who liked Macroeconomics ??? vol...college elective

Jan 14, 2008
pay attention, pass tests .. easy A
i supposedly picked the best teacher for the course but got no idea what i got myself into
I liked it in undergrad and recently in grad school. I think it just makes you more aware of the economic climate and teaches you to make better financialdecisions with that knowledge.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Economics was my major in undergrad.

Macroeconomics >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Microeconomics.
man i have always felt the exact opposite.

micro is fascinating, macro puts me to sleep at times

either way though OP intro classes in macro are (usually) a breeze, take em and get an A
It's all relative. If you liked Micro then you'll probably like Macro. I'm an Econ minor and I liked this class, some hotties in that sectiontoo... haha I remember smoking some Mary Jane before my final for Macro... God I love college
Considering I failed that class...........I didn't like it. Well actually the class wasn't all that bad, I just never studied or showed up most of thetime.
Yeah Man Macroeconomics is hard. I took it last year and got a D. Now I gotta take it again next year.
I have an econ minor, macro was not my preference. It doesn't matter though because both intro courses should not be difficult at all.
Accounting/Finance co-concentration major here, and I was required to take it. It was hard because my professor talked more about politics in a lot of hislectures than the concepts that we need to learn. A lot of students that have taken him absolutely hated him. Even with my best paying attention and reading,I ended up with a C.

The best thing I've learned from that class was marginal utility and benefit.
Is this class even needed though ?

I need to take one more class & I don't see anything but this class .
are we talking about a 100 level course of 300 level?
i took both and got B's in both
its not hard as long as you have a general grasp of economics..

My Micro & Macro were dreadful neither professor spoke English well.

Had to read the book myself
but got a 3.5 in both
Man F macro.. Micro was actually a lot easier. Macro had words going in and out of your head
.. hope I don't jinx myself tho, professor hasn't postedthe grade up yet
i took it my 1st semester in college... pretty easy class, maybe cause I got a easy teacher but I dunno, it was mad easy though
Do not take macro before taking intro to micro, micro is the corner stone of economics.

For me, I struggled in AP macro in high school, swore I would never study anymore econ, I had to take micro because of my political science major and my profwas so good that he got me to major in econ and that intro to micro class made everything so much easier.

For me micro came easily, I double majored in history in college, I loved all of my social science classes so micro just came naturally, got the best scores inmy class of 200 plus people and I never even cracked open the text book or did any home work in that class. Macro did take some work, it and the math andeconometric classes were the only college classes of mine that ever required a good deal of time for studying and doing practice problems and drills. I takepride in raising up my skills in micro to almost match my proficiency in micro, it is like basketball player developing his left hand or a slasher developing ajumper due to hours and hours of work.

I still like micro econ the most, it illuminates and animates even some of the most mundane things in the world. However, it is beautiful thing when you gotthe micro working, you understand macro, you understand labor econ, game theory, historical patterns in economic growth and development, econometrics andstatistics along with some other higher math and you combine them all into simply just good economic thinking and you blend those with other areas of knowledgeand use it all in concert. As long as I have done even just a little research on the topic I can hold my own in a policy debate and if I have done some fairlydeep research, I feel like the opponent of mine is at my mercy.

So put in the work for macro and get well rounded in your knowledge of economics in particular and the world in general but unless you have no other choice,try to get micro and make sure that you get the best professor possible (a great micro professor will be much better at a bad time like the morning or nighttime then a nad econ professor between 10 am and 2 pm). You need micro and you need someone who can really teach that intro to micro class.
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