whats the stupidest thing u ever got pulled over for?

I've been pulled over twice in the same night, 15 minutes from each other, for having a burnt out tail light.
I've been pulled over for having a burnt out license plate light.
I've been pulled over twice for my trailer hitch obstructing the view of my license plate.
I've been pulled over for having a broken side mirror.
I've been pulled over for having loud exhaust.
I've been pulled over for not having a front license plate.

Only one of those scenarios resulted in a fix-it-ticket, the front license plate.
These all took place in Irvine.
Irvine is one of the safest cities in the United States, so you can imagine that there are a lot more stops of this nature, as the police are not alwaysoverwhelmed.

Oh, I totally forgot the worst one...
I was riding my bicycle to class at U.C. Irvine, and made a right turn without stopping at a 4-way stop, with no cars in view. There was a cop sitting at thecorner on his motorcycle, he stopped me, and wrote me a ticket for running a stop sign on a bicycle.
Oh yea, and my Cameron University parking sticker (which is no bigger than an ID card) hangs from my mirror and the cop claims it's a violation becauseit's unsafely obstructing my view.
cop pulled me over saying i was tailgating then gave me a speeding ticket. Tried to fight it at court but didnt work ended up costing me around 350. recentlygot a carpool ticket but that was stupid on my part. Cost me $500. dumb lady cop power trippin
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

man today im going to work this street is down hill mind you so to go 50-mph you need to slam on you brakes so im goin and i see a cop so i slow to 35-40 limit is 45 so im looking in my rear view as he pulls out behind me. Im thinking cool i saw him and i was only going 35 hes not gona pull me over! get to the light and he turn the sirens on im like #!$ did i do? Turns out he was in front of a construction zone i didn't notice because im looking at him wondering why he pulled out behind me the whole damn time!!!
because some dude dressed like me had been throwing rocks at the workers at a nearby Texaco station and had hit some dude in the head. That was a funafternoon explaining I was never at Texaco.
For having a shaved head and being out late. Cop shined his light on me as he drove by then made a U and pulled me over based on looks. Flashed the light in myface, said "are you a tweaker?" I nervously (had a little alcohol in my system) replied "no, what is that?" and he eventually let me go.
i was coming back from a concert wit my friend one night, it was probably like midnight or so. all the sudden we got pulled over by a cop sayin we had run astop sign like 15 mins before. he said he was radio'ed our license plate and told to pull us over if he saw us. this is when i start thinking they werejust trying to get their ticket count for the day...cuz we DID stop at the sign and even if we didn't, the cop that supposedly saw us run it should havepulled us over ... i mean seriously... WHO RADIO'S ALL THE PATROLS TO LOOK FOR US?! LIKE WE JUST COMMITTED MURDER OR SOMETHING!!!!
i was tryin to find parking around a big christmas tree lighting in a city n i must have accidentally turned my lights off while doing a bunch of turn signalsbut i didn't really notcie because everything was illuminated so well around town. got blurped n gave me a ticket....prolly because i was in benicia andi'm from vallejo....
A couple of days ago some crazy thing happened to me. Its a long read.

I got on the traffic circle in front of the car that was already there. Its not like he had to slow down too much or anything, but he did use the horn on me.So I show him the finger, and forget about it. I was with my boy and we later park the car between two others and start to get out. Then the car from thecircle pulls over behind us and blocks our car, so we cant drive back. Two guys get outta the car and one is walking straight to me, he puts his arm under hisjacket, looking like hes going to pull a gun on me. I wait a couple of seconds and when hes real close I put the gas pedal to the floor, going straight thoughsome lawn and bushes and onto the road.

We drive some and then see them coming after us. Its not our neighbourhood, so were not even sure where were going. After some 15 minutes we thought we lostthem, so we pull over turn the car off and think about what were supposed to do now, cuz we really need to get to the parking where we first met them. Then allof sudden two cars pull over and almost block us. Them guys get out fast, one gets almost in front of our car, so I hit the gas, but with the hand brake stillon, I try to scare him, so he moves out of the way. If he doesnt I was really ready to hit him. Then the guy on the left pulls his badge out, so I turn theengine off and wait.

They went through my car, I let them do it cuz I didnt have nothing to hide at that time, still they were very rude to us. It ended with just a warning for me,but it could be much worse if I really did hit the guy with my car. All he had to do was just pull his badge out first at the parking, and not act like hesgotta scare me first
I hate them cops as well.
i guess i got pulled over for bein out late night

dude was questionin me and $!%+ like he was my dad or somethin
."Where you goin, where you comin from, why are you out this time of night.?" im like
but i def didnt get saucy wit dude, pgh police plays no games.
Then on top of that he gave me no reason as to why he pulled me, didnt even check my license or insurance. He jus told me get home he didntt wanna see me outhere again tonight. im like
uhh ok.
I am white, so I can't relate to a lot of stories here.

