What will it take for JB to bring you back: vol. 1st Gen.

Jordans when I would purchase/wear them used to give me the Aura of wearing something exclusive, so thats what would bring me back.
Jordans when I would purchase/wear them used to give me the Aura of wearing something exclusive, so thats what would bring me back.
My issue is with the retros. I wish JB will improve the quality and if they can make the cut of the shoe more like the og's.
My issue is with the retros. I wish JB will improve the quality and if they can make the cut of the shoe more like the og's.
Originally Posted by eddo1005

man if the infrared pack were released with nike air on it...........sigh

One of the issues, but not the main issue everyone had with those.   
We all know the main issue with those was the use of soft nubuck instead of durabuck. 
Originally Posted by eddo1005

man if the infrared pack were released with nike air on it...........sigh

One of the issues, but not the main issue everyone had with those.   
We all know the main issue with those was the use of soft nubuck instead of durabuck. 
Originally Posted by 3thaman

I'm with you, haven't been in here in forever.  Still love Jordans just not todays Jordans. Release retro's made the right way and I'd be back in an instant but how it stands now I don't even look for them on discount anymore.

Quality like this JB.

Originally Posted by 3thaman

I'm with you, haven't been in here in forever.  Still love Jordans just not todays Jordans. Release retro's made the right way and I'd be back in an instant but how it stands now I don't even look for them on discount anymore.

Quality like this JB.

i'm w/ OP, i'm 35, and have been gettin from the get go. I'm tired of these outlandish prices as well. I need something like when I used to get excited 'bout tha next model comin out! "that's!" no longer there. sayin "i had those pair, and mom and pops had to take out another loan to get 'em!" just give us what we want, or we're gone. I've already switched to tha Lebron and Kobe line, cause they're fresh, innovative, and, Damn, they look cool too! give me my cements 4's tha way I remember 'em, or say goodbye to MY money!
i'm w/ OP, i'm 35, and have been gettin from the get go. I'm tired of these outlandish prices as well. I need something like when I used to get excited 'bout tha next model comin out! "that's!" no longer there. sayin "i had those pair, and mom and pops had to take out another loan to get 'em!" just give us what we want, or we're gone. I've already switched to tha Lebron and Kobe line, cause they're fresh, innovative, and, Damn, they look cool too! give me my cements 4's tha way I remember 'em, or say goodbye to MY money!
Originally Posted by Anomaly

1. Put out better quality retros that are on par, or at least close to the originals.  Stop skimping on the quality by reducing the grade of materials used, or the cut of certain shoes in order to use less of the expensive materials, the inaccurate molds, the painting of midsoles instead of injecting the paint into the foam, etc just because you can "get away with it".  The originals were classics because Tinker had a very specific vision in mind when he created them, and he brought that vision to life through the proportions, materials, etc, so yes, even the little annoyances we complain about can make a BIG difference.  It's those "little things" that made the shoes what they were.  To alter those things is to ruin the shoe.  It's not an issue of whether you can continue making a boat load more by continuing to sell out low grade products.  Obviously they will sell despite the piss-poor quality, but if you have even an ounce of pride in yourself, at some point you have to put legacy and heritage above sheer greed.  I know, I know....this is a foreign, hard to understand concept for most Americans today, but you can (just) do it!

2. Put the Nike AIR back on the appropriate retros.  I have a pretty good idea why MJ puts the Jumpman on the back of the retros, and it revolves around his immense ego.  It's his way of saying "f*ck you, Nike.  I made Nike what it is today.  It's all about ME!"  Even with the retros, he wants to clearly set apart JB from Nike to signify that Nike's success is due mostly to him and his line, even if it means making the shoes look off (and I don't mean just because it's not like the originals; I mean the placement of the Jumpman on older classics just doesn't fit).  Well news flash, Michael.  If it wasn't for Nike taking a HUGE gamble on you by giving you an unheard of offer in the amount you were paid as well as your own line with your actual name on it, you wouldn't have had jack sh*t.  Did you forget what you were told when you went to Adidas and Converse, your  preferred brands, and told them  you'd go with either if they could just match the offer?  They told you to go f*ck yourself.  There's no way they'd offer that to an athlete.  So try to be a bit more humble, and pay homage to those that helped launch your career.  You both benefited mutually.  After all, as brilliant of a basketball player as you were, let's not forget it's the true commercialism of the "Air Jordan" concept that really helped elevate (pun intended) your popularity and success.

