who read ben ballers latest blog entry....vol dude speaking the truth about Tyler Perry

Tyler Perry always finds an excuse to dress up like a woman.
Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

Ben how you going to talk about Black people when you make your living off our people, culture and so on.

Tyler Perry is doing something with his life, hes the first black person to have his own movie studio w/ sound stages. You trying to call his work ****ing what about you? Korean male with a grill, spitting the n-word left and right..look at you! And dont try to say your environment influenced you. Your as phony as they come. You didnt grow up in the hood, dude your parents had good jobs wasnt your pops a professor? Get outta here! You act like yall was on welfare or something.

I hate when NON-BLACK people always wanna put their 2-cents in BLACK FOLKS BUSINESS.

Tyler Perry aint worried about your #@%, this man's paper is longggg and your paper well it has you on a budget.

Fall Back

P.S. Happy Black History Month

February 26, 2009 5:11 AM

OOO K-TOWN where are you lol ''I *%!+ with your soul like ether''
i seen the movies this pass monday and there were alot of different color ppl. in there in enjoying the movie. it may be a lil ****ery but its not like itsnothing i dont see everyday and laugh @ anyways. and spike should shut up and make a hit movie again before he starts talking.
I never did like any of his stuff.

The only thing I could really follow and pay attention to was the live theatre rendition of the Dairy of a Mad Black Woman. And that was on bootleg.

And that was only because it was physically impossible for him to play fifteen different characters at the same time.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

IMO the person who left that comment was in one of those "i'm tryna start some *%*+ right now" moods. Ben didn't really say anything negative at all.

I hate when black people start thinking that if a person of another ethnicity doesn't like any particular black person that they must be a racist.

"McCain hatin' on Obama in that commercial, ol' racist white dude"
(knowin damn well the commercial said nothing about race)
i mean the dude did have a point...honestly if i was asian i would be ashamed of ben barra
...but i aint knocking his grind
Props to enPHAN for that post, don't feel like quoting.
its weird depending on the argument at hand you are either one of my fav posters or one of the ones I hate
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Chico Dusty

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

it has to do with being in such a position of power and producing harmful/negative images, exploiting your own culture for personal profit.....

eNphan, I see your point but look at what Hollywood has been doin to us since we got their fam. Our images havent changed that much.

okay, so now that the days of vaudeville (white men dressed as black people, acting out the most disgusting and gross of stereotypes, which, at the time, was THE ONLY exposure a MAJORITY of white people had of black culture) are long gone...

not only are we, as a people, perfectly content with "leaders" (
, he IS a former homeless crackhead...) of our black community stepping right into those vaudville-entertainment-type roles, cause, hey, it got him the first african-american-owned studio AND his bread is long, right?

not only that...


not only financially, but mainly with money, acclaim and praise....

I was shocked when the most intimidatingly intelligent black woman i've ever met, my boss and executive editor, got extremely geeked when TYler Perry was mentioned, and how she adores him soooooo much....i'm like
, you have a brain tho!

i mean, i look at Soulja Boy in the same light...

yes, he's a young, independent dude getting his cake on....but at what expense?

selling pre-packaged, cookie-cutter, white-c.e.o.-approved shuck-and-jive music to young, white america?

Commerical rap music isnt even targeted to black people anymore....

at least Tyler Perry is marketed toward black people, i'd rather he sell his ****ing to other blacks, who would know the difference between the characters in his plays and a majority of black americans, than to white people, where it's PROVEN to have a negative affect through the development of bias, prejudice, hate and misunderstanding....(please, read up on the vaudeville circuit and it's influence on race relations in this country)

how is he a positive model in the black community when his main character is an elderly woman who stars in a plot driven by her imprisonment?

