Originally Posted by 0cks

No doubt, behind the comics and
's is a real dude. Irish people over here still rep their heritage, watch Braveheart religiously and go hard on St. Patty's. To many of us want to forget our past and just limit it to what we know happened here. We're cutting ourselves short...
Thats what I stay preaching.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

This is looking like Stormfront.org
"Any time we mention our condition, our history, our existence, They calling it reverse racism..." - Nas
Or talk about "Zionism"/ anti-semitic and talk about how the media is making other races seem better. That's how their site is.
Can't we all be friends
Yo....just exit the thread if you don't got nothing constructive to offer.

Now you just making stuff...please fall back.

Where do you see "anti-semitism" in this thread?

Dude was enlightening people about the suffering of Eastern European including Jews...you just see the word Jew and the word Zionism on the same page and startcrying foul
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

This is looking like Stormfront.org
"Any time we mention our condition, our history, our existence, They calling it reverse racism..." - Nas
Or talk about "Zionism"/ anti-semitic and talk about how the media is making other races seem better. That's how their site is.
Can't we all be friends
Yo....just exit the thread if you don't got nothing constructive to offer.

Now you just making stuff...please fall back.

Where do you see "anti-semitism" in this thread?

Dude was enlightening people about the suffering of Eastern European including Jews...you just see the word Jew and the word Zionism on the same page and start crying foul
Don't be a hypocrite. Making stuff up? Look at your girl Kneesh a few pages back...Jesus Christ
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by 0cks

Every black person holds stock in Africa. If Africa does well every black persons standing on this earth will benefit. The fact that the continent is in shambles has an affect on us all. With all the resources Africa has it is counterintuitive that it is currently in such bad shape.
Ocks...I really didn't know you were up on it like that.

Kudos my brother.

We really need to get back into our Afrocentic mind frame as a group. Continental Africans and the children of the Diaspora. If we could turn West Africa into our Israel....
i've been wanting to trace my ancestry for a while now. i read that chris tucker and some others did on PBS
which reminds me of back in elementary school when everyone else could say "i'm half ___ and my grandparents are from ____" while everyone thatlooked like me couldnt trace ourselves to a specific country

which is a long story in itself
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Face82

I feel you. I hate when they try to discredit a black man.

I'm off topic but example...

"Tiger woods isn't black.....he's mixed."

"Obama is half white..not 100% black".

Get the $%$ outa here with that. The latest was the headline of a news paper about the super bowl mvp Santonio Holmes.
It read "From drug dealer to Super Bowl MVP".

I was so pissed man. They will never let you just enjoy your moment. They always have to throw some dirt on top. If I was an articulate brother....I could prolly get a lil deeper and word it a lil better for the readers. Other than that..you get what I'm sayin. You copy?
its because white people want to take credit for all of the positive things that happen to african americans.
i assume this topic is full of stupidity, and this just happens to be the first piece i come across. if black people are going to use the"youre not black, how do you know?" card, then im going to respond by saying "youre not white, how do you know?" or, we could just go fullblown stereotypical and resort to the typical evil white devil / lazy welfare black whining back and forth.
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