3. Stop needlessly raising prices on retros.  And don't give me the *******t "inflation" excuse.  Inflation doesn't apply to reproductions of products from 10/15/20+ years ago.  You see, the majority of costs for retail goods comes not from the cost of the materials to make the product, but from the research and development process.  Paying people to come up with initial ideas and designs, paying for the molds, materials and labor to create those initial designs, testing them in real world applications, finding the flaws, designing fixes for those flaws, paying for molds, materials and labor to create the "revised" product, test the revised product again, and so on.  This process is repeated until the company feels satisfied with the results, and calls that last version the "final product".  THEN you can factor in the meager cost of actual materials, and the labor to put the final product together, which is usually nothing.  Well in the case of retro shoes, the R&D is completely removed from the equation, thus the cost has dropped IMMENSELY to recreate the shoes.  You are down to just the cost of materials and labor needed to create the shoe, so right off the bat, your profit margin even at original prices has grown exponentially.  Then factor in the fact that they're using even lower grade materials, less of the expensive trim on certain shoes, etc, and not only have you lost any credibility in raising prices, but there's no excuse for why the shoes aren't priced even LESS than when they were new!  It's sheer greed.

4. Stop the defamation of classics through horrible colorways, and the bastardized inbreeding of several classics to create "new shoes".  Things like the "Pistons" colorway of the VIs, or the BIN edition of the VIIs are nothing more than an atrocity to otherwise timeless classics.  With all the possibilities in color blocking, it boggles the mind that this is the crap that they come up with.  I've seen people Photoshop colorways that are 10x better than anything JB is coming up with these days, so why can't these "creative professionals" come up with something as good, or better?  And I'm not going to get into the abomination that is the Spiz'ikes, Fusions, True Flights, 6-Rings, AJFs, Dub-zeros, 60+, Ol'Schools, Flight 45s, etc.  I don't know who dreams up this stuff, but sometimes I wonder if the goal isn't to see how hideous they can make their products before they stop selling.  Seriously....how hard is it to come up with brand new shoes instead of offering rehashings of previous shoes by mashing together several editions, or "borrowing" concepts?  You are designers.  DESIGN!  Get back to the innovation that made the Air Jordan line the premium cream of the crop in basketball shoes.

Synopsis:  Pride, legacy and heritage above greed, please.


Couldn't have said it any better.
Originally Posted by Anomaly

1. Put out better quality retros that are on par, or at least close to the originals.  Stop skimping on the quality by reducing the grade of materials used, or the cut of certain shoes in order to use less of the expensive materials, the inaccurate molds, the painting of midsoles instead of injecting the paint into the foam, etc just because you can "get away with it".  The originals were classics because Tinker had a very specific vision in mind when he created them, and he brought that vision to life through the proportions, materials, etc, so yes, even the little annoyances we complain about can make a BIG difference.  It's those "little things" that made the shoes what they were.  To alter those things is to ruin the shoe.  It's not an issue of whether you can continue making a boat load more by continuing to sell out low grade products.  Obviously they will sell despite the piss-poor quality, but if you have even an ounce of pride in yourself, at some point you have to put legacy and heritage above sheer greed.  I know, I know....this is a foreign, hard to understand concept for most Americans today, but you can (just) do it!

2. Put the Nike AIR back on the appropriate retros.  I have a pretty good idea why MJ puts the Jumpman on the back of the retros, and it revolves around his immense ego.  It's his way of saying "f*ck you, Nike.  I made Nike what it is today.  It's all about ME!"  Even with the retros, he wants to clearly set apart JB from Nike to signify that Nike's success is due mostly to him and his line, even if it means making the shoes look off (and I don't mean just because it's not like the originals; I mean the placement of the Jumpman on older classics just doesn't fit).  Well news flash, Michael.  If it wasn't for Nike taking a HUGE gamble on you by giving you an unheard of offer in the amount you were paid as well as your own line with your actual name on it, you wouldn't have had jack sh*t.  Did you forget what you were told when you went to Adidas and Converse, your  preferred brands, and told them  you'd go with either if they could just match the offer?  They told you to go f*ck yourself.  There's no way they'd offer that to an athlete.  So try to be a bit more humble, and pay homage to those that helped launch your career.  You both benefited mutually.  After all, as brilliant of a basketball player as you were, let's not forget it's the true commercialism of the "Air Jordan" concept that really helped elevate (pun intended) your popularity and success.

3. Stop needlessly raising prices on retros.  And don't give me the *******t "inflation" excuse.  Inflation doesn't apply to reproductions of products from 10/15/20+ years ago.  You see, the majority of costs for retail goods comes not from the cost of the materials to make the product, but from the research and development process.  Paying people to come up with initial ideas and designs, paying for the molds, materials and labor to create those initial designs, testing them in real world applications, finding the flaws, designing fixes for those flaws, paying for molds, materials and labor to create the "revised" product, test the revised product again, and so on.  This process is repeated until the company feels satisfied with the results, and calls that last version the "final product".  THEN you can factor in the meager cost of actual materials, and the labor to put the final product together, which is usually nothing.  Well in the case of retro shoes, the R&D is completely removed from the equation, thus the cost has dropped IMMENSELY to recreate the shoes.  You are down to just the cost of materials and labor needed to create the shoe, so right off the bat, your profit margin even at original prices has grown exponentially.  Then factor in the fact that they're using even lower grade materials, less of the expensive trim on certain shoes, etc, and not only have you lost any credibility in raising prices, but there's no excuse for why the shoes aren't priced even LESS than when they were new!  It's sheer greed.

