When will we see an openly gay athlete in a major professional sport?

Nov 15, 2007
It's kind of crazy to me that we still haven't even had one guy come foward and open up yet. I mean, I understand that most athletes are probablypretty homophobic and there is a legit chance he could be black balled from the league but still, you would think one guy would have come forward by 2009. Hopefully, we see someone open up in the future but I think it will have to be a star athlete that does it. I think I see a basketball player openin up farbefore a NFL or a MLB player does though.
Tyler Hansbrough?

Nah, but I dunno if we'll ever see it.

Too much testosterone and homophobic undertones in sports

" In February 2007, Amaechi publicly announced that he is gay andbecame the first player associated with the NBA to come out.[sup][1]"[/sup]

It will more then likely will never happen during a players time in the league...

One major reason is playing professional sports or from high school and up at some point your teammates are going to be naked around you or you them.

And if they know you are gay they more then likely will have a problem with it... Its just the way the world is.

I am not homophobic but really asked yourself if you had a gay teammate and he was in the shower, looking/staring at you and you knew he was gay would you becomfortable?
when bias and prejudice are eradicated and non-existant.

oh wait, then never.
The only way we're gonna see it is if it's a legitimate, full-fledged star coming out the closet... Role players and dudes clinging to the end of thebench can't afford to roll the dice on people's reactions and cost themselves a career...

It'd be REAL interesting if someone like, say, a LeBron, Kobe, Tom Brady came out the closet how people around the leagues would react...
Originally Posted by brandonb2005


It will more then likely never happen during a players time in the league...

One major reason is playing professional sports or from high school and up at some point your teammates are going to be naked around you or you them.

And if they know you are gay they more then likely will have a problem with it... Its just the way the world is.
I think the day is soon. I mean if you asked people in the 30's if we would ever see a black athlete in the MLB I'm sure they would havesaid no.
I think the day is soon. I mean if you asked people in the 30's if we would ever see a black athlete in the MLB I'm sure they would have said no.
True, but black people were desting to play in the MLB... With it being a negro league and all. No matter the color of skin of somebody. If theyare good they are going to get their shot. Wasn't Jackie Robinson the 1st black baseball player and the best in the league at the same time
I remember i saw Ameechi and his boyfriend at Victoria Gardens (in rancho, ca)

it was very random
Originally Posted by brandonb2005

I think the day is soon. I mean if you asked people in the 30's if we would ever see a black athlete in the MLB I'm sure they would have said no.
True, but black people were desting to play in the MLB... With it being a negro league and all. No matter the color of skin of somebody. If they are good they are going to get their shot. Wasn't Jackie Robinson the 1st black baseball player and the best in the league at the same time

You pretty much contradicted your whole point. Cant the same be said for gays?

What if someone is the best and the league AND gay? Would it matter than? Like you said, if theyre good theyre gonna get their shot
LOL but SMH at this thread if it turns into Habitual line stepper Vol. 2

I think the thread title should be changed to "see an openly gay STAR athlete in a major sport"
I can see a European hockey player coming out eventually or maybe a random football player trying get attention. It will probably happen in the next 20 yearsbut we gotta remember that gay people are only like 1 percent of the population and the odds of being a professional athlete is like way less than 1 percent?So you do the math.
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