why are you fat?

This thread is f'd up to all the fat people on this board
Originally Posted by marath0n

There's a direct correlation between weight and post count on niketalk. For the most part.
negative, me, and diplomat-t got major post counts and i'm 6'1 205 and Q's skinny as hell.
Originally Posted by marlsj

Originally Posted by Lazy B

There should be a tax on being fat. You cost insurance companies and the medical industry billions of dollars per year because of your inability to take care
of yourself. Get on a strict diet and workout regiment.

I agree unless its a medical condition.

alright my story, i was 140.. slim been taken MA pretty much my whole life, spent a year in the hospital and a year under recovery a couple of bad turns inlife, i hit 305. Right when i was cleared to workout i started working out intensely picked up football and MA again. worked out 6 times a week and shot downto 175 within a year then i started BB'ing on top of football and martial arts shot up to 200 with a 12 percent BFP.

Pic, the second one is some random snap from my old whack cam lol

i helped 3 of my friends lost weight, one is a girl and she looks
now ( sorry no pics)

just get motivated, a lot of these over weight people would actually love working out, if they actually tried it.
Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

People on this board have to have the smallest penis' ever in the history of the world. There are respectful comments like durden and some of the team fitness members but I swear you people are so judgmental. If you're an OG then you'd know that ANT been pushing 300+ then dropped to about 230-250 yet you call him lazy?

Whats the difference between fat and being skinny but smoking...both are unhealthy...Its about time the finger gets pointed at yourself and stop worrying about the next mans weight, car he drives or where he lives.

If it aint where ninjahood lives, its someones weight...grow the hell up.
This had absolutely NOTHING to do with ANYTHING.

you're like a third grader throwing his best insult at the school bully.

That was terrible, seriously. It just shows how petty you are by saying something like that.

@ all these overweight folk trying to justify their girth withpaper-thin excuses and childish insults.

I'm still lost on how people can say they're fat and they're proud? Me being a fellow chubbster, I find that statement alone wretching. Who wouldbe proud of having health problems? Being unable to walk up the stairs without feeling tired and out of breath? Of having your feet and joints hurt cuz of allthe weight on em? And being looked at by people as grotesque and unnatractive cuz of all the steamed buns you got on your chin and rolls of fat under yourshirt?

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

People on this board have to have the smallest penis' ever in the history of the world. There are respectful comments like durden and some of the team fitness members but I swear you people are so judgmental. If you're an OG then you'd know that ANT been pushing 300+ then dropped to about 230-250 yet you call him lazy?

Whats the difference between fat and being skinny but smoking...both are unhealthy...Its about time the finger gets pointed at yourself and stop worrying about the next mans weight, car he drives or where he lives.

If it aint where ninjahood lives, its someones weight...grow the hell up.
This had absolutely NOTHING to do with ANYTHING.

you're like a third grader throwing his best insult at the school bully.

That was terrible, seriously. It just shows how petty you are by saying something like that.

@ all these overweight folk trying to justify their girth with paper-thin excuses and childish insults.


Actually, it does...I made a broad statement as it relates to where you live, what hole you chose to put it into and being overweight the catalyst for themajority of this board to make themselves look better.

Not only are you ignorant...you're quite slow seeing how that went over your head.

Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

I'm still lost on how people can say they're fat and they're proud? Me being a fellow chubbster, I find that statement alone wretching. Who would be proud of having health problems? Being unable to walk up the stairs without feeling tired and out of breath? Of having your feet and joints hurt cuz of all the weight on em? And being looked at by people as grotesque and unnatractive cuz of all the steamed buns you got on your chin and rolls of fat under your shirt?

Not all "fat" people have health problems. I'm overweight but always come out clean from physicals and about to be 30 next year andI've never been diagnosed with high bp or high cholestrol...I can run up stairs and not be out of breath...NOT EVERY "FAT" Person is the same.There are skinny people with double chins. The definition of obesity is ******ed. you have 6'0 250 pound people that are considered obese but in appearanceare "slim" or "built". Being morbidly obese is a different story and most of those people have an addiction and need help.

