when you see people with earphones on in public. .

Angels and Airwaves


Sometimes I wonder what people are listening too, but I assume it's probably the new Lil Wayne.
Originally Posted by mondayC

It annoys me when people who don't know anything about my genre of music ask me what I'm listening to, just because it can't go anywhere. Example:
Concerned citizen: Hey Keith, what are you listening to?
Me: Donkey Rhubarb by Aphex Twin
Concerned citizen: *confused look* Oh.

*substitutes Aphex Twins with anything by MF DOOM, System of the Down, Asher Roth and Gorillaz*
The looks I get from coworkers until I let them listen
Originally Posted by C Money 88 05

normally I assume everybody got crazy gigs like me and got some of everything on there. I never wondered what song they were listening to or if it was the same as me...yet.

now it'll be in my head all week.

while on the subject...GREATEST INVENTION EVER, I love walking around and ignoring everyone, music helps motivate me to do whatever and it keeps me from bothering with random silliness. Being able to look at someone saying something I just know will be stupid and keeping it moving because I "didn't notice them" and having a legit excuse FTW, sometimes I really hate being bothered with that !$!@
soundin real anti-social B
i always asume it's mainstream hip-hop unless they're dressed really strongly in the "emo" or "indie" or "grunge rock"categories.
I never understood the headphones in the ear while driving thing.
That's impairing your capability to listen for things while you're driving... like a police siren or fire truck. You're endangering your life aswell as those around you or someone who could be on their way to the hospital. SMH at society.
Originally Posted by killa couch

703 Hwy wrote:

Usually you know because that #*$+ be so loud. Metro FTL!

word... this generation will cause hearing aid sales to skyrocket

moms been sayin this for years, talkin about investing in some hearing aid companies
4XL white champs tall tee, Coogi denim, Gucci shades, rose gold Franco, all black air forces. On my ipod: Kidz Bop 10
Never wondered but the mp3 player is a great invention especially when walking around in public otherwise I tend to get snippets of conversations stuck in myhead when I go past people.

I do wonder a bit when I see someone rocking the Discman at the gym.

People who drive with headphones = car stereo got stolen or they don't have a decent deck.
Off topic but i hate it when im listining to music and dudes ask to listen to it with you.
SMH sharing headphones, i hate it....I be on the bus heading to a game and i try to sit next to myself so i can have space to put my pads, and so dude besideme dont keep begging to listen with me. As if listining to a song with only 1 headphone is gonna get me hyped and focused.
I need both! smh
Originally Posted by fiendxxx

Off topic but i hate it when im listining to music and dudes ask to listen to it with you.
SMH sharing headphones, i hate it....I be on the bus heading to a game and i try to sit next to myself so i can have space to put my pads, and so dude beside me dont keep begging to listen with me. As if listining to a song with only 1 headphone is gonna get me hyped and focused.
I need both! smh

That's the worst. My brother's girl's son always wanna listen to a side of my earbuds
. Him: What'chu listening to?, Me:
...nothing lil' @+***...back up!. I don't say that, butthat's what I'm thinking
. Honestly, I'll let someone rockby themselves before I do that 'u take this ear, I'll take this ear' !+#!
. It's not even worth it if u can't enjoy your tunes in Stereo.
Originally Posted by potus2028

I actually try 2 figure it out based on what they wearin or other clues about them.
Yea usually you can get clues from what they are wearing to at least usually get the genre of the music.
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