and you got dudes in there justifying and i said society has become a no accountability state. the notion of oh well i wouldnt wear it...or its seen in high regards by ppl makes it ok is complete bs. Another example of being accepting and complacent and not addressing the root of your problems..and not being called out or held accountable for it.
To say oh this is just art, or this is just different would be equivilant to saying well im not a crackhead, if others casually use it and i do its ok for me...if society says its good and normal then it must be...everyone else is doing it, so long as i aint out killing ppl, im an ok person so it makes it alright bs...again avoidance and society coddling the unnatural and cosigning bs.
Im certain if it was a way men could have babies...many dudes would do it and feel justified in doing so...on the premise of im a new age man, times are evolved, im being sensitive liberal to my women, why should she have to go thru all the pain of pregnancy and labor, im doing it to get a better understanding of who she expanding myself...etc..all the bs excuses..
And if it became a social norm guys in large would participate in maybe being pregnant...(ie carry for a few months for the woman etc) And they would see absolutely no wrong in this and matter of fact would question a male manhood if he didnt do it. Esp if you had the steve harvey think like a man, tyler perry, etc..likes convinced woman hey this is what a man would do...Guys would be like over emotional, weak willed, docile b made lil punks, go along with it, and since society at large wouldnt so call pull their card, them being b made would use every usuable excuse,justification in the book to green light this behavior, and then say stuf like oh just because traditionally the woman carried the child, or usually the woman carried the child doesnt make it right, we are in a new day new age, get with the times man... it is perfectly normal and natural for a man to want to be pregnant and share in the "insert any pssy **** response that sounds heartfelt etc.." and im just being compromising to my woman.