When Will Yall Dudes Learn To NOT Mess With Women That Have Dudes?

How bout women who mess with dudes in relationships? The one girlfriend I had I never had so many damn offers for vagina......In retrospect I should ofcheated.
When they die from being pounded into submission by an angry boyfriend who catches them and rips loverboy's %%++ off with his bare hands. Y'alldon't know how serious dudes take they main chick...
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

I almost had a guy kidnapped coz he wont stop hollerin at the wifey.

and co-sign to this.
@ "almost" having some dude kidnapped....either you do or you don't...the word "almost" only exists in yourimagination.

There is NOTHING to gain from creeping with someone who is married or in a relationship with another person. There is fault to be placed on both parties inthis type of situation. The victim is the person getting cheated on. If you stop being selfish for a minute and put yourself in their shoes, what would yourreaction be towards your girl and the dude she was cheating with? If you look at some of the threads here on NT that involve dudes trying to creep w. marriedwomen (JayHood), you can see a lot of immaturity, possible lies in the stories for e-fame, amongst other things. It's not something to be proud of, causeone day being in this type of situation may catch up with you in one way or another.
i thought it was straight up
boning some chick @ her bfs apt.. i was lol-ing @ their couple pics on the bed stand and all..
however, i felt like a complete Dbag the morning after..
Didn't bother to read through the post, but I agree w/ OP. Its not worth it at all, don't let these rappers fool y'all.
Originally Posted by toast1985

Didn't bother to read through the post, but I agree w/ OP. Its not worth it at all, don't let these rappers fool y'all.

uhh.. rappers? how are they involved in this?
Originally Posted by potus2028

When they die from being pounded into submission by an angry boyfriend who catches them and rips loverboy's %%++ off with his bare hands. Y'all don't know how serious dudes take they main chick...

"main chick"=the least observant one
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by toast1985

Didn't bother to read through the post, but I agree w/ OP. Its not worth it at all, don't let these rappers fool y'all.

uhh.. rappers? how are they involved in this?
Just sayin', rappers glorify other dudes women....Seems to be a trend in rap for some reason.
SO what I understand from the people who are against messing with taken women is that it is wrong because of karma and it could happento you?

IF it happened to me then it happened to me. I mean why would I want to be with a girl who even had THOUGHTS of messin with another dude.

It is what it is. I bet some of yall have been cheated on and just forgave her on some it wasn't her fault tip.
Originally Posted by Bowzer Blitz

Strang has a point. If your pipe game ain't like Mario shes going to test the waters.
You guys really believe that? Cheating is about emotional, not physical stuff with women most of the time.
I swear some of you are ******ed. No wonder theres so many girl problem threads on NT. First its ok to mess with a girl with a bf and the excuse is that theirmans pipe game aint right but when it comes to a girl cheating on you or talking to other dudes, it turna into a girl problem thread on NT and all of a suddenits a tragedy..bunch of hypocrites
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

I swear some of you are ******ed. No wonder theres so many girl problem threads on NT. First its ok to mess with a girl with a bf and the excuse is that their mans pipe game aint right but when it comes to a girl cheating on you or talking to other dudes, it turna into a girl problem thread on NT and all of a sudden its a tragedy..bunch of hypocrites
pretty much.

I could never get with a woman who is already involved with someone else.

I just think that if I were committed to a woman, and i've built so much rapport and affection and I really loved them, only to find out they werecheating...

...that would seriously mess me up. I would never wish that kind of agony on someone.
this is my take. its tough to turn the vag down when it's in your face being thrown at you. married or not, if it's thrown at me im going to beat itup.

however and this is the big however of the situation. ill go out of my way to make sure i'm not in a situation where i can potentially smash a marriedgirl, engaged girl, or even a girl with a boyfriend. if a girl i know is seeing someone ill go out of my way to avoid getting into situations where me and herhangout and can possibly build some sort of potential im going smash chemistry.

i don't need no problems like that in my life, with some crazy husband or boyfriend looking for me and them being justified in looking for me too. so manycrazy people these days its just not worth it.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

I swear some of you are ******ed. No wonder theres so many girl problem threads on NT. First its ok to mess with a girl with a bf and the excuse is that their mans pipe game aint right but when it comes to a girl cheating on you or talking to other dudes, it turna into a girl problem thread on NT and all of a sudden its a tragedy..bunch of hypocrites
Truth. Yall dudes need to think. Yall run around fool w/ dudes girls likes it's what's hot in the hood until the shoe is on the otherfoot. Some dudes won't have it, especially if they been rockin for years. Dude almost got his head stomped in for askin my girl out on a date thrufacebook after he knew we was together for a grip.

Yall get w/ a dude's girl is like down playin that dude as a male which in our patriarchal society is a no no. Mad disrespectful.
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