I'm 237, 36in waist, XL shirt....I dont have rolls, I problem areas like most people but why would i feel bad about myself. When I look in the mirror,I'm ok with what I see and apparently so are the women that I've had in my life.
Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

People on this board have to have the smallest penis' ever in the history of the world. There are respectful comments like durden and some of the team fitness members but I swear you people are so judgmental. If you're an OG then you'd know that ANT been pushing 300+ then dropped to about 230-250 yet you call him lazy?

Whats the difference between fat and being skinny but smoking...both are unhealthy...Its about time the finger gets pointed at yourself and stop worrying about the next mans weight, car he drives or where he lives.

If it aint where ninjahood lives, its someones weight...grow the hell up.
This had absolutely NOTHING to do with ANYTHING.

you're like a third grader throwing his best insult at the school bully.

That was terrible, seriously. It just shows how petty you are by saying something like that.

@ all these overweight folk trying to justify their girth with paper-thin excuses and childish insults.


Actually, it does...I made a broad statement as it relates to where you live, what hole you chose to put it into and being overweight the catalyst for the majority of this board to make themselves look better.

Not only are you ignorant...you're quite slow seeing how that went over your head.

Everything you just said was nothing but fluff and completely dodged me calling out the ridiculously childish insult you tried to make.

you lost.

@ J Dilla laughing only because i insulted him in another thread.insecurity For the Loss.

*waits for you to quote this, and then say something along the lines of 'DOG! i already TOLD you your opinion means nothing! grrr grrrgrr!

it obviously does.
lol at the people who "hate" fat people. it breaks my heart we could never be friends cause im fat hahaha. %##%+%@ morons.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

People on this board have to have the smallest penis' ever in the history of the world. There are respectful comments like durden and some of the team fitness members but I swear you people are so judgmental. If you're an OG then you'd know that ANT been pushing 300+ then dropped to about 230-250 yet you call him lazy?

Whats the difference between fat and being skinny but smoking...both are unhealthy...Its about time the finger gets pointed at yourself and stop worrying about the next mans weight, car he drives or where he lives.

If it aint where ninjahood lives, its someones weight...grow the hell up.
This had absolutely NOTHING to do with ANYTHING.

you're like a third grader throwing his best insult at the school bully.

That was terrible, seriously. It just shows how petty you are by saying something like that.

@ all these overweight folk trying to justify their girth with paper-thin excuses and childish insults.


Actually, it does...I made a broad statement as it relates to where you live, what hole you chose to put it into and being overweight the catalyst for the majority of this board to make themselves look better.

Not only are you ignorant...you're quite slow seeing how that went over your head.

Everything you just said was nothing but fluff and completely dodged me calling out the ridiculously childish insult you tried to make.

you lost.

@ J Dilla laughing only because i insulted him in another thread. insecurity For the Loss.

*waits for you to quote this, and then say something along the lines of 'DOG! i already TOLD you your opinion means nothing! grrr grrr grr!

it obviously does.
I am obviously dealing with a child..."you lost". I didn't know we were playing a game. Are we on the school playground?

You're so insecure with yourself that you find haven in critiquing "fat" people. You and a select few hide behind this screen, passing judgmentyou otherwise wouldn't outside the internet. I understand its being human but what solution comes from "hey, fatty" "they're allgross" "you're fat"?
Originally Posted by gberdin

personally i dont hate fat people i hate that they dont do anything about it.
Perfect example of a well thought out response.
Originally Posted by QueensFinest101

alright my story, i was 140.. slim been taken MA pretty much my whole life, spent a year in the hospital and a year under recovery a couple of bad turns in life, i hit 305. Right when i was cleared to workout i started working out intensely picked up football and MA again. worked out 6 times a week and shot down to 175 within a year then i started BB'ing on top of football and martial arts shot up to 200 with a 12 percent BFP.

