What's your first memory of the internet?

Yahoo chat room with the "You killed Kenny" button
i was in grade 4 using yahoo and i typed in poo and the s word in the search bar. seeing the scat traumatized me
bjs.co m had no clue what it was and then bam..bunch of **** in my face.

I don't think that website works anymore
Originally Posted by methedy23

- Summer '94

- AOL (1 free hour

- 14.4k modem

- 1-2 hours / single full size picture load time

- The dial-up noise

- The first few phone bills

- Erols

   Another older NTer.  I first experienced the "internet" around the same time (late '93 - early '94)

- tryin to spit that A/S/L game in AOL chatrooms
- never going to sleep because I was an addict.  having to build a sound dampener around my computer with pillows, blankets, anything I could find so the dial up noise didnt wake my parents
- CC generators (my parents cutoff AOL after 3 months saying it was too expensive)
- accidentally falling asleep waiting for that 2 hour download of that nude pic, only to awaken in a state of terror for fear of Moms walkin in to wake me up for school and seeing da nudez on the monitor screen.
7 years old all i knew was cartoonnetwork candystand and shockwave to play games on
-Windows 95'
-Dial up noises
-Ohhla for lyrics
-Niketalk in 99' for info and other sneaker sites I can't remember the name of.
-Snatching Dragonball Z images off the net.My notebook was as thick as the Yellow Pages with pics.
-Lmfao! @ whitehouse.com...
oh the good ol' days...*sigh*
Waiting a full 3 minutes for a single nude pic to load up. Also, waiting 15 minutes for a 30 second porn clip to load. You had to be SURE that's the one you wanted to roll with lol

Sitting there just waiting for a picture like

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

My first experience with the internet was going on Hotwheels.com and Cartoonnetwork.com and playing games.

I was a good little boy


These floppys would come in the mail every month.

14/m/horny/pics s2r

If your a hot girl press 111.
If you wanna cyber press 6969
Trying to figure out how the hell Prodigy worked and what the hell I could do on it.

The most memorable first experience was hitting up the AOL chatrooms asking "Do you have a .gif? etc
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