why are you fat?

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Im a big dude myself..around 315 lbs..I work out, and dont look my weight however....i wear xl in ralph lauren, and most people estimate me at 230 lbs..my last bodyfat test i tested in at 16%. Im trying to lose but its harder on me i guess...If i had to guess now i would estimate that im at around 15 percent as i have lost about 7 lbs.

its just harder on big people to lose weight..idk..especially when smaller folks can eat the EXACT same thing and not ever gain a pound..it boggles my mind sometimes..
How tall are you? If you're anywhere near the normal height for an average male American..even at 16% body fat, you have to have a grip of muscles.

BTW from 11-30% body fat...that's where normal people range at. Anything under 10% is considered athletic and is very hard to achieve for most.

actually for males, 13-17 % body fat is considered average
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Im a big dude myself..around 315 lbs..I work out, and dont look my weight however....i wear xl in ralph lauren, and most people estimate me at 230 lbs..my last bodyfat test i tested in at 16%. Im trying to lose but its harder on me i guess...If i had to guess now i would estimate that im at around 15 percent as i have lost about 7 lbs.

its just harder on big people to lose weight..idk..especially when smaller folks can eat the EXACT same thing and not ever gain a pound..it boggles my mind sometimes..
How tall are you? If you're anywhere near the normal height for an average male American..even at 16% body fat, you have to have a grip of muscles.

BTW from 11-30% body fat...that's where normal people range at. Anything under 10% is considered athletic and is very hard to achieve for most.
Im 6 3'..22 years old...huge thighs with almost no fat..decent arms with no fat...Ive been working out for 2 years..most of my fat weight iscarried in my mid section..since im tall i can conceal my gut..it doesnt poke out..i also carry some on my back...
Oh yeah i also have some large traps and shoulders as well...i was given those by genetics i guess....
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by AirAnt23

Originally Posted by the north west

but do you need to drink soda with every meal?

do you need to get fast food whenever you are outside of your house and hungry?

do you need to constantly eat deep fried food and sweets?

I don't believe any of that is necessary. In fact, I rarely drink sodas. And for all my self-targeted fat jokes on this board, I don't eat all that much fast food. I'm personally guilty of sweets.

But the point I was making is that dude was quick to dispell the addiction one could have to food. He criticizes American society's willingness to consider these behaviors as "disease", however his text gives some merit to drug addiction and alcoholism as disease. I just wonder - why not over eating? If I'm a recovering heroin addict... the temptation is always there. It's either I look for a dealer or I don't. There's no commercial running "$5 baggie on the block."

But what if I've gone to counseling for over eating? I'm home alone and I get hungry... ? I gotta eat. Doing what has not been routine for you (i.e. eating fresh fruit, vegetables, smaller portions) isn't easy when there are advertisments every couple of minutes. Or say for instance, you don't live alone and everyone else is ordering take-out.

Those aren't excuses. I'm just trying to figure how ANYONE can say "it's easy" to lose weight without it ever being a personal issue for them. I'm not running through Betty Ford screaming "I'm clean, #%%$#!%!"


Actually, thats exactly what they are.

You pretty much just admitted that you have no willpower and you're weak-minded when it comes to things like this.


all through my childhood and teens i was very overweight.

one day i was just tired of being fat, so i made a mix CD (back when these were still around
) and just decided to go jog one night.

jogging led to a gym membership, which led to weight training, which led to a fascination with health and fitness and the like.

it was tough at first but looking back, im glad i was able to stay so disciplined.

For those of you trying to lose weight and turn things around: Kudos. Keep it up, i really mean that.
I don't want to sound narcissistic, but I been in the same boat. I could do this then any of you guys could too. I'm not bashing any ofthe obese or overweight folks out here, but if you don't like what you see or what you do - take action. My biggest concern is how this issue is reflectingthe lack of will-power and perseverance (which does transfer to other areas of life) to get in shape if you really are concerned with your health.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

I know it ain't right, but when I see a fat person I assume they're lazy.
It depends on the age bracket too. If you're in your teens or 20's...you should be in a good shape.

As you get older, work load may hit you hard. I've never seen a CEO or CFO or anyone who has to work 60-80 hours work week with pressure coming from the folks above you, and the folks below you be in a decent shape.
If you're that high powered then you can afford a gopher.

