When's the last time you knuckled up with someone? vol. no guns..just hands

8th grade. Dude tripped me on purpose playing ball and I punched him in the stomach. He cried a little
when i was like in 5th grade maybe. it was just a push from me then a punch in the eye from him.
the closest i've ever been to fighting
About five years ago. It was during college. I was at some bar and some @%%%%%## was using racial slurs. Ching-chong, go back to China, I'd like a shrimpfried rice, etc.

I gave him a shrimp-fried **@-whoopin'.
2 weeks ago

I won big time, dudes face was cut in two places and got blood on my white tee
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

About five years ago. It was during college. I was at some bar and some @%%%%%## was using racial slurs. Ching-chong, go back to China, I'd like a shrimp fried rice, etc.

I gave him a shrimp-fried **@-whoopin'.
Ignorant people.

But really...it's been such a long time since the Chinese made their way to America and we still hear the same insults...(Not that I'm encouraging it).

To answer OP's question: Never...I was always the "Got along with everyone" type.
freshmen year of college... dude trying to show out for some chicks... he got his %%% stomped out
about 8ys ago (i was 17), pickup ball. dude swinging elbows after i warned him. gave me a cheap shot and my lip was bleeding, so i got in his face and clockedhim right in the jaw. he was bigger than me, but i got him good, my hand was hurt the next day
Originally Posted by eye see soles

I'm a lover, not a fighter.

word, but last time was soph yr in HS (7 years ago). some fool sucker-punched me from behind, so i round-housed him in the ribs. game, set, match.

all started cause he liked to talk noise in class and i ended up getting a better grade than him.
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

i forsee an onslaught of tall tales and fables full of glory and victory

Word. Everyone is going to come tell a story about how they mashed some ninja out, but I guarantee nobody is going to admit to taking an L
bar fight

dude approached my wife with a cup o bum juice in his hand putting it wayyy to close to my womans face
and i had just ordered that last call Heineken.. so i smashed dude with the unopened bottle and pounded on him a little, then i see the bartender going to jumpon my girl, so i kinda threw a barstool over the bar at her to protect my woman, she then threw a stoll herself and broke madd bottles, then we did the ninjavanish and ****
Originally Posted by KL9

Originally Posted by justhotkicks

About five years ago. It was during college. I was at some bar and some @%%%%%## was using racial slurs. Ching-chong, go back to China, I'd like a shrimp fried rice, etc.

I gave him a shrimp-fried **@-whoopin'.
Ignorant people.

But really...it's been such a long time since the Chinese made their way to America and we still hear the same insults...(Not that I'm encouraging it).

To answer OP's question: Never...I was always the "Got along with everyone" type.

That goes for all ethnicities. I'm not Chinese, but being Asian (Korean) qualifies me for the ching-chong comments.
I took an L, once !! We were playing ball, dude keep throwing bows and %@*@, not really the type to start a fight, so told him there's no use inballing violence since we ain't playing for no championship. Dude, got vexed kept posting me up and throwing bows at my chin. Dude, was strong but a littleslow on D so I keep using speed and hitting jumpers, maybe 4 out 10 went in and I just keep walking it off with the "you can't guard me, %@*@".My boy caught the man with a clothesline because, dude was running behind with fist all cuffed ready to brawl. He dropped one on my head, didn't reallyretaliated, no need to. Everybody going crazy telling me to get one and %@*@ but I just walked out. Caught the dude about a week later walking by himself andhe literally turned around and sped walk the other way.
back in 06 i got into a little scuffle. But then knuckles turned into me getting rushed with a hammer.
couple days before christmas 08....was in a bar, leeeeeeean. my friend said somethin to this dude on the dance floor. I thought it was nothin then boom. songot launched with the overhand right. i went to step to dude then i caught a right hook in my cheek from one of his boys
dude lumped me (nh)

by the time i got my head straight the bouncers had come over. we was gettin walked out then i realised who clocked me....i just charged dude and then !%%% gotcrazy
hands was flyin left and right, police got involved etc. my boy who got boppedin the first place ended up with a broke jaw (2 places
) got manhandled by the police and was in hospital on xmas day

my L was less severe....i got dragged out (nh) by this big african bouncer and my man was lecturin me about how i shouldnt hit 'kids' (dude was short
) soi somehow managed to evade the police intervention
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