Why are people obsessed with bacon?

One of my fondest memories as a child was my papa fixing me an over easy egg with some bacon and toast.

I would take the bacon and break that tight yolk open and get all dat creamy yellow on my bacon.

Good times

Good times
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Bacon is so damn good. Put to be honest it tastes better as a complimentary topping vs just by itself, pure fried bacon.
This is where 99% of yall's bacon comes from:

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Used to eat like a pack of bacon a day until my doctor told me I had to chill :lol:
There is NO got damn way.....
You know I was thinking you right cuz that's insane :lol: but I was thinking in one sitting not a day.

If you use like 5 strips in breakfast for a sandwich, then another 5 for lunch, you got like 2-4 strips left for dinner and/or a snack :lol: Depending on what kind of bacon you buy. I'm thinking regular Oscar Meyer 16 oz packs.

No surprise a doctor told dude to chill.

This is where 99% of yall's bacon comes from:

Looks delicious.

You posting pics like live cows, chickens, ducks, etc. look appetizing :lol:

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Like going gluten free, it's a bad food fad. Bacon is cool, but people make it seem like it's the GOAT.
Going gluten free is good for people with gluten allergies though. If gluten-free stuff tastes good then no harm in other people trying them.
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Going gluten free is good for people with gluten allergies though. If gluten-free stuff tastes good then no harm in other people trying them.

Except it doesn't. I tried it for a month at the recommendation of my doctor. He hated the diet too btw. A lot of what makes food taste good is stripped in gluten free delicacies. Unless you have celiac disease, there is no benefit to eating gluten free.
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So it affects the taste, oh well. People buy new stuff to see if they like it.
I always wondered how Ice Cube's mom cooked a breakfast with no hog...?
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Had some oscar meyer bacon last night

Cot dam it was so good, came out perfect not too crunchy not too soft
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