When's the last time you knuckled up with someone? vol. no guns..just hands

7th grade.

Over a bag of PLAIN lays potato chips.

Good times.
Originally Posted by Thousandaire

Old folks say "Mooly stop your route. Why you gotta get the guns? Just box it out." Listen, that there is trife, only one fighting is the doctor, and that's for your life.

"...as for your wife... took her out to tour towns. Bench press for what? I lift 4 pounds."

The last time i got into a fight was in 2001. I got into an argument with my brother while we were laying down tar paper for a roof. I got heated and walkedaway. He said something crazy and I called him a B and he threw a hatch at me. He missed and then ran off the roof full speed at me. I slammed him to theground 3 times before my aunt broke it up. My uncle was laughing the whole time with a long piece of wheat in his mouth. Good times.
Uhm, freshman year of highschool some dude sucker punched me in class when I told him his breath stunk, but when we stood up the first hit I got, dropped himand I just went back to my seat until the security came. Wasn't much of a fight.

The last actual fight where I squared up was in 7th grade. Dude heard I was talking $#!^, which I really wasn't and we ended up fighting after school oneday. Needless to say, I got mopped up by someone who was like 2 inches shorter than me, but he was buff. I took the L and when we had in school suspensiontogether we got tight.
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by SAMPRAS FAN

I'm a bouncer at a bar in college park md, and pretty big (6'3" 280); only had to "knuckle up" once, bout a month and half ago. i tossed a dude out the back door, pushed him up the stairs outside, dude turned around and clocked the @!!# outta me. so i jumped on him, hit him twice in the face, the third bounced off his head, lost my footing fell and jacked up my wrist and knee.

Well deserved. You don't need to go around pushing _'s for no reason. You can kick a dude out the club without having to push him up steps and #!$%
I concur

My last fight was a couple years ago, friend started a fight with a bunch of guys so I had no choice but to jump in. Everybody was lumped after that one(including myself)
Never been in a fight in my life. Sometimes i'm too nice

Curious to see how I would do in one though

Talked about this with my friend one time too. We were walking back from getting food at night, and we both mentioned that we'd never been in a fightbefore. We see this guy and girl unloading stuff in the alley that we're walking in. Jokingly, we tell each other we should jump them just to get into afight. We walk past them minding our own business, and they yell back at us, "Thanks for not jumping us." We look at each other and go from
i was bouncing a party on the westside of chicago..these young guys pulled up outside the party in decent cars and rims and when we said the party is 20dollars they flipped out.so i said yall got these nice whips but yall cant fork over 20 bucks..dudes got salty. one guy got in my face so i backed away andsaid you dont wanna do this so jus calm down. dude threw a wild punch and missed i hit em with hit to the stomach and face..then one of his boys hit in theback..but the rest of the bouncers came out and recked shop
Total of 3 different times.

8th grade - Got jumped by 18th street walking home cus my gf's ex was salty. Came home and Mom just looked at me and

Senior year of college - Took my girl and all her friends out clubbing in Taiwan. They got into with another group of girls and you know how those always end.Always comes back to the guys they're with. Haha. Half of us got kicked out and we were waiting for the rest of her friends. Bouncer had the nerve to pushmy girl so I laid him out only to have the entire security staff whoop my @#$, maglites and all. Highlight would have to be this random guy who was trying toget with one of my friends act hard and only end up running down the block and at the hospital be the FIRST one to open his mouth about how he got hands.
End result: 6 stitches, fractured skull, and a bruised ego. Haha. But my uncle took care of business. Mafia ties FTW. Oh yes. PICS of course.



ex wanted to take a picture so she could blog about it...


pops got this FRAMED in his damn office. so he can tell all his students that fighting is stupid. the looks i get when i visit. haha. made me out as a chump.

definitely took a MAJOR L on that one. Haha.

A year ago - Some drunk guy popped me in the mouth while i was mid sentence talking to my friend. Haha. NO REASON at all. Then he called me "derogatoryterm for chinese". Then he got his @*&$ handed to him on the corner. "derogatory term for chinese" is definitely the breaking point for me.cant stand ignorant people.

Then you have your "fights" throughout college. A few punches thrown here and there. Nothing serious.

Too old to fight. Fighting is for kids in elementary school now. You hand someone an L with your hands these days they start dumping right after.
Plus people these days dont even fight one on one anymore. Its pointless to throw down with someone because once you destroy him or in the process ofdestroying him all his boys jump in.
EDIT: didnt know the racial epithet for chinese people was censored.
a couple of months ago, dude slapped my home girl so i slapped him

then he steps outside the room i come outside he tries to tackle me kneed him in the face and threw him over the banister down the stairs... dude just left.
every monday tuesday thursday and saturday

but the last time i got into a real fight was in like 2004..i was in 7th grade and didnt wanna fight him at all so i was just like whatever..we fought i took acouple of punches hit him back blah blah blah i got on the bus and acted lke nothing happened
Originally Posted by TENnAHALF

Total of 3 different times.

8th grade - Got jumped by 18th street walking home cus my gf's ex was salty. Came home and Mom just looked at me and

Senior year of college - Took my girl and all her friends out clubbing in Taiwan. They got into with another group of girls and you know how those always end. Always comes back to the guys they're with. Haha. Half of us got kicked out and we were waiting for the rest of her friends. Bouncer had the nerve to push my girl so I laid him out only to have the entire security staff whoop my @#$, maglites and all. Highlight would have to be this random guy who was trying to get with one of my friends act hard and only end up running down the block and at the hospital be the FIRST one to open his mouth about how he got hands.
End result: 6 stitches, fractured skull, and a bruised ego. Haha. But my uncle took care of business. Mafia ties FTW. Oh yes. PICS of course.



ex wanted to take a picture so she could blog about it...


pops got this FRAMED in his damn office. so he can tell all his students that fighting is stupid. the looks i get when i visit. haha. made me out as a chump.

definitely took a MAJOR L on that one. Haha.

A year ago - Some drunk guy popped me in the mouth while i was mid sentence talking to my friend. Haha. NO REASON at all. Then he called me "derogatory term for chinese". Then he got his @*&$ handed to him on the corner. "derogatory term for chinese" is definitely the breaking point for me. cant stand ignorant people.

Then you have your "fights" throughout college. A few punches thrown here and there. Nothing serious.

Too old to fight. Fighting is for kids in elementary school now. You hand someone an L with your hands these days they start dumping right after.
Plus people these days dont even fight one on one anymore. Its pointless to throw down with someone because once you destroy him or in the process of destroying him all his boys jump in.
EDIT: didnt know the racial epithet for chinese people was censored.

Damn bro
I'm a boxer so, I knuckle up all the time in the gym. Out on the streets? I can't even remember the last time.
10th grade (about 5 years ago).

Me and my boy were on our way home from some festival downtown and got jumped in our own hood by some dudes from across town.
Originally Posted by haiti5

i was bouncing a party on the westside of chicago..these young guys pulled up outside the party in decent cars and rims and when we said the party is 20 dollars they flipped out.so i said yall got these nice whips but yall cant fork over 20 bucks..dudes got salty. one guy got in my face so i backed away and said you dont wanna do this so jus calm down. dude threw a wild punch and missed i hit em with hit to the stomach and face..then one of his boys hit in the back..but the rest of the bouncers came out and recked shop
Originally Posted by im that one

monday... about to do the same tonight

i fight mma.
Thats cool

I wanna learn MMA but there's hardly any places in MD that teach
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