Who else looks at NTer's JOINED date vol. July '02

I've been banned several time so my count is irrelevant anyway. Plus i'm a ***** anyway!
I wish my OG join date could show up.
......the one on this account is about 5years off.
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

I look at it but it makes me realize how much of a postwhore I am.

I didnt even recognize you with the new avy.

but back on topic, no I dont check. If someone has a valid statement, thats all there is to it.
I don't buy the "I only post at work" bit.

quit lyin. you post all day every day.

for some it is true, but no way some of you guys could rack up that amount of posts that quick just at work.
i think i've gone throught about 5000 posts and 4 SNs since i got approved in 04.

but no, i never check the join date, unless some nobody comes on claiming he been a member since 01, lurking since 96 or some bull....
Na cant say that i have.

Its not like i come home and hop on NT. Actually i dont think i've ever gottn on NT at home...

My Job is layedback so i be at my desk post coolin
I do sometimes, but not that often at all.

I've had the name JFKTV for about a year before it was banned, and I passed up the posts from that account in about 4 months....where the hell did my lifego haha.
" lurking since 82, but i joined in 97 but i forgot my og name and password so now im here "
" my old account had my join date on it man i miss it"
" when the yuku transfer was complete my join date was lost"

just a few of the things that shud appear in here
Originally Posted by ghettoeinstein

" lurking since 82, but i joined in 97 but i forgot my og name and password so now im here "
" my old account had my join date on it man i miss it"
" when the yuku transfer was complete my join date was lost"

just a few of the things that shud appear in here

I check very rarely, usually if someone makes an outlandish statement or if they PM me.
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