Who here makes 6 figures? Vol. 2016 edition

If you graduate from college at 21, there is almost no way that you shouldn't be making 100k at age 30 if you stick it out with you career path and aren't a dummy.

For example, in auditing:

Staff: 55k (21-23)
Senior: 75k (23-26)
Manager: 95k (26-30)
Senior Manager: 145k (30)

Senior auditors make 75k?I'm staff right now I'm def bout to put that work in
I've got offers from private companies for senior accountant positions but I like taxes and auditing to much... Ima roll with public till i get tired of it
Half way.

Cool on the Investment Banking. Dudes work like slaves.
​I also have wanted to increase into the 6 figure income. been looking at already running businesses. like 40k down on a laundry mat by a college.

I got a vending machine about to be up and running. I work in aerospace so 60hrs a week aint gonna cut in after the next 5/10 years. gotta find a way out.

I don't know, besides buying stock, and mutual funds. I'm just biding my time waiting for the right opportunity to present itself.
I'm in Auditing and can vouch for those numbers.

I'm in Minneapolis, which tends to be a little higher than national average.
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S/O to @VaGixxer on crushing REI and coming in with the action talk.

I don't see you post much now a days, hopefully we can link one day when I get closer to starting my real estate investing.

Back on topic...I'm 23 and with my salary and rental income I'm shy of 6 figures.

I'm a software engineer I started at 72K last year. I have received a nice raise and looking at a promotion at the beginning of 2017.

Currently looking to get a new position and start by the end of this year that will put me in the 250K+ range (60 hour work weeks).

I currently work 40 hours a week that's it, not working more than that unless I'm getting OT.

Yal are crazy talking about ill work 70 hours a week for 100K
. If I'm working that much I better be making atleast 200K.

Personally I think Software/IT is the best route to good paying jobs , good benefits, and a  great quality of life.

@LuckyLuchiano obtaining a masters is the cheat code for our field man. Some places count Masters as 3-5 years of experience lol. A guy hit me up on linkedin saying I would be qualified for a level 3 position at 150K/yr due to my Masters (he read my profile wrong I don't graduate until 2018). Still says alot since I only have 1 year of experience and that position would be almost double my current salary.
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Heres a good link for all of you considering the long hours vs. short hour debate 

This is how I operate. I don't have my work email on my phone for this very reason. People are putting in 10 hour days without even realizing that they are working for free for 2 of them. Replying to emails seems simple and stress free but when an important email comes in during a relaxing time, it can completely change your mood and place you back into work mode.
I'm sorry, but if you work in a service provider/client service industry considering it's not as black/white to say - "I'm going to work 40 and that's it!".

When your client, who is paying you/your firm, whatever, needs you it knows no time. It's an unfortunate aspect, but it adds to job security if you're good at it and otherwise can balance.

Not talking when you're on vacation or something - if you're set up well, you have a "next person up" who can cover your client for you, etc. so you can truly unplug.
Yeah I can't imagine disconnecting just cause it's after 5pm.
That's not how business works.
-28 yrs old at 95K in Maryland
-Executive IT Support (not really going to get higher than 6 figures on the dot, also nothing really comparable at other companies/agencies).
-Looking to clear 6 figures by age 30 and go into management (just a personal goal).
-The money is fine for the area I live in. My wife is a nurse so we were able to build our house from the ground up.

-Only 40 hour work weeks and a rotational on-call phone. I prefer the time away from work to keep my sanity.
-I work just as hard as I did out of college at 30k salaried, so pay your dues and gather experience.
-You end up meeting the right people who will look out for you, so networking is valuable.
-For any IT folks as I'm sure other professions, have the right attitude and know how to communicate properly and apply your knowledge. The work will surely pay off.

-Definitely looking to go for my Master's degree next.
S/O to @VaGixxer on crushing REI and coming in with the action talk.

I don't see you post much now a days, hopefully we can link one day when I get closer to starting my real estate investing.

Back on topic...I'm 23 and with my salary and rental income I'm shy of 6 figures.

I'm a software engineer I started at 72K last year. I have received a nice raise and looking at a promotion at the beginning of 2017.

Currently looking to get a new position and start by the end of this year that will put me in the 250K+ range (60 hour work weeks).

I currently work 40 hours a week that's it, not working more than that unless I'm getting OT.

Yal are crazy talking about ill work 70 hours a week for 100K
. If I'm working that much I better be making atleast 200K.

Personally I think Software/IT is the best route to good paying jobs , good benefits, and a  great quality of life.

@LuckyLuchiano obtaining a masters is the cheat code for our field man. Some places count Masters as 3-5 years of experience lol. A guy hit me up on linkedin saying I would be qualified for a level 3 position at 150K/yr due to my Masters (he read my profile wrong I don't graduate until 2018). Still says alot since I only have 1 year of experience and that position would be almost double my current salary.
@xcg11pinoYx nice job man. Which Masters do you plan on pursuing ? It will definitely give you the bump you need

to break into management.

@millenial why do you equate money made to hours worked? I could make 200K for 40 hours with that position, but there is nothing to do but work so I might as well grab the extra 50.

Wealthy people make money in their sleep which goes against all of this "you have to work 100 hours to make 500K" stuff.
Yeah... theres always exceptions to every generalization...but generally speaking, middle class people work the hardest and the most hours. The wealthy and broke work the least.
That's mostly a mindset shift IMO...I mean just look in this thread. Seems like almost everyone in here thinks its mandatory to work 60 hours to make 6 figs

My goal is to be making money and to do minimal work, word to the 4 hour work week.
It's sick to see how much gets taken out from taxes
Hate it, but if your making money your going to be paying taxes.
That's mostly a mindset shift IMO...I mean just look in this thread. Seems like almost everyone in here thinks its mandatory to work 60 hours to make 6 figs

My goal is to be making money and to do minimal work, word to the 4 hour work week.

Hate it, but if your making money your going to be paying taxes.
Your just anti making money lol I'm not going back and forth with you.

There is someone on this site who's business is 100% passive, I guess he's just making that up.
Half way.

Cool on the Investment Banking. Dudes work like slaves.
​I also have wanted to increase into the 6 figure income. been looking at already running businesses. like 40k down on a laundry mat by a college.

I got a vending machine about to be up and running. I work in aerospace so 60hrs a week aint gonna cut in after the next 5/10 years. gotta find a way out.

I don't know, besides buying stock, and mutual funds. I'm just biding my time waiting for the right opportunity to present itself.

Sitting on a healthy amount right now and although I do actively trade I've been looking for ways in e-commerce or RE investing to create some type of passive income stream.

Still at a loss..
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found out yesterday my girl getting 120k :lol:

works for a large consulting firm. Its funny cause she only had 1.5 years of experience before she got this job.

I'm at 80k doing a IT Consulting doing much more technical and taxing job. Gotta work smarter lol.

we live in Atlanta. oh yeah, shes 24 :smh:
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