Pic, the second one is some random snap from my old whack cam lol

i helped 3 of my friends lost weight, one is a girl and she looks
now ( sorry no pics)

just get motivated, a lot of these over weight people would actually love working out, if they actually tried it.

Damn.. congrats bro
Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

People on this board have to have the smallest penis' ever in the history of the world. There are respectful comments like durden and some of the team fitness members but I swear you people are so judgmental. If you're an OG then you'd know that ANT been pushing 300+ then dropped to about 230-250 yet you call him lazy?

Whats the difference between fat and being skinny but smoking...both are unhealthy...Its about time the finger gets pointed at yourself and stop worrying about the next mans weight, car he drives or where he lives.

If it aint where ninjahood lives, its someones weight...grow the hell up.
This had absolutely NOTHING to do with ANYTHING.

you're like a third grader throwing his best insult at the school bully.

That was terrible, seriously. It just shows how petty you are by saying something like that.

@ all these overweight folk trying to justify their girth with paper-thin excuses and childish insults.


Actually, it does...I made a broad statement as it relates to where you live, what hole you chose to put it into and being overweight the catalyst for the majority of this board to make themselves look better.

Not only are you ignorant...you're quite slow seeing how that went over your head.

Everything you just said was nothing but fluff and completely dodged me calling out the ridiculously childish insult you tried to make.

you lost.

@ J Dilla laughing only because i insulted him in another thread. insecurity For the Loss.

*waits for you to quote this, and then say something along the lines of 'DOG! i already TOLD you your opinion means nothing! grrr grrr grr!

it obviously does.
I am obviously dealing with a child..."you lost". I didn't know we were playing a game. Are we on the school playground?

You're so insecure with yourself that you find haven in critiquing "fat" people. You and a select few hide behind this screen, passing judgment you otherwise wouldn't outside the internet. I understand its being human but what solution comes from "hey, fatty" "they're all gross" "you're fat"?
Originally Posted by gberdin

personally i dont hate fat people i hate that they dont do anything about it.
Perfect example of a well thought out response.

i actually havent insulted any of the overweight folk on niketalk.

infact, my initial post quoting you was the first time ive posted in this thread.

Im quite secure with myself actually. im in shape, great looking, and have a humorous personality.

You just assume EVERYONE is against the "fat people of the board" huh? Your paranoia is getting the best of you.

im also hoping that since this is the 2nd time now that you've dodged my comment towards your silly insult, that you've realized just how dumb yousounded by making said insult in the first place.
Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

People on this board have to have the smallest penis' ever in the history of the world. There are respectful comments like durden and some of the team fitness members but I swear you people are so judgmental. If you're an OG then you'd know that ANT been pushing 300+ then dropped to about 230-250 yet you call him lazy?

Whats the difference between fat and being skinny but smoking...both are unhealthy...Its about time the finger gets pointed at yourself and stop worrying about the next mans weight, car he drives or where he lives.

If it aint where ninjahood lives, its someones weight...grow the hell up.
This had absolutely NOTHING to do with ANYTHING.

you're like a third grader throwing his best insult at the school bully.

That was terrible, seriously. It just shows how petty you are by saying something like that.

@ all these overweight folk trying to justify their girth with paper-thin excuses and childish insults.


Actually, it does...I made a broad statement as it relates to where you live, what hole you chose to put it into and being overweight the catalyst for the majority of this board to make themselves look better.

Not only are you ignorant...you're quite slow seeing how that went over your head.

Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

I'm still lost on how people can say they're fat and they're proud? Me being a fellow chubbster, I find that statement alone wretching. Who would be proud of having health problems? Being unable to walk up the stairs without feeling tired and out of breath? Of having your feet and joints hurt cuz of all the weight on em? And being looked at by people as grotesque and unnatractive cuz of all the steamed buns you got on your chin and rolls of fat under your shirt?