Stupidest thing for me? Just rolling a stop sign...but I was heading to driving school at the time to take care of a speeding ticket.
Apples28 and I were wearing all black with beanies and that black line under our eye..(this):

We were on a mission.

Anywho, the cop pulled me over to see "if everything was alright."
We did look crazy but sheesh, let us be.
I had a cop tell me someone with my exact car and exact body/facial description assaulted someone and fled

Cop then proceeded to say I PROBABLY ran a stop sign and MIGHT have been speeding

He also told me he knew "my type" and basically threatened to rough me up

Cop was insane

I'm Black and the cop was also Black if that matters
For stealing my own truck.


They had the whole damn alley sewed up.
Im talking at least 10 squad cars.
They daisy-chained all 3 of us together, made us lay face down in the alley, with knees in our backs.
All I was doing was putting in my new radio.
Now i understand how that can look but when they got there, the keys were in the ignition and my wallet (with ID) was in the center console (which they saw cuzthey pulled it out.
There was no need for the excessive force.

Police suck.

I got stories for days.
Chicago seriously has the worst cops ever.
--I got pulled over 2 weeks after getting my BMW z4, because obviously, I did not have plates yet. Just the temporary on the windshield. Cop pulls me over to"check out" cuz a twenty something year old cant be driving a beemer right? Well anyways, after everything checked out(like my license and insurance)cop started acting hella chill, asking me what year my car is , how does it drive, etc etc..then lets me go.
Got pulled over 4 times in one week by the same cop patrolling the same area for my tinted windows. I would've went a different way but it was part of mycommute. Anyway, after the fourth time (and the fact that he gave me 4 tickets for all 4 windows, which I don't even think is legal, at least for the backwindows), I went to the tint shop and got my windows lighter in the front because I couldn't take it anymore. I felt like I was being harassed. Now the cophonks his horn at me to say hello while he's pulling over other people for no reason. Figures.
Originally Posted by Big Pimpin

I'm pulling up to a stop sign and I see a cop to my right, laying back in the cut to try to catch fools running the stop sign...
So I come to a complete stop, look both ways, wait a full three seconds, and then proceed.
As I clear the intersection the cop pulls out behind me and lights me up.
I'm like what the hell?

I ask the dude what's the problem...he says that I ran the stop sign.

I give him the
and ask "how exactly would I run the stop sign if I saw your car there as soon as I pulled up?" He proceeded to give me a warning and said "make sure you obey traffic signs"

I'm white by the way, although it was in a Hispanic neighborhood.
same thing happened to me....except im chinese...and i was in a hispanic neighborhood. he still wanted to ticket me...gave me a $50 seatbeltticket

Another time, I was stopped at a light heading home from the gym. I see a cop at the other side of the intersection as the light turns green i take a glance athim and he stares back...dude does an illegal u-turn in the middle of the street, tails me for 10 seconds and pulls me over. cause my tailight was out....imlike ok lemme see...get out the car...and its dim not even out. gives me a warning...i hate cops...
Driving late, 11pm, RT 28 in VA, going speed limit, by myself
<--doing that, cop pulls out behind me, put it out, and continue driving, he pulls me over for a "taillight thats out", get back home notail light is out....i got away though

then all my own fault, 112 in a 55, had like 10 cop cars come up, no fun
Being Black In A Nice Car After 1 a.m.

Being Black In A Bucket After 1 a.m. In A Nice Neighborhood

Having A Hood On
Originally Posted by neukicks

then all my own fault, 112 in a 55, had like 10 cop cars come up, no fun
what did they charge you with, and how much did you have topay?

My very first day driving my whip i got pulled over for having my high-beams on. Lmao i didnt know how to turn em off. That was around July 1-4ish. The boyswere actually cool about it(I had a bag filled with dutch guts and there were baggies all over the seats.) Dudes let me off with a warning. Then last week imout at 2am goin to go
. I pass a police car sitting on the side of the road. I getabout 3 or 4 bloccs away then i see those lights turn on and dude pulls a Uey. Comes up behind me at the light while im lookin at this bad shorty walking onthe side of the road. Light goes green i pull off whee-o whee-o whee!! Dudes come with the flashlights THANK GOD i decided to tucc my bud up. Gave me a ticcetfor a @*#%@!# loud muffler. BTW he said id have to fix it and got to court will they inspect my car to see if I did?
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