Who's Getting armed before obama

Oct 1, 2008
I'm going out next week to pick up my gun. You got to go and get it quick before your second amendment rights are gone. Anyone else getting one?
I'm posting so I can come back and see what this thread turned into

This should be good, please don't dissapoint me NT

And yeah as soon as I turn 21 I will be fully embracing my right to bear arms.
get a concealed permit and everything.
there are a few thing i want to pickup...

I'm hoping that with the war, poor economy and other serious issues Obama and the democrats take their time getting to gun control and re-instating theassault weapons ban etc.

EDIT: I believe OP is trying to convey that he believes Obama and the democrats are going to crack down on weapons since Bush & the republicans let theassault weapons ban expire in '04 and did not make gun control policy a priority.
not really worried about Obama affecting the laws here in Cali anytime soon, the rest of the Country is gonna have to catch up to ourGun-Laws first before we'll see many changes in California

I don't expect too many radical 2nd Ammendment changes

with that said, I'm already armed but will still be looking to purchase a few more pieces in 2009 (not cause of Obama, just cause)

I WILL be stocking up on a lot of ammo, though
I live in Oklahoma. We can buy guns at gas stations and pawn shops so I'm not tripping on the possibility of not being able to acquire one should I everfeel like I need one
y'all trippin...

nothing's gonna change about your ability to buy guns.

the only thing that might change is your eligibility to buy guns...
I purchased a Reuger P95 several weeks ago, and ended up waiting over a month, and then found out it was going to be another 3 weeks before the gun wasactually in stock. People are getting pretty scared that Obama is going to "take away guns" (which I doubt, plus I voted for him), but I think thatis fairly non-sensical actually. I just wanted a gun for home protection and target shooting, not because I worry that guns are going away anytime soon.However, I will be stocking up on ammo in case they increase the tax by several hundred percent, which has been proposed.
Originally Posted by Munfy

I'm going out next week to pick up my gun. You got to go and get it quick before your second amendment rights are gone. Anyone else getting one?


Ive read about this topic and though I forgot the specifics this is something that isn't going to happen over night when/if it happens. Nevermind the factthat he has other things he need to talk care of when he comes into office.
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

not really worried about Obama affecting the laws here in Cali anytime soon, the rest of the Country is gonna have to catch up to our Gun-Laws first before we'll see many changes in California

I don't expect too many radical 2nd Ammendment changes

with that said, I'm already armed but will still be looking to purchase a few more pieces in 2009 (not cause of Obama, just cause)

I WILL be stocking up on a lot of ammo, though
see... that is EXACTLY what im afraid of and don't want

VA Gun laws =
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