Who still is not using a smart phone?

he is TruthGetsBusy
He is?
dudes are so offended by the truth. Smart phones are a tool that makes life so much easier and they aren't expensive if you have a job.  Why is this offensive?  It almost like you'd be trying to go against the grain and prove something if you don't have one and can afford it.
dudes are so offended by the truth. Smart phones are a tool that makes life so much easier and they aren't expensive if you have a job.  Why is this offensive?  It almost like you'd be trying to go against the grain and prove something if you don't have one and can afford it.
lol i know and all smart phones are made affordable now.... get on the train and get one b
All I can say to NTers with dumbphones is...

...you missing out on NTmobile. :nerd:
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dudes are so offended by the truth. Smart phones are a tool that makes life so much easier and they aren't expensive if you have a job.  Why is this offensive?  It almost like you'd be trying to go against the grain and prove something if you don't have one and can afford it.
A smartphone is a luxury that some don't deem necessary. It's that simple.
I work for a phone store and even some young people just buy basic phones. It baffles me but to each his own
Aaaah it's awesome when people pass judgement on others on a message board based on material objects. Good ole NT :smh:
Can't say I'm surprised that materialism is so prevalent on a message board devoted to people obsessed with expensive sneakers.

Good point, but some here also lack real adult perspective sometimes. Some even seem myopic judging from some responses here.
The irony. People in general make judgments based on any and everything. No one is above it.

It's funny when people talk down on social networks on a message board which is just a early version of social networking

But back on topic I got my first smartphone in 2010 :nthat:
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part of me wishes i never bought the first iPhone. i really only bought it cause i broke my first iPod. so dependent on it it isnt even funny. :lol:
I use a flip phone. I have a Samsung Galaxy S2, but it is sitting in my drawer.

The quality of my life has improved so much since I stopped using a smartphone. Deleting facebook and all of the other social networks have contributed as well. Do I really need to be interrupted every few minutes by an email from nike, living social, or amazon? No. Do I really need to know how a person is trying to gain attention on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. No. It feels good to be 100 percent where I am at, with no unnecessary interruptions.

And for the people who say you can't pull a broad without your smartphone or social network, please step your game up. Women LOVE men who are an enigma. All these men out here are carbon copys of each other, and women are tired of it. Women LOVE the allure of a confident man who is DIFFERENT, and who doesn't need any bells and whistles to get noticed.
I use a flip phone. I have a Samsung Galaxy S2, but it is sitting in my drawer.
The quality of my life has improved so much since I stopped using a smartphone. Deleting facebook and all of the other social networks have contributed as well. Do I really need to be interrupted every few minutes by an email from nike, living social, or amazon? No. Do I really need to know how a person is trying to gain attention on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. No. It feels good to be 100 percent where I am at, with no unnecessary interruptions.
And for the people who say you can't pull a broad without your smartphone or social network, please step your game up. Women LOVE men who are an enigma. All these men out here are carbon copys of each other, and women are tired of it. Women LOVE the allure of a confident man who is DIFFERENT, and who doesn't need any bells and whistles to get noticed.

Your post doesn't make any sense. You could've easily just deleted facebook, twitter, etc from you S2 and disconnected your e-mail app. Don't see why you would have to change phones just to get off social networks.
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This thread = trying to explain to a person with 1,000+post on Niketalk in one month that constant acess to the Internet isn't necessary.

Face it dude, you're using your smart phone as a distraction, not a tool.
Your post doesn't make any sense. You could've easily just deleted facebook, twitter, etc from you S2 and disconnected your e-mail app. Don't see why you would have to change phones just to get off social networks.

So if I delete, facebook, twitter, and the email app, what is the point of having an S2? If I am only going to have the phone for making and receiving calls, why keep the S2 that is bulky and has low battery life? What doesn't make sense there?
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Your post doesn't make any sense. You could've easily just deleted facebook, twitter, etc from you S2 and disconnected your e-mail app. Don't see why you would have to change phones just to get off social networks.

Smart phone with no facebook, twitter, etc. = dumb phone, no?
So if I delete, facebook, twitter, and the email app, what is the point of having an S2? If I am only going to have the phone for making and receiving calls, why keep the S2 that is bulky and has low battery life? What doesn't make sense there?

So you never use GPS, internet, read documents/books, watch movies, look up information on somewhere you're going, check for deals when you're at a restaurant/store? :lol:

Smartphone doesn't = Slave to social networks.
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So if I delete, facebook, twitter, and the email app, what is the point of having an S2? If I am only going to have the phone for making and receiving calls, why keep the S2 that is bulky and has low battery life? What doesn't make sense there?
So you never use GPS, internet, read documents/books, watch movies, look up information on somewhere you're going, check for deals when you're at a restaurant/store?

Smartphone doesn't = Slave to social networks.
Thank you.  These are the points I was making.  Its just a great tool with many features.  Only dummies use it for constant social networking.  Also you can be on social networking sites without following bs people, liking bs pages, or being friends with 100000 people.  Its all in how you make it work.  The fact is it makes your life easier
I just got a cellphone last year. All I really need is texting.

Being one of those people engrossed in their smartphone in public just doesn't appeal to me. I'd rather close my eyes and meditate. I'd rather spend my money on organic produce. I like to be free of distractions when I'm out and immerse myself in the elements. Here's the phone that I have... I think it's cute:

i got it in black....

i had the iphone 3 the 3gs and git tired of it.... the bill was off the hook and i didnt need internet while i was outside.... my girl brought me a touch4g, i cancelled it and went back to metro pcs
My dad just upgraded his "dumb" phone to an iphone for .99 cents! thats how old his phone was :lol:

I have a dumb phone from work and charge it less than 2x a week.
I have an iPhone 4s, not all into my phone like most people. Play my music when in car, check fee-bay, look at sports odds from time to time. Rare occasions do I facetime, only with my mother and family back home. My girl has a friend, this chick STAY in her phone. Like they went out to eat together, and i had got my girl a new camera recently so she was taking pics. Swear there is like 20-30% of the photos where that chick is in her phone 
So you never use GPS, internet, read documents/books, watch movies, look up information on somewhere you're going, check for deals when you're at a restaurant/store? :lol:
Smartphone doesn't = Slave to social networks.

GPS? I haven't had the need for it.
Read a book? Yes a paper copy
Watch Movies? When I am at home or at the movie theater, but not on my phone.
Look up information? Check for deals? Yeah I will usually do that on my laptop before I leave my home.

It may be hard to believe, but you can function in society and be happy without a smartphone.
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