who read ben ballers latest blog entry....vol dude speaking the truth about Tyler Perry

STOP USING THE C WORD MAN! I'm black and that is offensive.
That is actually racist, what the hell. And that WILL get you banned.
long ISS reply
I read it cuz ... I was just sayin, eNPHAN went in
... I had an eloquent lil reply that started to turn into an

essay so I just said eff it, I aint finna get into all that mess sober.
why does it always seem like black people go around pitying for themselves?

yes we know and realize that America is racialized and the system is definitely not color blind...but if you are not going to do anything to change that (i.e.obama) then don't get offended when other races call you out.

and why do black people get so offended when other races make a valid judgment on their actions? this hysteria of being politically correct and always walkinga tight line because a black person will get offended and think you're racist is tiring.

if you want to live in a shell and ignore the manipulation of blacks and the perpetuation of greed and exploitation of the black image...you go ahead becauseyou are feeding into exactly what educated black men (professors, academics, scholars, lawyers, doctors) don't want being broadcast

yes it is just a movie/show...it is theatre....but there are limits too...Tyler perry is disgusting and he can be grouped with all these rappers, athletes whocontinue to observe this type of culture

Full Disclosure: not white nor black
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Chico Dusty

I aint finna get into all that mess sober.
, i'm at work tho....i usually feel guilty, but it helps blow time...

Oh I smell you ... I'm behind on these reports I shouldve had done by 12 messin around w/ NT today.
I read Ben's responce and he did what is expected of him to do,down play and rationalize everything.Avoiding the issue's and drawing everything to hislife experience's and the thing about being a role model for asian's,getting kicked out of 8+ privileged California high schools,gang banging which nowturned into graffiti crew gang,ect.You have to look at him like you look at Hollywood,actors,rappers,entertainers,whatever and believe little of what they tellyou/you hear/you see because its all an illusion and somewhere down deep inside is the truth(most dont care to even know the truth its nothing).

I break bread with my own(black)and let em think,say and do whateverthey want,because their not getting a dime from me(K-town,non of them).I also beleive that term more and more everyday "Everyone wants to be a ______ butno one really wants to be a _______".

I dont care about what he had to say about the movie but the title "Black history month"was wrong.
I read Ben's response. Kid got ETHERED.

Honestly, Ben's original comments were not off-base and I'm black saying that. Maybe because, although I respect Tyle Perry's hustle, I do notadmire most of his work. I agree with the fact that Tyler Perry is getting rich off perpetuating and exaggerating stereotypes and assembly line movies.

A good point was brought up that I feel is worth a bit of discussion. Black folks do tend to say things about other races, but when someone point out a flaw inone black person or a group (which many times has merit), it becomes a problem. The hypocrisy is ridiculous.
Saw the movie, and I agree with everything Ben said, from the blatant disgusting GMC advertisements, to his portrayal of white people, to his portrayal ofblack people, to his horrible writing skills, to his extremely stupid concept of linking a drama with a comedy with 5 minutes of prison scenes... The list goeson and on.
The section about the n-word got me. You could argue that all day, but when somebody who isn't black use's it, its just awkward and doesn'tlook right. Yeah, it's a ingnorant word and nobody should use it, but blacks are gonna use it reguardless. I like ben and i was a little mad about thetyler perry comment, but when he gives the excuse about why he drops the n-bomb from time to time it really disturbs me.
Just a reminder Robin Williams played Ms. Doubtfire.

Btw not a Tyler Perry fan but at the same time you can't castigate his Madea character or him playing a woman's role and not equally criticizeindividuals like Chris Rock, Jamie Foxx, Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawerence and etc.

Btw don't see how it can be categorized as ****ery when Madea is geared toward a black audience, most of his revenue for Madea is generated from the blackcommunity.
ya'll are quick to call anything you don't like ****in...what about rap music? they talk about thuggin and disrespecting women all day but ya'llrock with that at the end of the day they have white CEO's at the top putttin it out...i saw the movie...it was kinda two stories in one...the madeastoryline wasn't good but the other one is what kept me in my seat. I'm not in love with Tyler but you gotta give him his respect. Madea is what gothim where he was. Before these movies there were the plays bringing him money. Like someone said how many other BLACK people are putting this many BLACK actorsin their movies? and he's doin it on the regular. Yeah he recycles his cast alot but who the hell else would employ them? If I was tryin to break onto theseen I'm goin straight to ATL and hangin outside of his studio.

If you have such a problem with how black America is being shown get your money together make your own movies.

Just a reminder Robin Williams played Ms. Doubtfire.
Wesley,Swayze, and Leguizamo were in To Wong Foo and i don't see people complainin about that. Eddie did al the fat people in Nutty Professorand Norbit...no one complained then they were dressed like women.
So I have done a bit of reading and my understanding is ben baller is some rich Asian guy that nt praise that use the n word, WOW isn't that ****ery, Imean rocking with a guy that drops n bombs all over the place I'm sorry, but you don't get a pass for that
I think people are over reacting at the end of the day the purpose was to entertain. some people may not agree with the messages
shown by the movie but I dont think that was TP point. I grew up on Madea plays and most of them were based on gospel music and
the lord but using comedy to fuel it. No one was talking about the positive points in Madeas Family Reunion but all we want to see is the negatives.
Originally Posted by Pmighty

so why stop at gucci! why not compare that show to t.i. too because isnt he "entertaining" as well?? I mean based on your logic whats the difference between that house of pain foolishness and your fav musician
how much is gucci paying u to blow him? or are you doing it for free?
Ben knows what's up Tyler Perry and Penny Hardaway have A LOT in common, although one has Steve Urkel and one has a bunch of "Beards".
I've been saying the same thing since I saw House of Payne or whatever.

Since TBS plays it up to be this amazing show, I decided to sit down and watch a few episodes one night when they were doing a marathon and was left prettymuch scratching my head.
^ i think he's sleepin with the boss over at TBS...no way that show is the hit they are making it out to be...
Jamie Foxx's Martin's Shanaynay character was a stereotype, one that i found funny at the time, but still, who even remembers shanaynay besides us? (one good example, maybe?)

Jamie Foxx did Wanda on In Living Color...
Talk about reaching, saw the movie and thought it was funny. No need to over analyze it, it's a damn movie either you go see it or you don't. The hateis strong in here.
CWrite78 wrote:
Pmighty wrote:
so why stop at gucci! why not compare that show to t.i. too because isnt he "entertaining" as well?? I mean based on your logic whats the difference between that house of pain foolishness and your fav musician
how much is gucci paying u to blow him? or are you doing it for free?

wait what
? i was done with this convo like 5 pgs ago. I didnt knowspeakin up on an artist that i happen to enjoy listening to meant that i participate in homosexual activities but its coo its a balloon to a blimp playboi

hop the @%%% off......clown
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