What's your plan for the Concords?

Originally Posted by BdeaZy


via Facebook
what the hell? what a waste
Tragic on some many levels. It's tough not to make assumptions about those who participated in yesterday's stampede. Its tough not to listen to the "get money boyz" and not deploy negative stereotypes about these young brothers who can somehow afford a pair of $180 sneakers yet can barely string together a coherent sentence. 
Yet it's more complicated than simply "getting your priorities" together. Each and everyone one of us cut corners in some way for the sake of appearance or convenience. Of course it's far healthier to eat a bowl of home cooked pasta with a salad. However, if we are on the run and don't have the time, we settle for the immediate meal. In the case of the Concords, it would be easy to urge these brothers and sisters to stash that $180, save $2 dollars/day, and wallah, one will be able to one day improve your material conditions. But this ignores the reality that in a capitalistic society, in which we are constantly bombarded with images of celebrities who flaunt their ostentatious possessions, everyday people desire immediate gratification through consumer culture. 

And of course, the totally apolitical, apathetic, and aloof Michael Jordan continues to adhere to the template of the billionaire athlete who stands for absolutely nothing.
two of my pairs on NDC are shipped! so excited to get em, and congrats to all who copped.
it sucks that NT crashed because of the release tho
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Be honest I copped a pair from flightclub for that 375, a pair from a reseller, and I have a pair on the way from my homie from Texas from his homie who works at HOH around Dallas. 
I went 0 for 4 on websites (NDC, Eastbay, Finishline, CT)....

NDC was all my fault, I was on the website for hours before 12, and I kept reloading, 12 came around and I kept reloading...45 minutes later I realize I should delete my cookies/browsing history and BAM there they were. Then I kept getting crapped out when trying to finalize the order, just kept deadin me....

Ah well, 2 pairs in hand, 1 pair on the way and I'll probably grab another. NDC WOULD'VE been an EASY cop had I grew a brain stem and deleted cookies on time....I don't know why I didn't remember to do that as I always remembered to in the past.

Just a tip for fellow NTers...
So four pairs, right?  Now what exactly is the point of having 4 pairs?  I could see if you were going to flip and make a profit but you said you bought them at high prices already....Not trying to flame or anything, but just really curious
Y'all fools just sound shook cause these shoes brought out the inner city folk...mogs be acting just as stupid during black Friday and some electronic releases..some of y'all need to just be honest w/ ya selfs and say you're scared of certain blacks and Latinos..
Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Y'all fools just sound shook cause these shoes brought out the inner city folk...mogs be acting just as stupid during black Friday and some electronic releases..some of y'all need to just be honest w/ ya selfs and say you're scared of certain blacks and Latinos..

Get outta here with that, it has nothing to do with black or latino  
 Maybe to Fox news but not here...
It has to do with the fights, toddlers being locked in the car, vandalized stores, and possibly a murder.. 
Originally Posted by tim teufel

I'm pretty sure in time he will still make a profit on them even at the prices he bought em for
You don't think prices will drop?  Sure they are high right now (what ones aren't right after release), but in a few months I don't think they will be super high. People will be on the next thing
Originally Posted by lynchpin33

I am hoping that this thread does not get locked.  It is VERY interesting to see how the non shoeheads or retired shoeheads (basically people who don't venture outside GENERAL on this website) are voicing their opinion about this chaotic release.  Watching the video with the two guys talking to the news reporter, they did say one thing that made sense, why don't M.J. just release more, it is ridiculous to just issue 30 pairs to a store.  I agree why don't they just overproduce.  I have a minor in economics so I understand supply and demand, but I believe these "chaotic" x mas releases would be the exception to those rules.
-I also would like to see a high ranking NIKE official or M.J. himself comment on these videos when you see people fighting, stabbing, running over people etc. But, they are not caring anyway all they see is $$$.  It would be better that getting a response from the Nike Twitter guy, or having him direct to a customer affairs person who will give you a "planned" answer.
Word, this whole Jordan needs to create supply and demand reason does not even apply in this case. They can produce the Concords in iPhone quantities and it will still fly off shelves, the demand will still be there.
It would be so funny if Nike just randomly sent out a shipment of these in January
Originally Posted by BronLe

It would be so funny if Nike just randomly sent out a shipment of these in January

This reminds me of the Nubucks a few years ago when people were complaining about having to buy with the hoody and hat. Then they showed up in stores as just the shoes. People were about to off themselves
real life...

yall should stop blaming jordan and nike and blame footlocker and all the stores that were so unorganized with the release...

nike/jb just makes the shoes they dont sell em to the people...

(just so yall know i dont d ride either brand i havent bought a pair of jordans or nikes since the retro space jam, which i did not wait in line for... always have the hook...actually i bought two pair of kobes too ball in gr release...)
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by aznballa33

Originally Posted by BdeaZy


via Facebook
what the hell? what a waste
I'm almost positive this is a PS

I don't know, but I've seen this done to almost every major release shoe, this isn't the first time...
I don't know what kind of message this sends, that money, or those shoes, could have gone to some underprivileged kid who could have actually used them 
passed by the mall today and there was a damn long line at 1 a.m. I'll probably buy them for $50 above retail. These and the white/blue XVIII's are the only retros I really want
Jb got exactly what they wanted out of this. I got some calls/inquiries about this from random non shoe people because of a local news story. I can't condone this. Yuck
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

passed by the mall today and there was a damn long line at 1 a.m. I'll probably buy them for $50 above retail. These and the white/blue XVIII's are the only retros I really want

You should have no problem getting those if they ever retro them. JB can limit them to 10 pairs total and you'd still be able to cop them with ease
I am in no way, shape, or form ignorant or anything, but upon reading this thread it's a bit pompous and hypocritical to criticize and debase some of those who purchased these kicks when you yourself once did the same thing.

What does it matter if one does not have an education to support a shoe purchase - where is the corrlation there?

When has any of us ever needed to spend 100s of dollars on tennis shoes? But we did. But since we've come to our senses it's okay to stereotype those who have not? How does that make us better people? What positive energy does that bring to the world lambasting those who buy tennis shoes and may not have their priorities in order? Yea it's funny for a little bit though...right.

Purchasing expensive tennis shoes and not having one's priorities in order can be much less harmful than having your priorities in order, but having a drug, alcohol, gambling addiction, or dealing with depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, career decsions, relationship issues, death, terminal illness. But they are all problems that we may deal with.

Just because your circumstances aren't being broadcasted around the world gives none of us the right to look down on someone else.

This country has made us lose sight of the human condition and instead fend for self, pulling down everyone else who does not fit in our moral, political, or religious ideas. Education and professional aspirations have become tantamount to the golden rule which once draped upon its hallowed walls. In an effort to make something of ourselves we have to justify the wrongdoings of another. It's pretty despicable. I am just as guilty as the next man.
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