Whats your Major? Vol. Hard choice...

Originally Posted by Destination Kicks

^Care to weigh in cardizzle?

JohnnyRedStorm+Law-� Yeah I'm aware it's a lot of work and networking. My aunt was one of the head secretaries at a huge agency in New York but the name escapes me right now, and she still has connections there. One of my good friends is a top basketball recruit. I have a lot of friends on the baseball team at my school. Plus I'm in MD. I can just spend my days cruising the streets of PG County and pick up some of the best basketball recruits around lol. I know I'm gonna have to work my +%% off but I'm ready.
That's a good way to start. You should seriously consider working for the baseball team in some degree, since you already have half your footin the door with being friends with a couple of players. Walk in their office one day and speak with the secretary/Graduate Assistant for any possiblepositions, whether student worker or manager. Your head seems to be on straight, so you'll succeed.
Music Industry - although it will be very hard to get a job, I can't really see myself doing anything else and being happy. The hardest thing is findingschools with this major, I'm trying to transfer but have no where to go.
Originally Posted by mcnoodlez

finance with an econ minor/major ... boring, dry classes but job prospects are top notch... just gotta get through another 1.5 years of %%*@*@@! *sigh*
im also thinking of majoring in finance and minoring in econ but im not exactly sure thats what i want to do..
can you shed some light on how the courses are like?
English major, Journalism minor... looking for that Education masters degree, hopefully teach English one day in jr/high school
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Originally Posted by hometownhero25

Major: Journalism
Minor: Music Business

Free tickets to concerts and sometimes get to interview artists FTW
How is that FTW when you can't get a over a 30K salary?
Some people rather be happy than worry about money. People with your outlook are the downfall of America.

You have an obligation to your family and your future family to provide the best life possible. Period. Your selfishness and your pride is the downfall of America.
You must meet the duty of bringing home as much bread as possible or else you will be labeled as "useless" by your own family.
As much as I do not like how capitalism runs america and life. You either adapt to society or die.

How is earning a BA degree in english going to make you happy when you won't be able to find a job? unable to get through a door? unable to find opportunities like other majors? Life is about exploiting your opportunities. You have this window called college. America allow you to create your own success, except you venture to an area which entails tremendous risk?

Read the recent Nytimes article; 24 and broke.

It is my duty as a 1st American generation to pay dividends to my parents struggle. To at least match their hardwork if not succeed further.

My mother came here as an immigrant and with my father was able to purchase 2 new york city houses with all the mortgage paid off. If I become a 30k salary earner, I'm failing my parents.
You Americans don't know what struggle is.
As a an immigrant, I see your point. You could have presented it better though.

It comes down to a cultural thing. Most immigrants come to America for a better life.. Nobody is coming all the way from Nigeria, China, India, etc. andworking 14 hour shifts for their child to major in Communications and end up making less then they did or have no job
. That's hustling backwards. A culture where children are encouraged to atleast try and be more successful than their parents. Mediocrity is not something to strive for.

True do what you love, but you guys need to look at it from other angles besides your own.

Anyways, I'm an electrical engineering major and pursuing a certificate in finance.

What many people with foresight tend to do is pursue the highest paying career path they can endure. Use that job that as a means to end.
Save up money, then go do what they really want to do.

David, you came off as arrogant though man. At the end of the day, David people will or should do what they love. At the same time, you should be prepared forthe lifestyle (tax bracket) that your career will bring. I swear when I see some single people with jobs in their degree field complain about financial theirstruggles....I'm like what did you expect.
Computer Science Majors, what is your concentration in? What other options are there? Is there a Network Engineer concentration? Please school me.
I am done with school forever!
Finished the Masters program this past August.

Undergrad - Major: Economics; Minor: Political Science.
Masters - Public and International Affairs (multidisciplinary program with three fields of study: Public Policy, International Affairs, and DevelopmentStudies)
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

I am done with school forever!
Finished the Masters program this past August.

Undergrad - Major: Economics; Minor: Political Science.
Masters - Public and International Affairs (multidisciplinary program with three fields of study: Public Policy, International Affairs, and Development Studies)
You and I need to have a talk,

Major : International relations/affairs.
Undergrad: Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology

Graduate: Public Administration with a concentration in Government Law.

Next is either Law School or Doctoral Studies either one will be in Juvenile area. (Juvenile Law or Juvenile Counseling)
At Ohio State it's called Sport & Leisure Studies....basically Sport Management. Work at the athletic departmentright now while still in school, hoping to move away with some good connections to land a spot in Texas, Florida, Chicago, or NYC.
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