What's the 3 coolest things about being (insert your race here)?

OP, you're #2 and 3 seem like some of the "supremacy crap" you banned from your own thread.


explain....im dying to hear your answer...
I'm black

Everybody be proud of who you are

1. I can style ANYTHING
2. My 360 wave game stay on point
3. Soul food
I'll just say this in an attempt to nip %$$! in the bud... nobody alive PICKED their race. Period. Therefore, whatever inherent benefits we receive shouldnot make us feel guilty. If being white helped you get a job easier, good for you, If being hispanic gets you girls, that's what's up. Ifbeing black makes you seem tougher, well way to go champ. The point of this thread was to take a moment to see how others felt about themselves. We as people(any race) always assume we know what another man thinks of us or himself. I know too many Blacks that automatically ASSUME white people are arrogant, greedy,etc etc... when clearly there are Whites in this very thread that are too humble to appreciate themselves out loud for fear of coming off like the types ofpeople we ALL hate. The point is, you don't know what another person is thinking unless they tell you themselves. And here I am, giving people a chance todo just that...and they can't
I actually admire how jews stay together and look out for each other...wish my race was the same but in the world of business I trust white folks a lot morethen blks because we have a deep history of jealousy and bringing each other down...this response was sparked from hovkid's post
Waits for the first white person response........(cue that gif of michael jackson popcorn, dude that opens folding chair, fat girl drinking at her computer,etc....)
Come on tomato... ketchup already...White ppl been responding. I HATE that people actually want this thread to get ugly
. That'ssooooooooooooooooooooooooooo weak...
. +$%+ is wrong with "you people"?

That's right, I said it... yuou people...

Nah, Dear Winter I'm totally with you. I like the idea that YOU give everyone here the freedom to express themsevles, but other people are gonna readsomething they don't like. Landmines waitin to explode in sets of three's.
Originally Posted by DayDayz e36

Originally Posted by HOVKid

I'm Jewish

(1) We control all the money

Honest Question: Every Jewish person I see always drives a Lexus, will you guys(as a race) ever drive a German make?

ive seen some jews in audis/bmws....def wondered what was up with that
I'm black

1. The family reunions

2. The sunday dinners

3. Undying love for fried chicken (fry that chicken!)
Originally Posted by Dynamic X

I'll give the three worst:

-small pp's
-Parental beatdowns
-High suicide rate

you asian? I knew some and they always talked about how strict they parents were
well being white I enjoy not being able to dunk a basketball(makes me better at shooting). Having a trailer trash family( makes me strive for better). Havingno style(makes me more interesting a person) . jk bout that last part I be ballin
Originally Posted by JiveTurkey813

1. Wishing I could dunk

2. Wishing I could roll with the "homies"

3. Wishing I could rap like anyone on BET


our women
women love when you speak spanish to them
question: when someone says they are jewish, are they referring to their religion or race/ethnicity/etc or both.

for example, with drake. isnt he black and jewish? which is saying he's multi racial?

i mean because african american/black, hispanic, latino, white arent religion but ethnicity/races/etc. but with jewish its both.

can someone school me, ive always wondered this. ask mom and she was confused too. also jewish(race/ethnicity) what county do they originate from, i knoweurope, but what part?
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

I knew some and they always talked about how strict they parents were
I always hear "I'm Jamaican, you dont want it with my mom"

please... a nagging asian mom will put a jamaican mom to rest.

Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

ive seen some jews in audis/bmws....def wondered what was up with that
I always seen white kid with curly (jew fro) hair driving audi's in my area... never thought they were Jewish, but maybe they are.
Originally Posted by wildcard

well being white I enjoy not being able to dunk a basketball(makes me better at shooting). Having a trailer trash family( makes me strive for better). Having no style(makes me more interesting a person) . jk bout that last part I be ballin
I like your sens of humor man
. Just know this...I will NEVER dunk a ball. I can't even touch the rim
. I'm sooooo unathletic thatit really is an insult to my melanin. It's like damn, they spend 300 years "breeding" us to be BEASTS...and I can't even smack boards?! The@%$* man?
. And just cause God likes laughing at me, he made my brother 5'7'' with a 40+ inch vertical. FML
. And I'm sooo from thehood. Like... I'm so hood I'm thinking about getting my hood/block/street sign tatted on me just so that no matter where I go I can still be in myhood.
. It's hard out here but it's motivation to move up the ladder, ya feel me? And everyone on NT knows I have no style whatsoever, what withthe hoodies and teeshirts I like to wear and all

Race be damned, we're all more alike than we think
1. The B.B.C.
, you already know

2. Domination of sports (we were just built to be athletic)

3. Curvy Women
Well being half Vietnamese and half Eskimo, I am privy to a lot of things. The biggest of them being:

Good food.
The ability to start my own one man wolfpack.
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by Dynamic X

I'll give the three worst:

-small pp's
-Parental beatdowns
-High suicide rate

you asian? I knew some and they always talked about how strict they parents were
Yep. I got locked outside numerous times as a kid. If I did something stupid, I would get smacked two times, one for being stupid, and the 2nd forthinking how much I hated my mom for doing that.
My mom controlled mythinking too.
White Women-
Blue Eyes-

Being Given Respect-

Can get out of a jam alot easier then other races
.-Like for example my brother had a %$*# load of tickets around 2400 dollars.My Mom knew a guy that knew a guy that knew a Judge down traffic court and he gothooked up.My brother only wound up paying like 400 dollars.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

1. I intimidate people without trying to. It makes it easier to walk the streets of cities I've never been in or cities that I'm not comfy in. I'm not a fan of crowded places. I'm just a normal guy from a place with more than the normal amount of Black people (89% Black ftw
). It really scares A LOT of people, and I believe fear is almost as good as respect if all you really want is to be left alone.
You're happy about the fact that people see you walking down the street and think that you're going to rob them or harm them becauseyou're black? That's something you're proud of? Wow. You're either really ignorant or really stupid, maybe just a mix of both. Fear is nothingeven close to respect, son, but keep on telling yourself that.
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