What year did you stop caring that much about Christmas?


Nov 18, 2010
Feels bad man.

I'm 18 but this year feels totally different. I remember when I couldn't even think straight around this time

But now I'm just chilling with the fam watching my lil bro acting all excited for the morning.
Feels bad man.

I'm 18 but this year feels totally different. I remember when I couldn't even think straight around this time

But now I'm just chilling with the fam watching my lil bro acting all excited for the morning.
16...Christmas just feels like a regular day now
gotta wait til I have a kid to be able to celebrate with actual happiness again
16...Christmas just feels like a regular day now
gotta wait til I have a kid to be able to celebrate with actual happiness again
15 or 16. I forget which one it was but I didn't get any gifts that year because my moms couldn't afford it. I was heated. As the years went by since then, I've just a it's-only-Christmas mentality. I'm 22 now and I've gotten completely detached from the whole thing.
15 or 16. I forget which one it was but I didn't get any gifts that year because my moms couldn't afford it. I was heated. As the years went by since then, I've just a it's-only-Christmas mentality. I'm 22 now and I've gotten completely detached from the whole thing.
I'm 27 and this year I don't have it in me to be psyched about Christmas because I have two court dates next month and I will be doing at least several months in county jail... I'm quite certain of it.
I've just been thinking too much about that lately to care much about anything... including Christmas. 
I'm 27 and this year I don't have it in me to be psyched about Christmas because I have two court dates next month and I will be doing at least several months in county jail... I'm quite certain of it.
I've just been thinking too much about that lately to care much about anything... including Christmas. 
Freshman year of college when I came home for winter break and just wanted to sleep all day.
Freshman year of college when I came home for winter break and just wanted to sleep all day.
probably this christmas to be honest, finally have a job and what not, so i pretty much have everything i want, within reason at least 
probably this christmas to be honest, finally have a job and what not, so i pretty much have everything i want, within reason at least 
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