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i'm a teacher...the only time i'm talking about 6 figures is when i'm teaching place value...

otherwise, i cant even dream of it
hovkid is a corporate lawyer I believe. and Ben Baller does everything he has a jewelry store and does jewelry for famous artist and stuff.
the best i can do is figure 8's.

im beyond broke right now. i just bought a box of pop tarts and that $#*# hurt bad.

my parents are pretty damn close if that counts.

they would be in the 6 figure range but my dad stepped down from a promotion because it was taking waaay to much time away from the family.

family is always first, no amount of money can come between that.
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

If I survive pharmacy school, I should be making 6 figs. Only thing that keeps me going.

I was headed in that track until Cell Bio deaded me, any advice to carry on?
My dad had his own company and was well into the six figures mark before he got cancer
hell if I ever make that much, im 18 in college and I dont even have a single thing to put on a resume yet,
not even summer jobs or anything
I really need to step my game up
Originally Posted by dylans33

Originally Posted by RawSheed

I'mma garbage man and i make 6 figures
what didu start off making?
he makes about 27,000 from the garbage company. he makes the rest by selling anything good in the trash on ebay.
Originally Posted by dylans33

Originally Posted by RawSheed

I'mma garbage man and i make 6 figures
what didu start off making?
If you're actually interested in that as a career and don't mind what it involves, move to a big city.

Those dudes make BANK, cuz it's a nightly duty.
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