You're much more likely to get fat because of a poor diet rather than a lack of exercise. I'd hire a guy just to have something delicious and healthywaiting for me every 2 hours.
there's no excuse to be out of shape. you don't need a gym membership. you don't need to live next door to an organic market. people in here soundcomplacent and depressed.
Originally Posted by McFlyyy

there's no excuse to be out of shape. you don't need a gym membership. you don't need to live next door to an organic market. people in here sound complacent and depressed.

thats true, but theres a reason why people with low income tend to be overweight..
Originally Posted by JuJu

the funny thing is so many people are talking about binge eating and what not. this is also sometimes a BIG misconception. ive been heavy all my life and i got that way doing the exact opposite.

i would never eat three meals a day just have like something at the end of the day when moms got home. now it was usually fast food cause my mom was a single parent and didnt want me to

have to wait another 30 mins for dinner when she got home from work at like 6 so shed bring me something. now my brother and some of my friends would eat constantly and not healthy either.

brother would eat grits with butter and cheese and sardines or hotdogs with cheese or mad candy. but him and my friends just stayed skinny. you guys are always making fun of frail dudes and

some of them have the same problem as me but in reverse. they just cant gain weight and i gain it way too easy. my best friend since like 14 is 24 and weighs like 140 soaking wet, this kid eats

a whole pizza at a time drinks nothing but soda, eats candy and use to sit right there on the couch all day after work just like me. we even worked the same job and played basketball together

and pretty much did everything the same except how we ate. i would eat healthy he would eat junk but i was still big and he was still skinny. nothing is cut and dry. im fat i know this but im def

not unhealthy i regularly spend 45 mins straight 3-4 times a week on an eliptical and eat right with one cheat day and all that does is just maintain my weight. no doctor has said anything to me

except i was over weight, no you have high blood pressure or cholestoral or at risk of diabetes just "you are overweight" i wish i had the time to be a gym rat and even then i wouldnt want to

be skinny just have way more muscle than i do fat, but i got 1000 dif things that need to get done in the week before i can dedicate 2-3 hours a day to working out.
Heaviness is not always caused by overeating.
Many heavy people do eat large quantities of food, but so do some very thin people.
Many thin people eat very little, but so do some obese people.
I read a study that stated: They carefully monitored everything the subjects were eating, two 260 pound women maintained their weights while consuming only1,000 calories a day.
In another study in which volunteers were required to gorge themselves for months, it was hard for slender people to gain weight as it was for heavy people tolose weight. The mintue the study was over, the slender people lost weight as fast as the dieters gained it back.

When a heavy person diets, the bodys metabo slows down to conserve energy and fat reserves. When a thin person eats the metabo speeds up, burning energy.

My sister is on the heavy side, and im working with her right now. Its emotionally disturbing, but it has to be done. Me and my bro got a pretty good set ofgenes that came with a good metabo, she didnt (we have a history in our family on the female side of glutony.) My mother was slim and so was my father, but forsome reason my sister wasnt(i guess she got it from a grandma, aunt or somewhere).
If OP would have posted "Why are you gay?"
This thread would have went in a totally new direction.
When basically the some of the same arguments can be made about the topic.
Genetics, disorders, free will, etc....
but I guess NT aint ready to hear all that.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

I know it ain't right, but when I see a fat person I assume they're lazy.
It depends on the age bracket too. If you're in your teens or 20's...you should be in a good shape.

As you get older, work load may hit you hard. I've never seen a CEO or CFO or anyone who has to work 60-80 hours work week with pressure coming from the folks above you, and the folks below you be in a decent shape.
If you're that high powered then you can afford a gopher.

You're much more likely to get fat because of a poor diet rather than a lack of exercise. I'd hire a guy just to have something delicious and healthy waiting for me every 2 hours.
You don't stay in the office all day long, broham. You travel across regions having meetings with other managers below you. And like I saidSTRESS. You have pressure from the investors who fund the company to want to perform better. And you're looking down at everything else under the companyto fix company issues. Walk into any building in your downtown district and see if anyone of that stature is in shape.

I do agree, diet is 80%.

Eating healthy does become a habit though. For the last several weeks I've been staying at Starbucks longer than usual because I have a load crap of workdue soon. Studying makes a person more hungrier as well. I felt really bad after having a treat from Starbucks, dang them for not having anything to munch onthat's below 350 cals. So with that said, I sliced some fruits up and put them in a container to use as an alternative.
Originally Posted by gberdin

personally i dont hate fat people i hate that they dont do anything about it.

well put!

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by marath0n

There's a direct correlation between weight and post count on niketalk. For the most part.
negative, me, and diplomat-t got major post counts and i'm 6'1 205 and Q's skinny as hell.

dont forget me!!! I already told my story; and im in shape now!

Originally Posted by LDJ

Alot of it has 2 do with lack of motivation, laziness both physically and mentally. Also people ignorance to food and nutition. Another huge factor is people lifestyles. If ou think about it there is 24hrs in a day if you work a sit on ur a*% job. Lets see 8 or 9 hrs ur doing nuttin after eating a few unhealthy meals. The time it takes u driving to and from work. Thats another hr or so of doing nuttin. The 3 or 4 hrs u watch tv,play video games on the cpu, ur doin nuttin. The time u take to get clothes 2gether shower etc. And then the 7 or 8 hrs u sleep. Its not rocket science that if 20-22 hrs of a day u spend doing absolutely nuttin and eating unhealthy and improper u will be fat. What kills me is ppl think after doing nuttin 20 hrs or so a daay every day u can make it up with avid,casual exercise or a 2 or 3 hrs a few times a week at a gym.

