whats the stupidest thing u ever got pulled over for?

got pulled over, well i was parked, but they closed me in, 2 narco units, for being parked outside a park where they thought i was looking to score something..guess they were doing a sting
Originally Posted by neukicks

Driving late, 11pm, RT 28 in VA, going speed limit, by myself
<--doing that, cop pulls out behind me, put it out, and continue driving, he pulls me over for a "taillight thats out", get back home no tail light is out....i got away though

then all my own fault, 112 in a 55, had like 10 cop cars come up, no fun

Same thing happend to my man he got like $1200 dollars in tickets...but just one cop though....and he said he would of let em go if he went to Howard

As far as I go I use to have a bubble and I use to get pulled over for stupid stuff all the time but not once did I get a tkt just warnings....I think theyjust wanted to see if I was smoking in my car
ive gotten pulled over for so many stupid things i have to think about it for a second...............

o here go one, no sticker on my plate, he wrote me a ticket i photocopied my registration an sent it in. they voided the ticket. the cop was like really angryfor no reason too. i think he was tryin to scare me at the time cuz i was younger.
Loud music from 2 police officers (when I had my sentra w/ system and another in my mom's car w/ stock radio...)

that's it.

they just told me to keep it down.

black officer asked what I had in the trunk, haha!
I was leaving my job, and I see the cop. I don't pay him any mind because its a friday afternoon and i'm feeling good. This bamma pulls me over andI'm like ???

He says "Son do you know why I'm stopping you for?" I said "Cause I'm young and I'm black and my hats real low...Do I look like amind reader sir?, I don't know. Am I under arrest or should I guess some mo?""Well you was doing fifty five in a fifty four".

But for real he said he noticed I didn't have my seatbelt on. But I did have it on, I just wearing a black sweater. He let me go w/o a ticket because hefelt stupid.
my license plate not on the car but in the window. I got pulled over for that but got a ticket for the tred on my tire being worn down.
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