When Was Your Last Fight??...And What Was The Outcome?

like a month ago, me and my boy was on our way to the bar and a groupof thugs  (5 of them) was walking our way. we make eye contact, theystart banging some longo crap at us. I was like watevers so 2 of themget in my face and one of them was big %!$ *%*#. these foos suckeredpunch me at the same time, i pop the smaller one in the face with aright hook,  backed up and pulled out my cell phone and chucked it atthe bigger one and that mess shattered all over his face , son wasSTUNNED and i was LOLs cos son didn't know what the hell hit em cos itwas dark. dudes face was like
Originally Posted by killabee

like a month ago, me and my boy was on our way to the bar and a groupof thugs  (5 of them) was walking our way. we make eye contact, theystart banging some longo crap at us. I was like watevers so 2 of themget in my face and one of them was big %!$ *%*#. these foos suckeredpunch me at the same time, i pop the smaller one in the face with aright hook,  backed up and pulled out my cell phone and chucked it atthe bigger one and that mess shattered all over his face , son wasSTUNNED and i was LOLs cos son didn't know what the hell hit em cos itwas dark. dudes face was like

how u throw ur phone though
Alot of fights for me, people dodging you when they owe you money. FTW.
I loaned my "boy" some money. He never comes back, changes his number, moves out his moms. almost 2 years go by and I run into him on the Street. He does over 80-90 Mph just to try and get away from me.
I chase this fool down to is mom's house, and he is Scared ****less. His mom comes outside when Im yelling at him, about why he avoided me, and asked  "whats goin on" ??? I told her that her son owed me 225,and she said " I aint paying it, and he doesnt have it so your gonna Have to beat his ***. and I
and swung on him like a mad man. Dude was crying and he is 23 years old. He promised to pay me soon
Originally Posted by SplashySplash

Last time i fought was about 2 years ago. One of my "friends" had been owing me $100 from a tunk came for the longest. He kept ducking and delaying on paying me my money, meanwhile he's losing racks on top of racks at the casino, getting his car painted, hitting titty bars, etc...just spending crazy money in a nutshell. So after about 3 months of non-payment, I put the word out that next time homeboy was around, that whoever he was around had to call and tell me.

So one day, my boy call me and tell me that he at his house right now. I hop in my car immediately, go to his house, and see all my _ s (about 6 people) are there. I get out asking for my money, and he said he didn't have it, turned his back, and continued the conversation..So he continues laughing, having a good time while everybody looking at me like I just got #*%%+*% out....So I grab this glass bottle I had been drinking out of and crack that _ in the back of the head. I knock him on the ground, get on top of him and start +%!@%$+ his face up...Everybody pull me off, telling me I gotta square up with him. We square up, he swings and misses horribly, I give him a dawg #+% uppercut, he fall again, and I get on top of him again, hitting him in the face...I got tired of beating his #+%, dapped up all my _s and left....

He called me like 2 days later and gave me $40....that's the last time I saw him, I just said %$@+ it.

Any stories? I'm bored....


Sounds like the opening scene of Killa Season

I'm guessing you peed on him next
Last fight in grade 7 when I bleeded some dude's head with my bare hands... It was in a private school and I don't know how but I didn't get any punishment.
wouldn't callit a fight but we were bored over here and ol' buddy challenged me in some gft(ground fighting techniques)....here is the outcome...(yes i won)




2 years ago at howard homecoming. broke a guys nose. when he got up some guys who had been walking by saw the whole thing then jumped him and his friend. me and my girls left because police were making their way over.
Originally Posted by pogiwun

I owned him $ but didn't want to pay him back. 

wth? I'd be pissed as hell too, you expected him not to do anything to get his money? Stupid reason on your part, don't borrow money if you're not gonna pay him back.
i think it was the summer going into 6th grade. we were playing kick ball and i got pegged in the face.
So I pushed dude and then I got punched in the face. wasn't much of a fight but that was the last time I remember anything close.
other than wrapping up with some friends
RiverXBear wrote:

dude threw the phone like it was a stun grenade .

Some kids at my school had a problem with a dude in one of my classes. Three of them walked in during class and a cell phone was chucked at buddy's head, by the time he realized what had hit em the other two dudes are pounding his face in and throwing him across the room. Some of the funniest @**+ I've ever seen.

As for me... Earlier this year in School (Im a senior btw) Walking to my car after class and some dude revs up his engine like 1 foot away from me, I looked at him like, "son, you serious?" I didnt even know the kid. He did it again, so I challenged him to actually accelerate, and he goes, "I would love to run your %%@$ !%* over!" He didnt have to say anymore... Hit him while he was in his car, unlocked the whip and continued to whoop his !%* after I dragged him out. He got one good hit, and that was while I was looking for the unlock button smh. I got suspended for 3 days and dude got expelled a week later for threatening another kid telling him he had guns that would make sure he never saw daylight again. Dude had problems. 

Racist Rednecks FTL[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif].[/font]
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

2 years ago at howard homecoming. broke a guys nose. when he got up some guys who had been walking by saw the whole thing then jumped him and his friend. me and my girls left because police were making their way over.
Marry Me.
it was in like 5th grade.

Free time in gym class and I was just shooting by myself in the corner, working on my jumpshot for the upcoming season. This dude comes up behind me and was like "Can I shoot with you?" I was like "I'm practicing man, but go ahead and get a few shots with this ball (it was one of the best ones my school had) and I'll get it back after I go to the bathroom." Dude says "Cool." I go to the bathroom, come back, and ask for it back.

Dude: "Uh, nah."
Me: "Come on man, I just want to practice."
Dude: "You're gonna have to take it from me."

Then I quickly snatch it from him, walk away, and go about my business. He comes up from behind and jumps on my back, trying to get at the ball. I just fall backwards and crush him between me and the ground, and then get up and proceed to punch dude in the face.

Got suspended for 3 days. But dudes didn't mess with me in middle school 'cause of that, lol.
Two summers ago. I was playin ball n had was on a fast break n dude straight up clothes lined me. Got up, punched him in the faced, he swung n it got broken up fast. Rough filipino adults ftl.
Honestly speaking, I never really understood.. Do you think that beating someone's $$% over money, will magically make them want to pay you back?


Real talk, if anyone ever beat my $$% over money.. they are never seeing their money ever again..
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Honestly speaking, I never really understood.. Do you think that beating someone's $$% over money, will magically make them want to pay you back?


Real talk, if anyone ever beat my $$% over money.. they are never seeing their money ever again..
Well, it's not you're gonna pay him anyways, right? Might as well drop your $!%...
last fall... this dude came up outta no where tryna fight my friend and he aint want to. so he ends up corning my friend and throwin haymakers at him... i pick this kid up off the ground and throw him off of him and he comes and sucker punches me and ended up breaking his hand on my face. after that i got 3 good hits in and he was done.
bro was constantly peepin' in on my comp, so i told him to look at this video, when he moved his head over he was met by a fist.

thats where it started & ended
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