There's a lot of truth to what you just said....I spend a majority time sitting around....Im at a desk all day long(thats how i got my post count), Im in aclass room, driving, at home on the comp, wtching tv, xbox.....soo by the time i get to the gym i go ham for 2 hours hooping and/or working out cuz Its my onlyphysical activity...I never wanna get outta shape again, that really screwed up confidence!
Originally Posted by THE FAME

With all Jokes aside...
If OP would have posted "Why are you gay?"
This thread would have went in a totally new direction.
When basically the some of the same arguments can be made about the topic.
At least one of them is a choice.
Originally Posted by 91mph Style

Originally Posted by THE FAME

With all Jokes aside...
If OP would have posted "Why are you gay?"
This thread would have went in a totally new direction.
When basically the some of the same arguments can be made about the topic.
At least one of them is a choice.

And which one would that be?
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by 91mph Style

Originally Posted by THE FAME

With all Jokes aside...
If OP would have posted "Why are you gay?"
This thread would have went in a totally new direction.
When basically the some of the same arguments can be made about the topic.
At least one of them is a choice.

And which one would that be?

Fat folks obviously
Whats considered fat????

my whole life ive been big (tall&broad)
The smallest i ever was in high school was 178 and thats because i was sick lol.

right now im at 212 but i feel aight
Originally Posted by WarMachine

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by 91mph Style

Originally Posted by THE FAME

With all Jokes aside...
If OP would have posted "Why are you gay?"
This thread would have went in a totally new direction.
When basically the some of the same arguments can be made about the topic.
At least one of them is a choice.

And which one would that be?

Fat folks obviously
not dat cut n dry....
WarMachine wrote:
Originally Posted by THE FAME

91mph Style wrote:
Originally Posted by THE FAME

With all Jokes aside...
If OP would have posted "Why are you gay?"
This thread would have went in a totally new direction.
When basically the some of the same arguments can be made about the topic.
At least one of them is a choice.

And which one would that be?

Fat folks obviously
Would you like to post anything to back up your claim
that not only is being obese is a choice but also that being homosexual isn't?
Originally Posted by McFlyyy

Originally Posted by Cyprus Sinner II

light travels much faster than sound and people see you before they hear what you have to say.

wut if theyre blind tho?
then they touch your chunky wrist like ray charles or can hear you hyperventilating after walking up a flight of stairs.

i lol'd
Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Im a big dude myself..around 315 lbs..I work out, and dont look my weight however....i wear xl in ralph lauren, and most people estimate me at 230 lbs..my last bodyfat test i tested in at 16%. Im trying to lose but its harder on me i guess...If i had to guess now i would estimate that im at around 15 percent as i have lost about 7 lbs.

its just harder on big people to lose weight..idk..especially when smaller folks can eat the EXACT same thing and not ever gain a pound..it boggles my mind sometimes..
How tall are you? If you're anywhere near the normal height for an average male American..even at 16% body fat, you have to have a grip of muscles.

BTW from 11-30% body fat...that's where normal people range at. Anything under 10% is considered athletic and is very hard to achieve for most.
Im 6 3'..22 years old...huge thighs with almost no fat..decent arms with no fat...Ive been working out for 2 years..most of my fat weight is carried in my mid section..since im tall i can conceal my gut..it doesnt poke out..i also carry some on my back...
Oh yeah i also have some large traps and shoulders as well...i was given those by genetics i guess....
Same problem with me. Just my midsection, cant really tell if I'm wearing a shirt but can only tell if I take my shirt off
its not easy when you work and go to school full time. plus no time to go home and eat right, gotta eat quick stuff on the street. and the little time i haveoff i am way too tired to hit the gym the way i should. its a dilema but i hate being fat, i hate other fat people.
I thought this was regarding anyone with a 6pack. Anyway I simply need to stop eating so much crap and do more situps but I do look slim/average build as I amanyway
Originally Posted by THE FAME

WarMachine wrote:
Originally Posted by THE FAME

91mph Style wrote:
Originally Posted by THE FAME

With all Jokes aside...
If OP would have posted "Why are you gay?"
This thread would have went in a totally new direction.
When basically the some of the same arguments can be made about the topic.
At least one of them is a choice.

And which one would that be?

Fat folks obviously
Would you like to post anything to back up your claim
that not only is being obese is a choice but also that being homosexual isn't?

Well I saw you trying to bait someone into an argument regarding homosexuality and rather than explain in detail, I gave a short response to prevent someonefrom doing so. Cheers.
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