4. Stop the defamation of classics through horrible colorways, and the bastardized inbreeding of several classics to create "new shoes".  Things like the "Pistons" colorway of the VIs, or the BIN edition of the VIIs are nothing more than an atrocity to otherwise timeless classics.  With all the possibilities in color blocking, it boggles the mind that this is the crap that they come up with.  I've seen people Photoshop colorways that are 10x better than anything JB is coming up with these days, so why can't these "creative professionals" come up with something as good, or better?  And I'm not going to get into the abomination that is the Spiz'ikes, Fusions, True Flights, 6-Rings, AJFs, Dub-zeros, 60+, Ol'Schools, Flight 45s, etc.  I don't know who dreams up this stuff, but sometimes I wonder if the goal isn't to see how hideous they can make their products before they stop selling.  Seriously....how hard is it to come up with brand new shoes instead of offering rehashings of previous shoes by mashing together several editions, or "borrowing" concepts?  You are designers.  DESIGN!  Get back to the innovation that made the Air Jordan line the premium cream of the crop in basketball shoes.

Synopsis:  Pride, legacy and heritage above greed, please.


Couldn't have said it any better.
I can do it in less words. Not all sneakers appeal to all people. JB comes out with crap and SOMEONE will buy it, SOMEONE will hate it. Buy what you like and you'll never get disappointed. At least thats what I do. I never left JB. Because of that very simple way of looking at it.
I can do it in less words. Not all sneakers appeal to all people. JB comes out with crap and SOMEONE will buy it, SOMEONE will hate it. Buy what you like and you'll never get disappointed. At least thats what I do. I never left JB. Because of that very simple way of looking at it.
I appreciate yall of your thoughts on this.
It's really nice to get a clear picture of how JB consumers on both ends of the spectrum feel about the state of the brand.

Any more thoughts; keep them coming.
I appreciate yall of your thoughts on this.
It's really nice to get a clear picture of how JB consumers on both ends of the spectrum feel about the state of the brand.

Any more thoughts; keep them coming.
Nothing.  The landscape for Jordan's has forever changed.  It's not about retros, better quality or the things that. 

It's just our perception has grown 'old' and we understand now that it's a business. 

I used to love Jordan's so much when Slam was the only source about finding what the newest kicks were.  The internet has changed that forever, and Slam has gone south ever since.  The excitement is different. 

It's a very short-lived; hypebeast type of happiness and what I mean is the excitement to having your online order go through for OG retros (XIII white/red, Playoffs etc.) up until they arrive at your door.  But lest we forget we can order MULTIPLES of a shoe now, that in which kills the joy of 'earning' approval from parents to buy them at the store.  Yes, those were the times. 

I'm at a point where anything can be attainable, Nike can give you Jordan's for your cash.  And if you don't want to pay extra just go line up (see the DB III release)
Nothing.  The landscape for Jordan's has forever changed.  It's not about retros, better quality or the things that. 

It's just our perception has grown 'old' and we understand now that it's a business. 

I used to love Jordan's so much when Slam was the only source about finding what the newest kicks were.  The internet has changed that forever, and Slam has gone south ever since.  The excitement is different. 

It's a very short-lived; hypebeast type of happiness and what I mean is the excitement to having your online order go through for OG retros (XIII white/red, Playoffs etc.) up until they arrive at your door.  But lest we forget we can order MULTIPLES of a shoe now, that in which kills the joy of 'earning' approval from parents to buy them at the store.  Yes, those were the times. 

I'm at a point where anything can be attainable, Nike can give you Jordan's for your cash.  And if you don't want to pay extra just go line up (see the DB III release)
What it would take to get me back is the complete opposite of the direction JB has taken.

#1- Stop oversaturating the market with the Jumpman symbol.
#2- Get back to the signature line being jawdropping every single year... and not out of disgust.
#3- Improve the quality, mainly on retros.

But those 3 things go against what Jordan Brand is doing. Make sure every shoe store has a Jumpman visible every 2 feet, just throw something weird out there for a sig model (and call it 'groundbreaking' and 'daring'), and use the cheapest 'premium' leather available; that's the current mission statement.
What it would take to get me back is the complete opposite of the direction JB has taken.

#1- Stop oversaturating the market with the Jumpman symbol.
#2- Get back to the signature line being jawdropping every single year... and not out of disgust.
#3- Improve the quality, mainly on retros.

But those 3 things go against what Jordan Brand is doing. Make sure every shoe store has a Jumpman visible every 2 feet, just throw something weird out there for a sig model (and call it 'groundbreaking' and 'daring'), and use the cheapest 'premium' leather available; that's the current mission statement.
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