, dude's will just defend ANY black dude getting paper, huh?
Not at all. He does what he does and you either hate it or love it. Sometimes people just read too much in to %%!%. You don't likedon't watch it then. It's not worth the argument because at the end of the day he still gon do what he gon do and people still gon accept it. Theblack community is !%!+$@ up and needs a complete overhaul and when people learn that then we will stop looking towards Hollywood to be positive role modelsand do the %%!% ourselves everyday. Oh well, that's just me
Late pass. i been making this argument for a few years. At least it has a message though. If it is ****ery ala Soul Plane then smfh.
I don't know about it being ****ery.
Approving speech about good hair and bad hair, colorism, etc. is ****ery and I haven't seen that anywhere in his plays or movies. I've seen Ntr'sdo it, stand up comedians do it, but I haven't seen any of that in Tyler Perry's works at all.
If your only complaint is the gangster grandma, well I don't know what to tell you since I had a grandma just like her as well as other female familymembers.

Anyway the Play was better than the Movie. Favorite moments include.

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

Ben how you going to talk about Black people when you make your living off our people, culture and so on.

Tyler Perry is doing something with his life, hes the first black person to have his own movie studio w/ sound stages. You trying to call his work ****ing what about you? Korean male with a grill, spitting the n-word left and right..look at you! And dont try to say your environment influenced you. Your as phony as they come. You didnt grow up in the hood, dude your parents had good jobs wasnt your pops a professor? Get outta here! You act like yall was on welfare or something.

I hate when NON-BLACK people always wanna put their 2-cents in BLACK FOLKS BUSINESS.

Tyler Perry aint worried about your #@%, this man's paper is longggg and your paper well it has you on a budget.

Fall Back

P.S. Happy Black History Month

February 26, 2009 5:11 AM
Damn dude ethered Ben Baller whole existence.

did you read the blog?
because it was completely the otherway around dood. ben baller killed that guy and didnt see a red light or even pause. he just went in and sledgehammered that guy til he was chicken of the sea
I wouldn't say that T. Perry movies are ****ery. His movies have meaning to them besides comedy. I haven't even seen his latest movie. The movies andplays that I have seen, promote family values and strong relationships. He's TV show is corny at time but you have to look behind the scene. The show isalready in syndication, they shot so many scenes and episode in such a short period of time. Most sitcoms have to be around nearly what, 5 seasons beforesyndication. Now that the show has reached that point, it's nothing but a consistant check.

None of his movies have major hollywood budgets, but they make big bucks at the movies. They employ black actors also, what other movies do you see other blackactors. For a long time if you where no Vivica Fox, Taye Diggs, Morris Chesnut, Gabrielle Union, Meghan Good, you where not getting a role in a black film.Popular movies like The Wood, The Best Man, Love & Basketball, etc. always have the same actors in common thru each movie.

I don't even see how people can see Tropical Thunder as a success, with a character playing in black face,(oscar nominated also). Then turn around and viewa T. Perry production as ****ery. Are Ice Cube productions ****ery also?
Ben's Blog

I'm convinced some of you guys quoting that comment and going "ooh he got ethered" didn't even bother to go to the blog because, if anything,it was the other way around. Ben typed up like an essay and it was actually a really good read.
The same can be said for larry the cable guy

I'm black and I don't think every white person drives a lifted truck wears sleeveless flannel shirts and drinks PBR
'Madea Goes To Jail' Tops Box Office With $16.6M Saturday For $41.1M Weekend; Tyler Perry's Biggest Movie Opening Ever

really though? NT always complaining when the black man gets paid
its funny how when one black person does anything negative other races are quick to stereotype it and assume all black people are like that....

you never see this problems with other races and idk why
A jewelery store in CPT?

Ben makes a pretty penny off "THOSE ACTIVITIES"(edited) when you see all the blackface parties on facebook/myspace that make the headlines theyalways have aluminum foil grills and fake jewelery

I think Ben has a great point with his entry but his clients might resent the higher thought process
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

its funny how when one black person does anything negative other races are quick to stereotype it and assume all black people are like that....

you never see this problems with other races and idk why
That's because some people just read too much in to the !%%+ that doesn't really matter sometimes
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