Not all "fat" people have health problems. I'm overweight but always come out clean from physicals and about to be 30 next year and I've never been diagnosed with high bp or high cholestrol...I can run up stairs and not be out of breath...NOT EVERY "FAT" Person is the same. There are skinny people with double chins. The definition of obesity is ******ed. you have 6'0 250 pound people that are considered obese but in appearance are "slim" or "built". Being morbidly obese is a different story and most of those people have an addiction and need help.

I'm 237, 36in waist, XL shirt....I dont have rolls, I problem areas like most people but why would i feel bad about myself. When I look in the mirror, I'm ok with what I see and apparently so are the women that I've had in my life.

To all the porkly plumped ppl of nt i feel some of ur pain. But alot of it is mental barries, and outright laziness. Like i said if u have a sit on ur %%% job,u eat unhealthy and dont exercise on a regular consistant basis u will stay fat. No way u can spend 20 hrs a day doing nuttin,physical and eat fatty foodsgarbage. What do u expect?

To people who say its like being on drugs lol hats the stupidiest thing i ever heard. Your body and mind develop a codependancy for drugs and cannot functionproperly if u are a true drug addict or alcoholic. If u just up and quit the body could go into shock and u could possible die do to the sudden and rapidchemical imbalance.

No way in hell u gonna convince me if u just stop drowning ur french fries with ketchup, or soaking ur subway sandwhich with oil and mayo, ur body and mind wilbe chemically thrown off to the effect u could die from shock. Thus the reason they detox and slowly bring people offa drugs.
So to say eating alot and not exercise and eating unhealthy is like being a crack addict is stupid and uneducated.

Usually eating disorders etc i deeply rooted thru emotional codependencies and is use a coping mechanism for unresolved issue etc in ur life. In all my yearsive never heard some1 who died from eating 5000 calories a day, and then the next day eat 2000 and get off they %%% and workout.

Im not saying it is easy to lose weight, but it is more of a mental/emotional mindset then it is ur body cannot function if u get in shape and eat right.

you have 6'0 250 pound people that are considered obese but in appearance are "slim" or "built".

Aint nobody %%% this size and is called slim, %#@% here lol. Yea u can be built that size but no way in hell u could be skinny.
Originally Posted by LDJ

you have 6'0 250 pound people that are considered obese but in appearance are "slim" or "built".

Aint nobody %%% this size and is called slim, %#@% here lol. Yea u can be built that size but no way in hell u could be skinny.
Yea, I think Americans have this illusion, that being overweight is the norm. So when they see people who are actually skinny, regular sized,they're "too skinny".
I'm 5'11" 180 lbs and people call me skinny lol. They havent seen skinny. overweight is the norm now
Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

I'm sorry if this insults anybody, but fat people and old people disgust me.
So when you get old...you should kill yourself.
Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

I'm sorry if this insults anybody, but fat people and old people disgust me.
watch it folk. Old people? like they can magically work off their age...
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by LDJ

you have 6'0 250 pound people that are considered obese but in appearance are "slim" or "built".

Aint nobody %%% this size and is called slim, %#@% here lol. Yea u can be built that size but no way in hell u could be skinny.
Yea, I think Americans have this illusion, that being overweight is the norm. So when they see people who are actually skinny, regular sized, they're "too skinny".
I'm 5'11" 180 lbs and people call me skinny lol. They havent seen skinny. overweight is the norm now

Ur right we are the only overweight nation in the world. We are the richeist country in food abundance etc yet we r the most ill/out of shape. Like chris rocksaid hell we the only nation in the world that has eating related diseases. Lactose intolorence belemia etc lol. These are not issues true diseases, all thisstems from sociaty issues, mental health issues, emotional issues. We have become a nation of excuses. Anything that requires mental fortitude or a realconscious effort we label a diease, and the govt and companies capitalize on it with all this gimmicky medications, and get rich wuick schemes.
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