When Was Your Last Fight??...And What Was The Outcome?

My roommate last fall .. We needed to do some yard work cause our landlord was on our #$$ about it.. So all week I was like "aye man Imma need you to go get the lawn mower from your pops. He was like "ok we will do it saturday " . Saturday comes and I'm like "ight homie lets get this %@++ done" he didnt want to saying he was just wanting to chill we will do it another day im like naw i got %@++ to do i aint got time to wait.. well this goes on for a couple hours finally im like forget it you can handle that %@++ yourself and go chill in my room.. Well then he decides he wants to go get it right when i get comfy in my room .. Im like naw %+%# you . You aint wanna do it when i was telling you to for hours so im good .. he start beating on my door like the police im like "bruh stop beating on my door or imma %+%# you up " he start kicking it.. I open the door and get in his face and then he push me .. im not one for a shoving match so i swing on him it connects and he falls to the ground .. from there i beat the dog %@++ out of him.. we arent roomies anymore lol
Originally Posted by dunks87

bout an hour ago...so much WIN just occurred...females smh


no eNPHAN.
^ i wish there was. i can't believe i'm two weeks from graduating COLLEGE and just got in a fist fight in a night club. only in indiana. must. leave. quick.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Honestly speaking, I never really understood.. Do you think that beating someone's $$% over money, will magically make them want to pay you back?


Real talk, if anyone ever beat my $$% over money.. they are never seeing their money ever again..
I'm pretty sure most people only do that after they see that person isn't gonna pay up. I remember in HS this one kid got beat up 3 times over the same damn $50. He decided to pay after the third time lol
8th grade I think?

This kid on my block we were hooping and he started talking mad trash so I ran up on him he didn't do anything so I backed off.

An hour or two later I'm chillin outside and he's with his homeys talkin mad trash again so I get up and grab him by his shirt collar and slam him into his neighbors van. Now mind you I get ready to get jumped so I brace myself....turns out his homeys get scared so they get some distance so I let him go and I get squared up and I expect for this dude to come out swinging, he sure as hell did....slapping like a mad man...I was avoided getting slapped, he caught me like 3 times but I start working dudes body till he got tired so I just start working his face then he swings again I duck to move out the way....he gets me in a headlock, so I'm frustrated since I think I'm done for sure since I can't get out of a headlock. So I look up and he's still in front of the van so I run while he's holding me and slam him into the van again, he lets go and I grab him by the waist and slam him and just start wailing on the dude till he starts crying and ran inside his house.

He told his moms but he got in trouble for talking all that trash. 
Like 2 month ago. Dude was mouthing off at this burger spot we were at after the club. Dude decided to throw water on this girl I was with. I confronted him, he grab my shirt and pulled me towards him. I backed up and hit him. First punch dropped him to a knee. Punched him a couple more times. His friend then grabbed me and body slammed me to the ground. I got up and they were rushing out the spot.
this past summer on the sacramento river...best fight of my life cuz im with my fam and about 4 good friends who we would go to war with for each other....

my bro straight knocks sum kid talkin @#$% to us as we pass by on our rafts. (the reason was because the little ones on our boat were squirting them with their water guns and the B#%$@ "didnt like it" so they started talking to us)

i hop outta the raft and my friends follow as we see my brother crack the dude. we square up to the group of 20-25 year olds and its about 15 of them (mix of their girls and guys) against maybe 8 of us (all men). We start yelling at each other telling them to back up and they continue to talk all their trash and dont understand why my bro knocked one of them in the face. (kid looked messed up haha)

all of a sudden i get a sucker punch thrown from my right and all hell breaks out. My friends backed me up and we started rushing the guy who threw the punch. my bro and family tackle the guy he hit earlier and its just a mass melee from there. we all start squaring up one on one with the other group and a majority of us get in shots

we stand back out into a straight line facing each other just waiting for someone to rush again. throwing words back and forth and just getting the adrenaline rushin

words thrown around and then it goes again, this time because our little girl cousin got hit in the melee and the aunties and mom were going hysterical. it became an all out war. my fam and i must have been getting them good cuz all of a sudden we see rocks (bigger than our hands) being thrown around!!! my friend got hit in the back and it put him outta work for a week...such suckers for pulling out big *** rocks when it was a fun fist to fist brawl

we were like F that and got up outta there...lost 2 rafts in the process (didnt have to pay or get fined for any of them) and got a helicopter sent out to watch the situation. was sooo crazy!!!!

btw if any of you suckers who we fought are on this forum, come get some!!!!! we waiting for you!!!

sorry for the long post but was such an EPIC BRAWL
--Me and 5 of my friends had a fight last night on Team Deathmatch against 6 other dudes. And we won.
I was in the first grade.  Got into a fight with a 3rd grader.  I ended up with a split lip.  I have noooooooo idea what the fight was about LOL. 
i thought it was about my last flight, I was gonna tell you how much I hate Spirit airlines.
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