who here is 16-24 and already experiencing hair loss/thinning????


hope u dont look like this
My hairline looks like Bodie's, same haircut too just mine is more polished.

I don't cut my corners against the grain and i use a special clipper.

Tried taking Biotin and even that made things worse at first because your hair will cycle again and cause hairloss or maybe i just don't have the patience. Might work for you though.
i know hes past the demographic of the post subject, but I was sure Jamie Foxx was going to be referenced here by now.
I had an odd ball-shaped part of my hair come out when I was in 9th grade, but I knew it was from stress. Cleared my life up and the hair grew back.
someone please post the jamix foxx photoshop pic, "before, after, and tomorrow" pic PLEASEEEEEEEE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD

that pic was hilarious
Originally Posted by BgL2687

Originally Posted by TheDudeMT

I'm 20 and have thinning hair. A lot of it came after I shaved my head in Summer 2007. I use to have a head full of hair and still relatively still do, but I think going bald will come in the near future.

It's hereditary though so oh well.
wait so are you saying shaving your head causes hair thinning? Ive been shaving my head since i was 12 and i hope thats not the case cause one day i might just want to grow my hair out.
I want to think that it is but I know that it probably isn't. Before I shaved my head, I had thick black hair. After I shaved my head, it wasstill pretty thick for like 4 months until I noticed thinning. I would wake up from my sleep and see a lot of hair on my pillow and after shampooing my head, Iwould see hair falling out. So I'm just telling myself that it's hereditary cause my dad use to have thick hair as well. I still have a lot of hair,just not as thick.

I'm currently growing my hair out to see if it looks anywhere near what it use to be and for fun.

I doubt you'll have a problem unless it's hereditary.
rsdplaya wrote:

Originally Posted by justChillmann

Originally Posted by rsdplaya

yep. sucks so bad too

always wearin a hat ftl. get some help early though dude.
no offense, but I think thats just an excuse that "balders"
use. I pretty sure its completely herditary, on the maternal side of ur family
i'm not sayin it's the hat...i'm sayin it's the reason i wear the hat****

my bad bro, I fel for you all. Im lucky, my pops started balding in high school and is balder than a babys !##! now. I caught a huge break.
Originally Posted by btdpu

yea sucks... receding hairline has been going on since I was about 17-18 or so. 23 now but the women don't seem to mind. Its not like its THAT bad but hits the self confidence a little bit. When I can afford Bosley it'll be happening though.

How much does that run? I'm 22 and my hairline has been receding for about 2-3 years. My father and both my older brothers were blad my 30 so I know whatcoming
*raises hand*

thanks dad, lol. im 21 and pretty bald up top. i noticed it when i was outta high school around 17-18, i had long hair in school like down to my nipples, andalways kept it braided, then i cut it off one night, and it felt like it got thinner every month, so now i just shave it all and keep the fat joe poppin off,or the bald head /thick beard combo

"keep a fresh bald head like i just left kemo"
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